Minutes & Financial Reports
Minutes, September 19, 2017
Minutes from the September 19, 2017 Clarksville CDC Monthly Meeting
Board members present: Aubrey Carter, Malcolm Greenstein, Paula Hern, Kim O’Brien, Mary Reed, Teri Taylor, Chris Thomas, Gregory Tran
Others present: Rose Gabriel, RuthAnn Brown
1. On a motion by Malcolm, seconded by Paula, the minutes from the August 15, 2017 monthly board meeting were approved.
2. Rose reported that the August balance sheet shows a lost of $6000. This is due to a number of factors—annual pest control expenditure, insurance down payment (largest of the periodic payments), and expenses associated with unit make-readys—and warned that we may be showing losses for the next few months, as well, due to a number of make-ready projects. She also noted that the depreciation expense has decreased due to our additional unit (Theresa.) Despite the loss, our balances remain healthy: $6111 in checking, $119,654 in savings.
The Finance Committee will meet on September 21, 11:30 a.m. at Zocolo.
3. Two units are currently vacant and in the process of being made ready for new tenants. We are working with the City of Austin on one of the properties. Applicants for both units are being reviewed. All but one tenant is current on rent; the tenant who is behind is on a payment plan. Going forward, we will give all tenants living in a unit constructed prior to 1974 a copy of the City’s lead guidelines.
4. Community Conversation #2--“Preserving Neighborhood Character, Adding Diversity, Managing Density”—will be held October 3, 2017, 7-9 p.m., at St. Luke UMC, 1306 West Lynn. John Hennebergerwill be the speaker. John will speak for approximately 30 minutes, then the floor will be opened to questions from the audience. Mary is posting information on Nextdoor, on the CCDC website, and via her email list. Yard signs will available soon to be placed in Clarksville and OWANA. Mary has contacted Kathy Tovo, but her schedule is very full.
5. The board decided not to reschedule the Ice Cream Social that was canceled due to Hurricane Harvey.)
6. RuthAnn Brown shared details of her upcoming upcoming Block Party, tentatively titled the Clarksville Funk Fest. It will be held on Saturday, November 4, 2017, noon to 5 p.m. The board agreed to RuthAnn’s request to use the yard and back porch of the Neighborhood Center, as well as the Center’s electricity. She’s got 4 bands lined up and is hoping to book 2 more. They’ll play outside the Neighborhood Center. The Fest t-shirt will feature a tree—the roots will bear the names of Clarksville’s original residents and the branches and leaves the names of those who’ve come after but have made difference in the neighborhood.
7. The annual Haunted House will be held at the Haskell House on October 31,
6-8 pm. Mary will reach out to CCDC tenants Brooke & Kate who have helped in the past and are very creative.
8. In Other Business:
Mary reported that the owner of the vacant lot on corner of Waterston and Woodlawn has submitted plans for the property. A very large stucco house that will face Woodlawn is proposed, along with a 2-car garage that also faces Woodlawn. An ADU is also proposed. It, too, is planned to be stucco. It will face Waterson, along with its 1-car garage. This property has a restrictive covenant on it. CCDC, along with David Gottfried (nearby landowner) and OWANA are parties to the restrictive covenant and all must sign off on plans for the property. Mary will work to obtain concessions on the property, to include, but not be limited to, more appropriate building materials and relocation of the proposed garages along with the possibility of making them carports rather than garages.
Mary has learned from the City that the house at 10th & Toyath has been sold and the new owners are going through the permitting process.
Mary expressed concern about 1100 Toyath. This is a historically-contributing house, and the windows and door have been removed, as well as the back half of the house. She contacted the architect about so much of the house being taken off and was told that they “we’re living up to the spirit of the agreement” reached with Steve Sadowsky. Mary and Aubrey will meet tomorrow with the architect and the builders for a site visit.
Mary reported that the new version of CodeNext is out. Some changes from the last draft include: transect zones are eliminated; nomenclature has been extended to the entire city, not just central city. Things that have not changed: CodeNext is still not following Imagine Austin, nor reflecting Neighborhood Plans. The adoption timeline remains the same.
Councilmember Tovo’s amendment regarding the Historic Landmark Commission (see Electronic Vote item below) is scheduled to be voted on at the September 28, 2017 City Council meeting. Mary urges board members to attend the meeting and/or send a letter in support of the amendment.
There will be a memorial event for Dick Clark on Sunday, October 1 at the Paramount. Doors open at 5:30, event starts at 6. Board members are urged to attend.
9. The board did not meet in Executive Session.
Action taken via Electronic Vote:
On August 21, 2017, the board voted to support Councilmember Kathie Tovo’s proposed resolution to require only a simple majority of the Historic Landmark Commission to approve historic zoning over the wishes of the property owner. (Note: HLC approval is only the first step in the zoning change process.) This matter was time-sensitive and could not wait until the September meeting.
Minutes, August 15, 2017
Minutes from August 15, 2017 Clarksville CDC Monthly Meeting
Board Members present: Malcolm Greenstein, BJ Friedman, Aubrey Carter, Mary Reed, Teri Taylor, Paula Hern, Chris Thomas, Gregory Tran
Others present: Rose Gabriel (CCDC property manager)
1. On a motion by BJ, seconded by Teri, the minutes from the June 20, 2017 monthly board meeting were approved. BJ suggested a clarification on item #2 regarding accounting expenses of the July 18, 2017 minutes. With that condition, they were passed on a motion by BJ and seconded by Teri. (Secretary’s Note: this clarification is has been made.)
2. Rose presented Financial Report. Teri pointed out that the depreciation expense listed is not an actual CASH loss.
3. Rose presented the Property management report. Three tenants are behind by $2,000-$3,000. The board discussed methods to resolve. The Board discussed lead and lead remediation and possible release documents. Discussed tenant behind on rent and how to resolve. The board also revisited a recent decision to not renew a tenant’s lease because of the board’s desire to return the property to the CCDC’s stock of affordable housing (due to the history of the property, the tenant of this particular unit had not been required to meet CCDC’s income qualifications.) On a motion by BJ, seconded by Teri, the board stood by their decision. The board agreed to extend the lease for 1011B Charlotte until December 2017.
4. The board discussed Community Conversation Report #1: items discussed were the video, the discussion and the very large attendance and public participation. The board discussed a second CodeNEXT discussion at St. Luke Methodist in October and having John Henneberger speak.
5. The board discussed the upcoming Ice Cream Social scheduled on August 27, 2017, scheduled: 3:00 pm-5:00pm. The board discussed balloons and prizes. (ed. note: rained out)
6. There was no Other Business discussed.
7. The board met in Executive session.
The board adjourned at 7:40 pm.
Action taken via Electronic Vote:
On July 25, 2017, the board voted not to renew the lease for 1708 B W. 10th Street. This matter was time-sensitive and could not wait until the August meeting.
Minutes, July 18, 2017
Minutes from the July 18, 2017 Monthly Board Meeting
Board members present: Aubrey Carter, BJ Friedman, Mary Reed, and Gregory Tran
No votes were taken at this meeting because we did not have a quorum.
1. The minutes from June 20, 2017 meeting could not be approved. They will appear on next month’s agenda.
2. Financial Report: We had a loss and several tenants are behind. Expenses included an expense for accounting fees of several thousand due to our annual audit. Had 2 vacancies last month and 2 where tenants didn’t pay rent. There was a loss of $763 for June due to $2,094 in accounting costs to pay for audit and form 990 filing. The checking balance is $1,987, savings balance $124,654.
