Minutes & Financial Reports

Kim O'Brien Kim O'Brien

Minutes, February 20, 2024

Minutes from the February 20, 2024 Clarksville CDC Monthly Meeting


Board members attending: BJ Friedman Paula Hern, Kim O’Brien, Mary Reed, Chris Thomas


Others attending: Brad Prak (via phone)


1.     Approval of minutes from the January 16, 2024 monthly meeting. Kim O’Brien.

On a motion by  Paula, seconded by BJ, the minutes were approved as amended.


2.     Presentation of monthly financial reports. Brad Prak, Prak Property Management.

Brad reported that in January we had $7960 in lost rent revenue, due to vacancies (discussed under Agenda Item #4.) Total expenses were high, $65,000, which includes $36,000 for foundation work on 1009 Charlotte. Monthly profit/loss shows a loss of $51,000, but year-to-date, we are only down $4700 (primarily due to donations received.) We currently have high tenant receivables. Some tenants are on payment plans, some is bad debt.


The minutes from the February 15, 2024 Finance and Operations Committee meeting appear at the end of these minutes.


3.     Monthly property reports:

a.     CCDC properties managed by Prak Property Management. Brad Prak.

Brad reported that work on 1708 A W. 10th has begun and is anticipated to be complete by mid-April. Foundation repair costs will show in next month’s accounting. This work is being paid by a grant from the Texas State Affordable Housing Corporation (TSAHC) and a generous donation by Paula Hern.


b.      New construction at 1611 W. 10th Street. Kim O’Brien.

Kim reported that Ashley with American YouthWorks/AYW met with City permitting officials to determine what’s holding up the needed driveway permit. Apparently the current sub-contractor was rejected because the previous sub-contractor’s permit was still in the system. That has now been removed and the current sub is filing again.


It is looking like 1611 will benefit from a new AYW solar installation training program. We will receive solar panels at no cost to us. Specific details will be shared as they become available.


4.     Report on current vacancies. Brad Prak.

Brad reported that for a variety of reasons, we have an unusually high number of vacancies. Some are due to tenant turnover, 1 is vacant due to needed foundation work (now completed). Another is a unit with extensive repairs slated. The Neighborhood Center is also vacant. Make-readies are underway on the units not awaiting repair work, and we are looking for a tenant for the Neighborhood Center. Brad thinks that by mid-March the units will start to fill, with most filled by the end of April.


5.     Report on efforts to obtain needed repair funding. Mary Reed.

Mary reported that we are waiting to hear from a foundation regarding a funding request. We also are considering applications to the Bank of America Foundation and TSAHC.


6.     Discussion of Amplify Austin Day fundraising campaign (Amplify Austin Day, March 6-7.) Kim O’Brien.

Kim reported that the Early Giving portion of Amplify Austin Day has begun. This year we are utilizing the email marketing function of our website to send email requests to potential donors. The first of 3 projected emails has been sent. She reminded the board that CCDC has qualified for 2 Amplify matches from the Shield-Ayers Foundation and Lee & Roger Kintzel. These will be divided between the 15 Housing, Shelter, & Homelessness organizations, with the total  distributed pro-rata, depending on total raised. We will not get a big amount. But we also will receive a $1,900 donation from the Reissa Foundation. This is not a match. They select specific housing organizations. Last year, 31% of our givers were CCDC members (including board members) who gave 31% of total (appx $9,000); 57% of givers had a personal relationship to Board members, who gave 61% of total. The Board is encouraged to make personal appeal to their networks.


7.     Report on upcoming Board of Director election. Kim O’Brien.

Kim shared the following information:

·      5 positions up for election, positions currently held by Malcolm Greenstein, Paula Hern, Kim O’Brien, Mary Reed, and Chris Thomas.

·      Deadline for expressing interest in being included on the ballot: Friday, March 29

·      Deadline for receiving Membership Applications (in order to be eligible to serve on the Board &/or vote in 2024 election): Tuesday, April 2

·      Voting (conducted online only)

o   Ballots sent to Members: Friday, April 5

o   Deadline for ballot return: Tuesday April 16, noon

·      Annual Meeting: Tuesday, April 16, 6:30 p.m.

Election results will be announced.

Monthly meeting will take place upon adjournment.


8.     Report on February 10, 2024 Clarksville Conversation: “The Importance of African American Family History – Lost and Found.” Mary Reed.

Mary reported that despite the downpour right before the event started, 50+ people attended, largely African Americans. Pastor Manning was great, engaging. Lydia was a moving and informative speaker. The audience had many questions. The event ended with everyone joining hands and singing “We Shall Overcome.” Afterward, people hung around. Bob Ward, with the Travis County Historical Commission, had a table, collecting names from people with information about Freedom Colonies.


As a result of this event, a networking group is forming to coordinate and share information between organizations. An African American Roundtable has been established.


