Minutes, January 21, 2025

Minutes from the January 21, 2025 Clarksville CDC Monthly Meeting


Due to inclement weather, the meeting was held virtually.


Board members present: Aubrey Carter, BJ Friedman, Paula Hern, Felecia Miller, Kim O’Brien, Chris Thomas


1.     Approval of minutes from the November 19, 2024 monthly meeting.

On a motion by Chris, seconded by Aubrey, the minutes were approved.


2.     Presentation of monthly financial reports. Brad Prak, Prak Property Management.

Brad was unable to attend the meeting.

The November and December financial reports are posted on the CCDC website.


3.     Monthly property reports:

a.     CCDC properties managed by Prak Property Management.

Kim shared information shared by Brad that all but 2 vacancies have been pre-leased. Candidates are being considered for the remaining 2.


b.      New construction at 1611 W. 10th Street. Kim O’Brien.

Kim reported that the majority of the work on the house is completed, but a slew of inspections must be completed before we can receive our Certificate of Occupancy. Sod will go in as soon as the weather allows.


4.     Discussion of board vacancies.

Five members expressed interest in filling the current two vacancies on the CCDC Board.
After going into Executive Session, all board members present voted to appoint Billy Edwards to the term that expires in April 2025, and Amanda Cox to the term that expires April 2026.


5.     Discussion of opening a separate checking account for the Haskell House. BJ Friedman.

BJ reported that it will ease operations if a separate checking account is opened to pay Haskell House expenses. Frost Bank says that there will be no additional charge for this account. BJ will act as the bookkeeper. On a motion by BJ, seconded by Chris, the board approved setting up a separate checking account.


6.     Report on Thanksgiving turkeys for the residents. Felecia Miller.

Felecia submitted a request through HEB’s charitable giving program and received  donated turkeys for all residents who wanted them. A few remaining turkeys were distributed through Sweet Home. She thanked BJ and Stan for picking up the turkeys. Plans for next year will include delivering the turkeys directly to the residents’ homes rather than having them pick them up at the Haskell House.


7.     Report on CCDC/OWANA Holiday/Caroling event. Paula Hern.

The Holiday/Caroling event was well attended, despite less than ideal weather. Kids enjoyed the ornament-making crafts and the snow machine. Adults enjoyed the libations and delicious tamales. Because of the weather, everyone gathered inside the Haskell House to sing carols, huddling together in the candle light. Afterward, a group of intrepid carolers had a great time circulating through the neighborhood, stopping to sing at residences and the businesses along West Lynn. Thanks to OWANA for helping to fund the event.


8.     Report from OWANA Steering and Zoning Committees. Paula Hern & Kim O’Brien.

Paula reported that Steve Amos is now the chair of OWANA. Kim reported the Zoning Committee continues to meet with representatives of the proposed developments at W. 6th Street and N. Lamar and Hartland Plaza (1717 W. 6th Street Lake Austin Commons PUD.)


9.     Other Business.

No Other Business was discussed.

10.  Executive Session, if necessary.

The Board met in Executive Session to discuss applications received to fill the 2 current CCDC board vacancies.


Actions taken via Electronic Vote:

On November 22, 2024, the board elected Chris Thomas to serve as President of the CCDC board of directors. This term will expire when new officers are elected at the May 2025 monthly board meeting. This matter was time-sensitive and could not wait until the January 2025 meeting.

On November 22, 2024, the board voted unanimously to amend current applicant and resident eligibility criteria. Going forward, CCDC will no longer require tenants to have children under the age of 18. There cannot, however, be a household consisting solely of full-time students. These changes will go into effect December 1, 2024. This matter was time-sensitive and could not wait until the January 2025 meeting.

On December 17, 2024, the board voted unanimously to approve the 2024 Audited Financial Statement, which contained no findings. The matter was time-sensitive and could not wait until the January 2025 meeting.



Financial Reports, January 2025


The Board did not meet in December 2024.