The Finance Committee meeting did not take place because several members are out of town.
3. Property Management Report: Two tenants are behind with rent. We did a make-ready at 1729B W 11th. They moved in July 12th. The tenants came from the Salvation Army, and a local company donated a washer and dryer for the unit, and they delivered and installed them as well.
4. Community conversation series: The 1st conversation is scheduled for July 26th Wednesday at St Luke. Mary and Aubrey will be going early to help prepare. Mary reported that we have secured speakers for Community Conversation #1. They are: Laura Morrison, former city council member; Mary Sanger, one of the founders of Community not Commodity; and Karen McGraw, architect and Planning Commission member. We are promoting with yard signs in the neighborhood and area. OWANA got 25 signs and we will put them up. We passed out flyers door to door in Clarksville to promote the event. We also put up a new page on our website to promote the conversations. Mary posted on Nextdoor and OWANA list serve and our email list.
The 2nd event, “Preserving Neighborhood Character, Adding Diversity, Managing Density” will be in late August or early September. John Henneberger, housing expert and MacArthur fellow has already agreed to be a speaker at Community Conversation #2. Mary will contact Mayor Pro Tem Tovo's office to find out if she will speak about the city's initiatives in the area of increasing neighborhood diversity and affordability at the event. Mary also indicated that Community Conversation #3 would focus on using an LHD as a neighborhood preservation tool.
5. Prospective date for the next Ice Cream Social will be August 27th. BJ Friedman suggested adding a cookie contest.
6. RuthAnn Brown could not attend the meeting so discussion of the Clarksville Block Party was postponed.
7. Under Other Business, we agreed to invite OWANA to hold their Steering Committee meetings at the Haskell House.
8. The Board did not meet in Executive Session.
Minutes, June 20, 2017
Minutes from the June 20, 2017 Clarksville CDC Meeting
Board members present: , Aubrey Carter, BJ Friedman, Malcolm Greenstein, Paula Hern, Mary Reed, Teri Taylor, and Gregory Tran.
Others present: Michael Coyne, Rose Gabriel, Dave Sullivan
1. Minutes were approved for the Annual Meeting on April 18, 2017 and the April 18, 2017 monthly meeting. Malcolm moved approval and Aubrey seconded both motions.
2. Teri Taylor, CCDC Treasurer, reported on the CCDC’s Financial Status. In May, we had a total income of $16,042.89 and expenses of $11,494.95 for a net balance of $4,547.94.
Teri discussed the annual audit. It looked good, with a few minor corrections. It was recommended that the Finance Committee take consistent notes for meetings outside regular board meetings. A debit card associated with CCDC was obtained so we do not have to reimburse board members for expenses. The auditor recommended reviewing debit card receipts to avoid unauthorized charges. Teri encouraged board members to carefully review monthly financial reports for oversight.
Taxes will be filed (990) now that the audit is completed.
3. Rose Gabriel, CCDC Property Manager, reported on some issues with tenant’s bounced checks. Another tenant who was delinquent is now current on rent; Rose will wait about 6 months before renewing their lease to confirm their commitment to prompt rent payment.
1009A is still vacant as we continue to research the real date of construction of the house.
1729 just became vacant. It is being painted and repaired before rented. Tenants who moved bought a house.
3 potential applicants will be presented to the Tenant Selection Committee.
4. Officer elections – Malcolm recommended that the current officers continue. Aubrey seconded. The motion was approved.
5. Mary Reed reported that a large table and chairs were donated for the Haskell House. She recommended we move our meetings to the Haskell House. Wifi and a small refrigerator will be installed. Aubrey moved approval. Malcolm seconded the motion. The motion was approved. Next month’s meeting will be held there. A reminder will be sent before the next meeting to board members reminding them of the new location.
6. Mary reported that the Bales House on Theresa Street will be torn down based on approval from the Historic Landmark Commission. The property was divided into 3 lots. Mary, Aubrey and Rosemary Merriam, Zoning Chair of OWANA met with the Joseph Group. They will build 2 large, 2 story modern houses with ADUs in the back. They also met with the folks who will build on the 3rd lot. It will be slightly less modern than the other 2.
7. David Sullivan, who is a member of the Land Development Code Advisory Group and lives on Waterson, met with the board to discuss his perspective of the first draft of CodeNEXT, which is out for comments. Three additional drafts will be developed based on input. The final proposal will be voted on by Council in Spring 2018. He primarily discussed issues affecting Clarksville, such as permitting density bonuses to promote affordable housing.
The board had many questions such as how will the city enforce the requirements for affordable units, how will the code affect commercial properties?
Dave encouraged board members to speak with him individually about further questions. Comment periods are still open for some portions. Since CodeNEXT is so complicated, there are videos available on line that explain the process and drafts.
8. Mary distributed a handout about CodeNEXT and explained it. She met with some other neighborhood people and Mary Sanger, who is very involved in the process to protect neighborhoods. She has organized a group called “Community Not Commodity”. She encourages us to write a response citing our concerns to present to the Council. Most neighborhoods have done this, but OWANA and we have not. Mary asked any board members who are interested in developing our response to assist her in writing our position. The board will then approve it before being sent to City Council.
We will have an informational meeting to educate the Clarksville community and gather their input at a later date.
9. The meeting was adjourned at 7:55PM.
Minutes (Annual and Monthly Meetings), April 18, 2017
Minutes from the Annual Meeting
Board members present: BJ Friedman, Malcolm Greenstein, Paula Hern, Kim O’Brien, Mary Reed, Teri Taylor, Chris Thomas, and Gregory Tran.
Others present: Rose Gabriel and Sonia Hoepfner
1. Mary Reed, CCDC President, reported on the “State of the CCDC” Annual Report. (Report will be attached; waiting to receive electronic copy from Mary.)
2. Teri Taylor, CCDC Treasurer, reported on the CCDC’s Financial Status. Teri’s report covered the CCDC’s fiscal year, which ended in September 2016. Our financial status is strong, showing total income of $174,417, total expenses of $164,418, resulting in a net annual surplus of $9,999.
Teri shared this interesting statistic: the average rent for a 1 bedroom house in Clarksville is $1450/month, as compared to the CCDC’s average rent for a 2 bedroom house is $950.
3. Rose Gabriel, CCDC Property Manager, reported on the CCDC’s housing program. We are lucky to have very little tenant turnover. Over all, this has been a good year, and it’s shaping up to be even better. We soon will be adding the Alley Flat to our housing stock. It took 5 years from the time this idea was introduced to the CCDC to completion, but we will shortly see a new CCDC house ready for occupancy.
4. Kim O’Brien, CCDC Secretary, acting as the Election Administrator, announced the results of the Board election. The four candidates on the ballot were elected to serve two-year terms. Aubrey Carter, BJ Friedman, Teri Thomas, and Gregory Tran—all previous board members—will serve until April 2019.
Kim reported that the membership drive brought in 51 members. Of those, 15 voted absentee. Another 9 voted in person prior to the meeting, bringing the total number of voters to 24, for a 47% voter turnout.
Minutes from the Monthly Meeting
Board members present: BJ Friedman, Malcolm Greenstein, Paula Hern, Kim O’Brien, Mary Reed, Teri Taylor, Chris Thomas, and Gregory Tran.
Others present: Rose Gabriel and Sonia Hoepfner
1. On a motion by BJ, seconded by Malcolm, the minutes from the March 21, 2017 monthly board meeting were approved. (Corrections noted have been made in the official record.)
2. In March we showed a net loss of $14,348. The loss is due to construction bills from the Alley Flat. We have spent the city’s grant money, and are now spending funds from our HomeBase loan. Because of repayments from loan sources, this month’s loss will be offset next month. Our checking balance shows a net loss of $1564, our savings balance is a robust $144,654.
The annual audit is underway.
There was no Finance Committee meeting this month.
3. Rose gave the property management report. All but two tenants are current. Payment plans are in effect, and leases will not be renewed until tenants are current. 1009A Charlotte is still vacant; waiting to make contact with the person who donated the house to the CCDC in the 1980s, so that we will have proof as to when the house was built.
As a follow up to last month’s discussion, Rose stated that for filling future vacancies, she will submit applicants that she determines fit the property and the board’s requirements. She will have met with them in person prior to submitting them. She’s preparing a questionnaire for prospective tenants that will obtain all the information both she and the board needs. Her recommendations will be presented to the Tenant Selection Committee.
4. The CCDC Alley Flat house, 1817B W. 10th Street, is complete. An Open House is scheduled for April 19, 5-7 p.m. City Councilmember Kathy Tovo will speak at 5:30. Snacks will be served. Everyone is welcome.
5. Deteriorating conditions at the house located at W. 10th and Toyath were discussed. We have heard that the property was up for auction. Discussion concerned finding out if this was true. Regardless, there may be a need to file a complaint to the City regarding conditions.
6. Kim brought up that there had been discussion about amending the current membership policy requiring annual membership. The board agreed that this is cumbersome, and also agreed that the bylaws do not specifically require this. After discussion, the board agreed to allow for membership to be “permanent.” There was recognition that there might be some technical/”paperwork” difficulties with this as we go forward, and agreed to revisit this policy as needed.
7. The Clarksville Family FunFest will take place on Sunday, May 7, 1-5 p.m. Mary will email the volunteer schedule and other details to the board. Ruthann Brown will be selling her BBQ plates again, and the board will be serving chili, frito pies, ice cream and, popcorn. Thanks to Monica Wu and others, the silent auction looks to be a bit better this year. The entertainment will include some new performers, along with some past favorites.
8. Under Other Business, Mary reported that we received a nice email from the new owners of the Mary Baylor house, 1607 W. 10th Street. Their renovation is progressing—they have the inside done, having saved the original floors and the shiplap walls. They now are working on the outside and hope to have all the siding up and house painted this summer. When it’s all done, they want to invite the board over for an Open House. The board agreed that it wonderful to see this historic house, which was slated for demolition, so lovingly restored. Everyone considers it a victory for Clarksville.
9. The board did not meet in Executive Session.
Minutes, March 21, 2017
Board members present: BJ Friedman, Malcolm Greenstein, Paula Hern, Kim O’Brien, Mary Reed, Teri Taylor, Chris Thomas, and Gregory Tran
Others present: Rose Gabriel, Amanda Van Over
1. On a motion by Malcolm, seconded by Paula, the minutes from the February 21, 2017 monthly board meeting were approved.
2. Rose reported that we showed a loss in February of $6672 due to expenses related to the Alley Flat house. We have expended all of the City’s money. We ended the month with a checking balance of $2855 and a savings balance of $156,646. Large balance in savings is due to HomeBase loan money. We have not had to use any of that money because we have been able to cover all Alley Flat expenses with income on hand. Regarding the additional $50,000 that is available to us from HomeBase, we do not need it at this time.
We are in the process of our annual audit.
3. Rose presented the property management report. A couple of tenants are behind, and she is working with them. One tenant has had a change in income status, which is creating trouble. His/her rent will likely be adjusted downward when the tenant requalifies.
1009A Charlotte will remain vacant for the near future. Rose is looking for proof that the house was built prior to 1978 in order to qualify for the City’s lead abatement program. The tax rolls show the house having been built in 1984, but this is when the house was donated to the CCDC and moved to its present location. She will contact the previous owner in hopes of obtaining documentation.
4. The new CCDC house (Alley Flat) located at 1817B W. 10th Street is practically complete. There is a problem with the driveway that must be corrected, and the landscaping remains to be done. An Open House is scheduled for Wednesday, April 19 (Note: this is the correct date, but not the date discussed at the meeting.)
5. Clarksville resident Amanda Van Over spoke to the board about Mary Baylor Clarksville Park. Amanda is a relatively new resident of Clarksville and is interested in seeing increased utilization of the park. Some of the things she mentioned were vintage games, and kickball and pickle ball leagues. Amanda and the board discussed the CCDC’s limited role in the city-owned park, as well as potential ideas for moving forward. One suggestion was that Amanda have a table at FunFest to gauge interest. We agreed to discuss this matter further as she gathers information.
6. Kim reminded the board that of the upcoming membership drive and April board elections. Membership applications will be posted on the website, the bulletin boards at the Neighborhood Center and Fresh Plus, Sweet Home, and all residences in Clarksville. The election will take place on Tuesday, April 18, 5:30-6:30, at the Neighborhood Center. Four places are up for election. Current board members, Aubrey Carter, BJ Friedman, Teri Thomas, and Gregory Tran are running for another term. Others interested in running have until March 30 to notify Kim of their interest. Only members can serve on the board and/or vote in the election. Election results will be announced at the Annual Meeting that begins at 6:30 pm on April 18.
7. Under Other Business, Chris discussed making changes to the way that the Tenant Selection Committee interviews prospective tenants. Rose has received feedback from persons interviewed that the current process is awkward. Members of the Tenant Selection Committee agree. Rose reported that the Guadalupe NDC board does not interview their prospective tenants, instead their director interviews and, based on objective criteria, makes his recommendation to the board. After discussion, the board directed Rose to develop a questionnaire to be used for all interviews and report back to the board.
8. The Board did not meet in Executive Session
Minutes, February 21, 2017
Minutes, Clarksville CDC Monthly Meeting
February 21, 2017
Board members present: Aubrey Carter, BJ Friedman, Malcolm Greenstein, Paula Hern, Kim O’Brien, Mary Reed, Teri Taylor, Chris Thomas, Gregory Tran
Others present: Abby Tatkow (ECHO)
1. On a motion by Malcolm, seconded by BJ, the minutes from the January 17, 2017 monthly board meeting were approved.
2. The Finance Committee did not meet this month. Rose was not present at the meeting, but Teri shared the Financial Reports. The January report showed a net loss of $13,245—these are due to expenses related to 1817B W. 10th (Alley Flat) that are awaiting reimbursement. The checking account balance is $7789, savings balance is $156,646.
3. Regarding the property management reports, two tenants are behind in rent but are in the process of catching up. Their leases will not be renewed until they are current.
4. Abby Tatkow from Ending Community Homelessness Coalition (ECHO) made a presentation to the board. Since most board members were not familiar with ECHO, she gave an overview of her agency’s purpose. ECHO is 5 years old, a product of President Obama’s Opening Doors directive to end homelessness. ECHO is the community lead agency that provides the data and brings together the service providers. Currently, 3,500 households experience homelessness in Austin on any given night. More than 60% of the homeless population in Austin is made up of single people. ECHO administers the Coordinated Assessment. Goal is to have contact with all homeless people in area so that they are entered into the system so that those that need help are identified. The problem is that there are not enough resources to meet the need. Since Austin is data-driven, ECHO has been spending their time collecting and assessing the data.
ECHO’s first priority in Austin was veterans. A successful initiative, they have reached “functional zero” for homelessness of this population, but efforts continue while ECHO is also focusing on other populations. Their next priority was chronic homeless, but since they just received a big grant for youth homelessness, that’s become the priority—they go where the money is.
An example of an ECHO priority is a system they’ve created with the Austin Housing Authority where they’ve been able to gain access to Section 8 information to create a prioritization system for those at risk of homelessness. Each month, 5 Section 8 vouchers are reserved for people working with coalition agencies.
Abby is with ECHO’s Community Housing Department, whose goal is to expand housing opportunities for people exiting homelessness. She is making the rounds of CDCs and NDCs in order to learn more about what we do. Mary shared information about the CCDC, letting her know that we only serve families, and have a low turnover rate.
We agreed to share our vacancy information with ECHO so that the information can be shared with the network of coalition agencies. All of the people that they would refer are engaged in services and have a case manager.
Malcolm asked about the increase of homeless persons he’s noted in the past 3-4 months on Cesar Chavez near the Terrazas Library, and Aubrey noted an increase around his office near downtown. Abby said that ECHO is aware of what’s going on and in the last month has gone out and done surveys of the people on the street. She hypothesized that some of the uptick might be related to K2 use.
Abby stated that she is hoping to be able to tap into housing availability on the west side. A discussion of the high cost of available rental housing followed. She said that ECHO is working on a program with COA on buy-downs—one-time payments to landlords to bring down rents.
BJ asked about any efforts to provide tax abatements to landlords who are interested in providing affordable housing but can’t afford it because of high taxes. Abby said that the Mayor is looking at all options. One possibility being discussed is creating a risk mitigation fund which essentially acts as a guarantor for any damage to properties.
5. The expected completion date for the CCDC house at 1817B W. 10th Street (AKA the Alley Flat) is March 31, 2017. Per Rose’s notes: “We would like to plan an open house with ACDDC, date to be discussed. I have two current applications on file for qualified applicants. I will post on Section 8 website and Refugees Services of Austin once the unit is presentable for photos.”
Teri wondered if the family that wasn’t selected for last vacancy is being considered for the house. Per our conversation with Abby Tatkow(Agenda Item 5), we also want ECHO to be notified of the vacancy.
6. Kim reported that Board member elections will be held on April 18, 2017, prior to the evening’s Annual Meeting. Four positions up. These positions are currently held by Aubrey Carter, BJ Friedman, Teri Taylor, and Gregory Tran. All are interested in serving again. Information will be distributed to all neighborhood households, as well as shared via the CCDC website and bulletin boards at Fresh Plus and the Neighborhood Center, sharing information regarding the election, including a call for others interested in serving on the board. Information will also detail the membership drive (annual membership is required in order to vote in the election, and serve on the board.)
The board discussed ways to increase membership in the future. One suggestion was conducting a membership event in the fall—maybe a BBQ and Blues fest at the Haskell House—and maybe a CCDC canvas bag giveway (free to members, but also a possible fundraising opportunity.)
7. Mary reported that the music is lined up for the 2017 Family Fun Fest (Sunday, May 7, 1-5 p.m.) and we’ve secured use of the Health Center parking lot. RuthAnn Brown will be selling her BBQ plates again. And underwriters have been secure for almost everything.
8. In Other Business:
Mary reported that a meeting will be held tomorrow (2/22/17) at 2 p.m. for interested board members to meet with representatives of the Aldrich Place neighborhood (near Hemphill Park) to learn about their experiences regarding establishing a Local Historic District. The meeting will be held at the Haskell House.
Mary informed the board that Barbara Harlow, a good friend to the CCDC, passed away last month. Barbara, a humble woman with a very impressive resume, was an expert on resistance literature. In her last moments, friends gathered together to drink vodka tonics. Barbara’s last word was “Resist!” Because Barbara loved the Potlucks in the Park, we will hold one soon in her memory.
9. The board did not meet in Executive Session.
Minutes, January 17, 2017
Minutes from the January 17, 2017 Clarksville CDC Monthly Meeting
Board members present: BJ Friedman, Malcolm Greenstein, Paula Hern, Kim O’Brien, Mary Reed, Chris Thomas, Gregory Tran
Others present: Rose Gabriel
1. On a motion by BJ, seconded by Chris, the minutes from the November 15, 2016 monthly board meeting were approved.
2. Rose presented the financial report, which is for both November and December, 2016. We showed a net gain of $11,826. The savings balance was high ($143,493) but will start going down due to expenses related to 1817B W. 10th (we have expended the bond the money anticipated from the City.) The checking balance was $30,084.
3. Rose presented the property management report. Two tenants are behind. Both are on payment plans. Should leases expire before they get caught up, the leases will not be renewed until they are current.
4. Work on 1817B W. 10th Street is moving ahead, on schedule. We hope to be finished by the end of February. An Open House, including ACDDC, will be scheduled. Rose reported that it’s time to start interviewing potential tenants. Two applications are already on file, through referrals from current tenants. Per our loan agreement with the City, we can’t charge more than $750/month. Rose will inquire if we can exceed this amount if tenants are Section 8 qualified.
5. Paula reported that the CCDC/OWANA holiday caroling event was a big success. All of the food and wine was donated (thank you, Paula, Zocolo, and Nightcap!) so our expenses were very small (only printing associated with publicity. There was a good turnout and the Haskell House looked great.
6. Mary reported that the date for the 2017 Family Fun Fest has been set: Sunday, May 7, 1-5 p.m. A planning meeting is scheduled for January 23 to run through details. The outstanding sound guy is on board.
7. Under Other Business, Mary reported on the meeting she had with the woman who has a contract with the City to promote walking, and walking tours. She is interested in arranging a walking event, using our brochure (which we can sell at the event.) Details will follow as they firm up.
8. The board met in Executive Session to discuss a housing issue.
Finance Committee:
The Finance Committee did not meet this month.
Minutes, November 15, 2016
Minutes from the November 15, 2016 CCDC Monthly Board Meeting
Board members present: Aubrey Carter, BJ Friedman, Malcolm Greenstein, Kim O’Brien, Mary Reed, Teri Taylor, Chris Thomas
Others present: Rose Gabriel
1. On a motion by Chris, seconded by BJ, the minutes from the October 18, 2016 monthly board meeting were approved.
2. Rose gave the monthly financial report. Our net gain for the month of October was very healthy ($26,297) but it reflects a reimbursement of $18,751 from the City for the 1817B W. 10th Street project, which offsets the net loss of the previous month. The balance as of 10/31/16 were $21,110 in checking, $ 143,483 in savings.
3. Rose gave the monthly property management report. One tenant’s rent is late, but has a plan to get caught up by the end of the year. All leases are current. There were no big maintenance issues.
4. Rose reported that work is progressing on the CCDC house under construction at 1817B W. 10th Street. Framing is almost complete, and window installation began today. Siding installation is to start tomorrow. Rose submitted a reimbursement request last week and learned today that it has been processed.
5. Mary reported that the CCDC/OWANA holiday caroling event is scheduled for December 10, 6-8 p.m. Festivities will begin at the Haskell House, with food donated by Zocolo, and maybe Nightcap. Santa will be there. We will split costs associated with the event with OWANA; caroling afterward
6. The Halloween Haunted House was a big success. Tenants Brooke & Kate did the outdoor decorations, and some of the inside decorations alongside some board members. We raised some money, lots of folks just hung out front, and everyone had fun.
7. Under Other Business, the board discussed the status of 1618 Palma Plaza. (see Action taken via Electronic Vote below for previous CCDC action regarding this property.) City Council voted to deny the request for historic zoning. The owners can now demolish the house. OWANA was able to get the owners to agree to work with them on new design, and to donate money to fix up the pocket park located at West Lynn and Palma, along with some additional money for West Austin park. OWANA is satisfied with the result. There was no action on Councilmember Tovo’s proposal regarding changing quorum requirments for the Historic Landmark Commission. That issue is ongoing.
8. The board met in Executive Session to discuss tenant issues.
Action taken via Electronic Vote:
On October 31, 2016, the board voted to support historic zoning for 1618 Palma (located in the Old West Austin Registered Historic District) and a resolution before the City Council which seeks amend the City Code regarding the number of votes required, as well as the numbers of members of the Historic Landmark Commission who must be present in order to take certain actions regarding historic zoning and the release of demolition permits. This matter was time-sensitive and could not wait until the November meeting.
Finance Committee:
The Finance Committee met at 1:15 p.m on November 15, 2017. Present: Rose Gabriel, Mary Reed, Teri Taylor, Kim O’Brien. Expenditures and receipts from September were reviewed. Everything looks good. Mary has copies of Rose’s time sheets and will provide to Teri. Reimbursements from the city for 1817B W. 10th are going smoothly. HomeBase has cashed our previous check (toward principal and interest.) Another payment is due in December. Rose has received a bid for screens on all properties (except Neighborhood Center and Haskell House) that she thinks is high. She will seek other bids.
Minutes, October 18, 2016
Minutes from the October 18, 2016 CCDC Monthly Board Meeting
[Prior to the meeting, the Finance Committee met. (Board members present: Kim O’Brien, Mary Reed, Teri Taylor. Others present: Rose Gabriel.) Rose reported that she will share monthly credit card statements with the Finance Committee and will see that Mary receives copies of the timesheets when they are sent to the payroll processing firm. The proposed budget was discussed (specific notes included below under Agenda Item #2.)]
Board members present: Aubrey Carter, Paula Hern, Kim O’Brien, Mary Reed, Terry Taylor, Chris Thomas, Gregory Tran
Others present: Rose Gabriel (property manager)
1. On a motion by Aubrey, seconded by Teri, the minutes from the September 20, 2016 monthly board meeting were approved.
2. Rose gave the financial report. In September, we showed a net gain of $1601. The checking balance is $9861.53, and savings balance is at $129,000.
Teri presented the proposed budget for the next fiscal year. The budget shows $269,750 in income, and $284,491 in expenses, a net loss of $14,741. Since we ended the previous fiscal year with net income in the amount of $219,142, there will be ample funds to cover this imbalance. Three items on the budget were highlighted for discussion. Under Income/Grants, the $50,000 included anticipates returning to the Austin Housing Finance Corporation to request additional bond funds for the Alley Flat; if received, this will cover costs we had planned to pay from our own sources. Under Expense/Local Historic District, $4000 is included should we decide to pursue the LHD designation process. Under Expense/Loan Payment, $6000 is included to cover payments to HomeBase, but it is not known at this time if these payments will be required.
The budget included a 12% pay increase for property manager Rose Gabriel, a well deserved pay increase, and her first in a number of years.
In response to a question about the Expense/Renovations, repairs, supplies, Teri explained that the $28,404 budgeted is a ballpark figure and includes adding insulation and tankless water heaters to units, work that can only be done when there is turnover in tenants.
On a motion by Chris, seconded by Aubrey, the budget was approved unanimously.
3. Rose presented the property management report. One tenant remains behind due to a work-related injury, but is on a payment schedule and is getting caught up. The lease on the Neighborhood Center will be up at the end of the month. She is waiting to hear back on whether they will renew or not. Another lease that is up for renewal will be discussed next month in Executive Session
4. The foundation has been poured, lumber is on site, and framing is scheduled to begin on October 19. Rose will be taking photos as the project progresses. These will be shared on the CCDC blog (ClarksvilleCDC.org)
5. Mary reminded the board of the upcoming Halloween Haunted House, Saturday, October 29. 6:30-8:30 p.m. Admission will be $3/child. Tenants Brooke and Kate will be decorating the outside. Aubrey will work on this inside.
6. There was no Other Business
7. The board did not meet in Executive Session.
Minutes, September 20, 2016
Minutes from September 20, 2016 Clarksville CDC Monthly Meeting
Meeting called to order by Mary Reed, CCDC Board President at 6:30pm.
Board Members present: Mary Reed, Teri Taylor, Aubrey Carter, Gregory Tran, Malcolm Greenstein, Chris Thomas, Paula Hern, and BJ Friedman
Others present: Rose Gabriel (CCDC property manager) and Jerry Greenmeyer, neighbor,
Note: at 5:30 pm, prior to the CCDC Monthly Meeting, the CCDC Tenant Selection committee met and chose a new family to move in to 1720 A West 11th on October 1, 2016.
Meeting Minutes:
1. On a motion by Aubrey, seconded by Malcolm, the July 2016 minutes were approved. On a motion by Aubrey, seconded by Chris, the August 2016 minutes were approved
2. On a motion by Malcolm, seconded by Aubrey, BJ Friedman was approved to complete RuthAnn Brown’s term on the CCDC Board.
3. Rose presented the financial report. August 2016 net gain of $1,617, checking balance $12,269, savings balance $79,003.
4. Rose presented the property management report. All but one tenant is current on rent and they owe $577.50.; 1729 A West 11th has a new tenant who will move in on October 1, 2016
5. The Alley Flat foundation has been formed and plumbing line cut and set. Rebar to be installed next week
6. Mary and Rose met with Councilmember Kathy Tovo’s office to discuss their proposal that the CCDC be allowed to build an affordable single family home on a vacant lot owned by the City and that the City relocate the health center located at 1000 Toyath and allow the CCDC to build additional affordable homes there. Kathy was very receptive to the ideas and agreed to do some research on our behalf.
7. Mary announced that 1826 West 10th is for sale again. Because of personal issues, the new owner cannot renovate the house and build an additional structure on the lot. She told the board that she contacted the listing agent for the property to let her know that the house contributes to the Clarksville NRHD and that the CCDC would oppose any efforts to demolish it or make any changes to the house that would make it noncontributing. She said that the realtor was very sympathetic. Malcolm recommended that Mary follow up her phone conversation by putting everything in writing. That way, the realtor is obligated to share Mary’s information with all potential buyers. Mary said that she would do so.
8. Other business. Texas Appleseed is planning a series on gentrification and affordable housing and met with Mary because it wants part of the series to focus on Clarksville. As of now, the Clarksville event is scheduled for sometime in January 2017 at the Haskell House is January of 2017. The event will include a walking tour of the neighborhood and participants will receive a copy of the CCDC’s walking tour brochure.
Aubrey has agreed to spearhead the Haunted House again this year. The date and time are Saturday, October 29th from 6pm to 8pm.
RuthAnn Brown presented her ideas for a Clarksville Reunion to benefit Sweet Home Missionary Baptist Church. She asked if she could use the Pauline Brown Neighborhood Center parking lot for some of the music. On a motion from Chris Thomas, seconded by Paula, the CCDC board approved RuthAnn’s request. The event will take place on Saturday afternoon, November 5, 2016.
9. 7:20PM – The Board adjourned and went into Executive Session.
On August 17, 2016, the board voted to send a letter to the Historic Landmark Commission stating our support of the current plans for the construction of a new house at 1102 Charlotte. This item was on the board’s August 16, 2016 agenda, but could not be voted on due to a lack of quorum. The item was time-sensitive and could not wait until the next scheduled meeting.
Minutes, August 16, 2016
Minutes for Clarksville CDC Monthly Meeting
August 16, 2016
6:30 p.m.
Pauline Brown Clarksville Neighborhood Center
1807 W. 11th Street
Persons Present: Mary Reed, Malcolm Greenstein, Paula Hern, Gregory Tan, Aubrey Carter
Others Present: Kevin Brown
1. The minutes from July 19 were not approved as there was not a quorum.
2. There had not been a meeting of the finance committee. Feedback from the previous meeting was to have a financial audit every two years, do not use personal credit cards and meet more regularly. The CCDC account has moved to Frost bank and there is a CCDC credit card. It was also recommended either Mary or Teri look over Rose’s receipts and reconcile the credit card bills. It was noted the checking account will start going down due to construction costs of the alley flat.
3. An update on the property management report is being worked on. The one update mentioned was regarding 1729 A West 11th. A redo of the house is needed.
4. The foundation for the alley flat has not started yet due to the recent rains.
5. There was an update on 1826 W. 10th, a contributing home. Mary talked with the owner on August 16. He now wants to save the current home and add a unit on the back of the lot. There are no plans yet due to the owner’s personal issues. The house will not be on the HOC agenda until September.
6. There was an update on 1102 Charlotte Street, a new home. The plans for the home have been revised to conform to HLC requests which has put this house on their agenda perhaps August 22. Mary will draft a letter stating CCDC’s approval of the revised house plans.
7. Mary reported on the Neighborhood Potluck at Mary Baylor Park, July 24. She said it was a nice event, but there was lower attendance. Board members and renters did show for the event. There was a book exchange that had mild interest.
8. There was discussion of the CCDC Ice Cream Social, August 28. Everyone was asked to be there at 2:30 to help set up before the event at 3. Gregory will bring gift certificates. Aubrey will get ice cream and ice. And Mary will bring the balloons.
9. In other business, Mary said Ruth Ann continues to say she wants to resign the CCDC board. Mary reached out to BJ Friedman and she is willing to serve on the board. There will be a vote in the September meeting on her membership.
Minutes, July 19, 2016
Minutes from July 17, 2016 Clarksville CDC Monthly Meeting
Board Members present: Mary Reed, Teri Taylor, Aubrey Carter, Gregory Tran, Malcolm Greenstein, Chris Thomas
Others present: Rose Gabriel (CCDC property manager)
Note: at 6:00 pm, prior to the CCDC Monthly Meeting, the CCDC Finance committee met. Discussed at the meeting were:
-Form 990 for the fiscal year of 2014
-Debit Card transactions for the month of June 2016
-Annual Conflict of Interest forms for Board Members
Meeting Minutes:
1. On a motion by Malcolm, seconded by Teri, the minutes were approved with a correction to entry 5. regarding the proposed development at 1102 Charlotte. The correction, pointed out by Mary, was as follows: the sentence: "After much discussion, the board decided to send a letter...stating our support..." should read : "After much discussion, the board decided not to send a letter...stating our support...".
2. Rose presented the financial report and discussed upcoming renovations.
3. Rose presented the property management report:
- 1729 A West 11th and 1821 Waterston are slated for renovation.
- 1007 B Charlotte lease expires in 2017.
- late August will see Tenant Selection Committee meeting.
4. The Alley Flat project is to be staked out next week (week of July 24).
5. Discussion of meeting with owner/developer of 1826 W. 10th. Members discussed the history of the house and the owners apparent softening of his approach to the project. Members also discussed the project at 1102 Charlotte which was not well received by a subcommittee of the Historic Landmark commission.
6. Members discussed placing a "Little Free Library" in front of the Pauline Brown Neighborhood Center. There was a general consensus on the idea and Aubrey volunteered to produce a replica of the Haskell House.
7. Members discussed the Potluck dinner coming on Sunday, July 24.
8. Members discussed the Ice Cream Social, coming up on August 28. There was a discussion of the amount of store-bought ice cream we need to have.
9. RuthAnn Brown resigned from the board. After she left, however, the board discussed whether or not she may have a change of heart. Mary will call RuthAnn and talk with her.
Minutes, June 21, 2016
Minutes from June 21, 2016 Clarksville CDC Monthly Meeting
Board Members present: Malcolm Greenstein, Paula Hern, Kim O’Brien, Mary Reed, Teri Taylor, Chris Thomas, Gregory Tran
Others present: Rose Gabriel (CCDC property manager), Barbara Harlow, Dick Clark, Mark Vornberg, Ed Stevens, Kevin Brown
1. On a motion by Greg, seconded by Paula, the minutes from the May 17, 2016 monthly board meeting were approved.
2. Rose presented the financial report. Expenses for tree work and the total renovations of the bathrooms at 1011 A & B Charlotte led us to a monthly net loss of $269, but overall, our balances are healthy: $17,656 in checking, $42,397 in savings.
3. Rose presented the Property management report. Two tenants are behind: one due to a on-the job injury, will catch up when Workers Comp payment arrives; another is one month behind, but only on a portion of the total, Section 8 portion is current.
4. Rose reported that we finally have received the building permit for 1817B W. 10th Street. (Alley Flat project, 850 sf.) On a motion by Chris, seconded by Teri, the board approved a contract with AVision, General Contractors, LLC, in the amount of $158,212 for construction of the house. ($108,000 of the total is coming from COA affordable housing bond money, the remainder from HomeBase.) AVision worked on some of the Guadalupe NDC homes that were moved from Rainey Street. ACDDC is going to monitor the project, along with Rose. AVision (Art Ramirez) is ready to start work immediately. The estimated finish date is December.
5. Dick Clark and Mark Vornberg of Dick Clark & Associates presented plans for a new house to be located at 1102 Charlotte, a current vacant lot. The home will belong to Sherry Matthews, who wants something that “settles into the neighborhood,” is private and low maintenance. The home will be 2000-2200 s.q. No variances will be required. Sherry wants to work with the CCDC to devise a plan the fits the neighborhood. The plan proposed a rusted steel wall facing the street. After much discussion, the board decided to not send a letter to the Historic Landmark Commission stating our support for the project, but will talk with Sherry about other materials for this wall.
6. Owner Ed Stevens and builder Kevin Brown presented plans for 1826 W. 10th (a NRD contributing property.) Ed stated that his original plan was to save the house but now does not believe that is possible. The plans presented are for the replacement of the current house with a side-by-side duplex, each unit approximately 1600 s.f. Garages will face 10th Street and there will be two driveways. The units are planned for the front of the property, leaving yard space at the back. Ed said he wants to create a family-friendly property. We suggested that he talk to Aubrey and /or Tom Blackwell to pursue alternative ideas to optimize the property while saving the current house. Ed was not interested in pursuing those suggestions, saying he’s been around construction most of his life and does not believe the house can safely be saved. No agreement was reached. Their request for a demolition permit will be on the June 27 Historic Landmark Commission agenda. CCDC will argue against demolition.
7. On a motion by Paula, seconded by Greg, RuthAnn Brown, Teri Taylor, and Chris Crane were reappointed to the Tenant Selection Committee. They will serve 2-year terms, ending May 2018.
8. There was no discussion regarding the installation of a Little Free Library in front to the Pauline Brown Clarksville Neighborhood Center.
9. Mary reported that the Clarksville History Scavenger Hunt, held on May 21, was a huge success. Well attended, and many of those in attendance were new to CCDC events. Preservation Austin did a terrific job and everyone in attendance had a good job. Thanks to Zocolo/Galaxy who provided ample food and coffee.
10. The Neighborhood Potluck at Mary Baylor Park will be held on Sunday, July 24, at 4 p.m. so as to not conflict with Sweet Home MBC’s 145th Anniversary Celebration on Sunday, July 17.
11. The CCDC Ice Cream Social will be held on Sunday, August 28 (the week after school resumes.) The event time is to be decided.
12. There was no Other Business
13. The Board did not meet in Executive Session.
Minutes, May 17, 2016
Minutes from May 17, 2016 Clarksville CDC Monthly Meeting
Aubrey Carter, Malcolm Greenstein, Paula Hern, Kim O’Brien, Mary Reed, Chris Thomas, Greg Tran
1. On a motion by Malcolm, seconded by Greg, the minutes from the April 19, 2016 Annual and monthly board meetings were approved.
2. Mary presented the financial reports. We showed a net of $3,196 in April, and had $22,107 in checking and $42,322 in savings. We have moved our banking to Frost Bank.
3. Mary presented Rose’s property management report. The reports states that all but one tenant are current on rent, but a payment from that tenant was in the mail box. Major expenses this month include erosion control and tree work at the Neighborhood Center.
4. On a motion by Malcolm, seconded by Chris, the following officers were elected: President, Mary Reed; Vice-President, Chris Thomas; Secretary, Kim O’Brien; Treasurer, Teri Taylor. They will serve until May 2017.
5. Terms for three members of the Tenant Selection Committee are expiring this month: board member representatives Chris Thomas and RuthAnn Brown, and community member representative Chris Crane. The board members are interested in serving another term Kim will contact Chris Crane to see if he wants to continue to serve. This item will be on next month’s agenda
6. Kevin Sims, owner of 1701 Waterston Avenue, presented plans for the home he is planning on building. It will be located behind the existing house on the property (which is a contributing house he has recently rehabilitated.) Kevin intends to live in the back house when it is completed, and rent out the front structure. He has obtained a variance to build the back house, but needs a historic review so that he can obtain his building permit. Kevin stated that he has done his best to adhere to CCDC guidelines and Department of Interior design standards. The proposed house will be 1623 square feet (twice as large as the front structure, but Kevin has intentionally designed a lowroof ridge so the back house will essentially be the height of the front house. Kevin is sensitive to the Haskell House being next door. There will be a functional design difference between the contributing house and the new one, but it will mostly be concealed from the street. And there’s a 12 foot wall of bamboo between the Haskell House and Kevin’s new addition, so it will not be visible from there. Siding on back house will be board to board. Roof will be a slight butterfly membrane material.
On a motion by Aubrey, seconded by Kim, the board unanimously agreed to send a letter of support to the Historic Landmark Commission.
7. Mary reported that marketing for a development going in at 1010 West 10th Street, located a block west of N. Lamar, has been touting the project as being located in Clarksville Mary contacted the developer to protest this statement. She was passed her on to the president of company they hired to market the project, who stated that it’s general opinion that all of Old West Austin is considered Clarksville. Malcolm and Mary then sent letter to him stating that marketing the development as being in Clarksville was a deceptive trade practice. In response, they agreed to change their marketing materials, and promised the billboard advertisement located on N. Lamar would come down in two weeks. Malcolm suggested a a blog post on the CCDC website to document their willingness to correct their mistake.
8. There was no discussion regarding neighborhood history marketing efforts.
9. Last Sunday’s Family FunFest was a great success. Sadly, attendance was down some, probably due to the inclement weather, but everyone who attended had a great time. Bonzo Crunch, a new addition to FFF was a big hit. Preliminary numbers look like we brought in about $1000 less than last year. The Silent Auction earned only $100 less than last year.
10. The Clarksville History Scavenger Hunt, presented in conjunction with Preservation Austin, will take place next Saturday, May 21, at 9 a.m. 35 kids have signed up, a number Preservation Austin is very happy with. There will be 5 sites, with activities for the kids at each. Food and coffee will be provided by Galaxy/Zocolo.
11. Under Other Business, Mary reported that she, along with John Henneberger and two City representatives, were on a panel talking about “missing middle housing.” One of the City representatives, who is working on Code Next, stated a goal of Code Next is to address this issue. As a side note, John argued that the code will be slanted toward developers which will allow the problem to continue.
12. The board did not meet in Executive Session.
Notice of Electronic Vote:
On May 9, 2016, via electronic vote, the board agreed to contract for an annual audit. This action was of an immediate priority and could not wait until the next regularly scheduled meeting.
Minutes (Annual and Monthly Meetings), April 19, 2016
Minutes from the April 19, 2016 Annual Meeting
Board members present: Aubrey Carter, Malcolm Greenstein, Rushmi Kumar, Mary Reed, Teri Taylor, Chris Thomas, Gregory Tran.
1. Mary Reed, CCDC President, presented the “State of the CCDC” Annual Report: We did these things this year to support our 3-pronged mission statement: Helped advance mission of advancing and preserving history of Clarksville by finally completing the walking tour brochure (which we started in 2005, put it on back burner, but now decided it's time), developing anew website, and sponsoring a scavenger hunt project (5/21/16) 21st, partnering w/ Preservation Austin; Supported our affordable housing program by making improvements to existing housing, finalizing details of affordable bond fund money, final details for low interest loan from HomeBase, and planning for the new house on Theresa Avenue; and, encouraged community involvement with successful events such as the FunFest, the Ice Cream Social, the Halloween Haunted House, and the Holiday Caroling event (events saw an uptick in volunteers.
2. Teri Taylor, CCDC Treasurer reported on the CCDC’s Annual Financial Status. We made about $160,000 last year, and spent only less. We showed a net gain of $33,000 and ended the year with no debt.
3. Rose Gabriel, CCDC Property Manager, reported on the CCDC’s housing program. We were able to perform many housing improvements because of tenant turnover. 1817 W. 10th saw the biggest improvements--gutted interior, bathroom, kitchen, interior/exterior paint, foundation work. At 1821 Waterston, demoed the bathroom, flooring, exterior paint. We also replaced the windows at the Haskell House.
4. Rose Gabriel, acting as the Election Administrator, announced the results of the Board Election. Six people—BJ Friedman, Malcolm Greenstein, Paula Hern, Kim O’Brien, Mary Reed, and Chris Thomas--were vying for 5 seats on the board. Malcolm, Paula, Kim, Mary, and Chris received the highest number of votes, and will begin serving 2-year terms in May 2016.
Minutes from the April 19, 2016 Monthly Meeting
1. On a motion by Chris, seconded by Teri, the minutes from the February 16, 2016 monthly board meeting were approved with the following correction—add “Hunt” to “History Scavenger” in item #9. (Note: there was no monthly meeting in March.)
2. Rose and Teri reported that our finances are in good shape, showing a net gain for the past 2 months. There was an expense for work on the LHD, paid to Alyson McGee.
3. Rose gave the property management report. A couple of tenants are behind on rent. Maintenance in February and March was light--cleaned out crawl space under neighborhood center, removed mattresses from 1729A W 11th, plumbing and AC repair on two properties.
4. Mary reported on neighborhood history marketing efforts. The Walking Tour brochure was distributed door-to-door. GOt 4 inquiries for housing on the website
5. Mary gave an update on plans for the Family FunFest (Sunday, May 15, 1-5 p.m.) We are down to the little details. Food will be chili pies with fixings, and RuthAnn BBQ plates. We intend to charge more for BBQ this year. The entertainment is set and it’s a great line-up, but sadly, Aubrey’s band will not be playing. Like the BBQ, we will charge more for face painting this year. Bonzo Crunch, this year’s clown, wll be making balloon animals and also entertaining. The poster is great, wondrously whimsical.
6. Mary gave an update on the upcoming Clarksville History Scavenger Hunt, Saturday, May 21, 9 am-noon. Plans are progressing nicely. There is a blurb about the event in Preservation Austin’s newsletter.
7. Under Other Business, Mary announced that she will be on a panel May 7th discussing missing middle housing in Clarksville and Old West Austin (Note: “middle housing” is 2- and 4-plexes and small apartments)
8. The Board met in Executive Session regarding a housing matter.
Notice of Electronic Vote:
On April 7, 2016, via electronic vote, the board agreed to move our banking from Horizon Bank to Frost Bank. This action was of an immediate priority and could not wait until the next regularly scheduled meeting.
Minutes, February 16, 2016
Minutes from Clarksville CDC Monthly Meeting, February 16, 2016
Board members present: RuthAnn Brown, Aubrey Carter, Kim O’Brien, Mary Reed, Teri Taylor, Chris Thomas, Greg Tran
Others present: Rose Gabriel, David Webber, Rick Hamer
1. On a motion by Aubrey, seconded by Ruthann, the minutes from the January 19, 2016 monthly board meeting were approved.
2. Rose presented the Financial Report. In January, we showed a net gain of $5,327. The checking balance was at $7,405, the savings balance was $42,322. We are still negotiating the Home Base loan for the Alley Flat house, reworking the documents so that we will receive three $50,000 draws—one in April, one sometime in the Fall, and the final one sometime next year.
3. Rose presented the Property Management Report, stating that one tenant is 3 months behind in rent his/her portion of the rent; the remaining portion is subsidized and CCDC continues to receive this amount. The board authorized Rose to notify the tenant of pending eviction if the arrears are not taken car of immediately.
Texas Gas is providing us with free furnaces for all units. We will only have to pay for installation and increased insulation. And plans are in the works to replace all hot water heaters with tank-less ones, with one shared unit per duplex.) This will cause one “half” to have a slightly higher gas bill, but this can be addressed by a rent off-set.
4. Regarding the landscape plan for the Pauline Brown Clarksville Neighborhood, Rose believes that it’s too late in the year to plant new trees (we lost 6 trees last year as a result of the drought), but we will move ahead on this and get the work done after the summer heat. Rose plans on purchasing pop-up tents to be used for FunFest and other events. On a motion by Aubrey, seconded by Greg, the board approved an expenditure of $4290 for grading by the driveway, along with addition of steps and a platform near the storage space.
5. Mary reported that progress is being made on the new website. She hopes to have it finished by the end of the month. The Walking Tour brochure has been a bigger source of frustration, with multiple problems with from the printer; but hope springs eternal, and Mary and Teri hope that it will be complete soon.
6. David Weber and Rick Hammer presented plans for the remodel of 1106 Toyath, a contributing home. The front of the house will not be altered. The planned addition on the back is modern-looking, but due to the slope of the back yard, the addition hardly will be visible from the street. The board approved of the plans.
7. Kim reminded the board that 5 seats will be up for election on April 19, 2016. Current board members whose terms will expire are Malcolm, Rushmi, Kim, Mary, and Chris. Kim reported that she will be out of the country beginning the week prior to the election, during the absentee balloting period. Chris volunteered to be the collection point for absentee ballots. Kim will contact Barbara Harlow to see if she will serve as the Elections Administrator. She will also contact Rushmi to see if she is interested in running for another term on the board. (Malcolm, Kim, Mary, and Chris will be running for an additional term.)
8. Mary reported that plans for the Family FunFest (Sunday, May 15, 1-5 p.m.) are firming up. She has secured community donations for all of the activities. The photo booth will be different this year, and a much more tech-savvy set-up. Also, the balloon clown promises to be a bit hit.
9. Mary gave an update on the Clarksville History Scavenger Hunt. We are working with Preservation Austin. Mary and Brooke have identified 6 sites. Each site will have an activity for kids to do. In some case, we’ll need to get permission from adjacent property owners so that there is room for these activities. The hunt will be focused on neighborhood history.
10. No Other Business was discussed.
11. The board did not meet in Executive Session.
Minutes, January 19, 2016
Minutes for the January 19, 2016 Clarksville CDC Monthly Meeting
Board members present: Aubrey Carter, Malcolm Greenstein, Rushmi Kumar, Kim O’Brien, Mary Reed, Teri Taylor, Chris Thomas, Greg Tan
Others present: Rose Gabriel
1. On a motion by Malcolm, seconded by Aubrey, the minutes from the October 20, 2015 monthly board meeting were approved.
2. Rose reported that in October we showed a net loss (-$190!)for the first time in 5 years, but only because some rents came in late and checks were cashed late; no worries, merely caught off guard. Losses in October and November were offset by gains in December (a net gain of $6,441.) Unusual expenses included contracts with Austin Housing Finance Corporation and Home Base, and $3,600 in electrical upgrades to properties. In regard to the Home Base loan, Rose is preparing an addendum for Malcolm’s review to clear up provision regarding our financial agreement, to show that it is more of a line of credit, rather than a traditional loan.
3. Rose reported that one tenant is 2 months behind, but is catching up. Lots of improvements/repairs have been done to properties, including electrical upgrades in all bathrooms and kitchens, exterior improvements at 1009 Charlotte, and new bathroom flooring at the neighborhood center.
4. The presentation of a landscape plan for Pauline Brown Clarksville Neighborhood Center was postponed until next month.
5. The board decided that a committee (made up of board members) was the best way to tackle consideration of any possible changes to the current CCDC policy regarding changes in tenant qualification status during term of lease. This group will bring any proposed changes back to the board. Mary will email board members looking for committee volunteers. Rose will send out current information on how we currently qualify our tenants.
6. In regards to the board’s neighborhood history marketing efforts, Mary reported that the walking tour brochures are at the printers. She and Teri hope to see a mockup within the week, and maybe the brochures by the end of the month. The website is slowly moving along; the copy is done, and photos are being selected and positioned. It should be completed in February. The history scavenger hunt, coordinated with Preservation Austin, will take place on Saturday, May 21, the week following the Family FunFest. The first meeting with Preservation Austin will take place on February 10, 11:30 at the Haskell House.
7. Mary presented information regarding plans for 1622 West 10th Street, a historically contributing house. The board has already supported a variance request for this property. Builder Tom Blackwell is now seeking support for a partial demolition permit for an addition to the house that is non-contributing. On a motion by Aubrey, seconded by Chris, the board voted to send a letter to the Historic Landmark Commission stating our support of this request.
8. Mary reported that she and Aubrey have met with the owners of 1612 West 11th Street, a historically contributing house. The owners have an interest in preservation, as does their architect, Richard Hughes. They are requesting a partial demolition. Mary and Aubrey made suggestions as to how all of the original house could be preserved, and the owners were receptive. The partial demolition is for a 1970s addition (non-contributing.) On a motion by Aubrey, seconded by Rushmi, the board voted to send a letter to the Historic Landmark Commission stating our support of their request.
9. In Other Business, Mary discussed plans for the annual Family FunFest. The event is scheduled for Sunday, May 15, 1-5. A new addition this year will be Bonzo Crunch, who will make balloon animals, as well as be part of the entertainment line-up. RuthAnn will be making her delicious BBQ plates again, but Margaret Bruch, who in the past has donated her time and resources for much of the food at the festival, has moved out of state, so this year other board members will have to step up by donating both money and time to buy, prepare, and serve food.
10. The board met in Executive Session to discuss a tenant issue.