9.     Report from OWANA Steering Committee. Paula Hern.

Paula reported that Zoning issues dominated the recent Steering Committee meeting, primarily the proposed project at W. 12th and West Lynn. The Steering Committee is scheduled to vote tomorrow whether to approve the proposed Restrictive Covenant for the property, which was recommended by the OWANA Zoning Committee..


She also reported that there will be another Music in the Park event on March 2 which is also an It’s My Park day so there will be volunteers there in the morning.


10.  Report from OWANA Zoning Committee (1115 West Lynn [Nau’s, etc.], 1209 W. 5th Street [Hartland Plaza].) Kim O’Brien.

Discussed under the previous agenda item.


11.  Other Business.

No Other Business was discussed.


12.  Executive Session, if necessary.

The Board did not meet in Executive Session.

Action taken via Electronic Vote: On January 22, 2024, the board unanimously voted to approve the 2023 Audited Financial Statement, which contained no findings. The matter was time-sensitive and could not wait until the February meeting.

Minutes from the Finance and Operation Committee Meeting, February 15, 2024

Attendees: Mary Reed, BJ Friedman, Chris Thomas

1. BJ reviewed the January financials.

2. Mary read Kim’s email update about 1611 West 10 th to BJ and Chris. In it Kim reported that the City rejected the permit application submitted by our new concrete contractor and city staff have failed to any of the requests made by Ashley Rodriguez with American Youth Works (AYW) as to why the application was rejected. Therefore, Ashley and the concrete contractor were headed to the city offices to try to get an answer in person. Meanwhile, AYW will complete all of the remaining items on the 1611 to-do list while we remain in permitting limbo. On a happier note, 1611 is slated to get free solar as part of a program between AYW and a solar company.

3. Mary asked BJ and Chris about their thoughts regarding the need for a French drain at 1611. Chris said he did not think one is needed and they decided that for now the CCDC should not incur the cost of installing the drain and that it can happen later if necessary.

4. Regarding the lawsuit related to 1611, Malcolm is still waiting for information from the defendant’s attorney.

5. Mary provided an update on the status of the CCDC’s many vacant units. She also noted that she and Brad had discussed how to handle the request of the tenant at 1009A for a couple months extension of her lease. (She no longer is eligible to be a CCDC tenant due to the age of her daughters.) Brad and Mary agreed that even though it’s against CCDC policy, the tenant should be able to stay on a little longer because we need her rent revenue and because she is also paying off an arrearage and we are more likely to receive her payments if she is still a CCDC tenant.

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Kim O'Brien Kim O'Brien

Minutes, January 16, 2024

Minutes from the January 16, 2024 Clarksville CDC Monthly Meeting

Due to extreme cold weather, the meeting was held via Zoom.


Board members present: BJ Friedman, Malcolm Greenstein, Paula Hern, Kim O’Brien, Thomas Schiefer, Chris Thomas, Gregory Tran

Other present: Brad Prak, Prak Property Management (PPM)


Board president Mary Reed was unable to attend the meeting. Vice-president Chris Thomas presided over the meeting in her absence.

1.     Approval of minutes from the November 21, 2023 monthly meeting. Kim O’Brien.

On a motion by BJ, seconded by Chris, the minutes were approved as corrected.

2.     Presentation of monthly financial reports. Brad Prak, PPM. Brad reported that we are experiencing a higher than usual vacancy rate which will have an impact on revenue. On the plus side, we received a $50,000 anonymous donation. Expenses are routine, but expect to see make-ready expenses in January. Utilities will also go up, as CCDC takes over utility payments for vacant units.

Brad reported of attempted fraud on our Frost Bank account. Frost caught it, so we lost no money, but had to close existing accounts and reopen new ones (Frost’s suggestion.) We’ve also included some additional safety measures, per Frost’s suggestions.

3.     Monthly property reports:

a.     CCDC properties managed by Prak Property Management. Brad Prak. Brad reported that we have experienced no freeze-related issues so far. PPM prepped ahead of time. As mentioned above, we are experiencing a number of vacancies—4 units plus the Neighborhood Center. One unit will be used to house W. 10th Street tenants while their unit is being rehabbed. Regarding the W. 10th Street tenants, they are due to relocate this week, weather permitting. Another empty unit—1009B Charlotte—will remain empty for a few months, awaiting the tenant in the A unit to move (move is planned) so that the foundation of 1009 Charlotte can be leveled.

b.      New construction at 1611 W. 10th Street. Kim O’Brien. Kim reported that we received our long-awaited ROW License on December 12, 2023. We’re now waiting for our concrete subcontractor to obtain the needed permit for the driveway to be completed.

4.     Report on efforts to obtain needed repair funding. Mary Reed. Mary was unable to attend the meeting, but submitted the following report via email:

“Last Summer the CCDC board held a special called meeting to discuss the organization’s financial needs and whether to sell the Neighborhood Center. We agreed that I would report back as to where we were in 6 months. This is my report.

To date, we have not identified any new sources of big money to finance repairs to our properties aside from the ones we explored to no avail last year. Also, it’s my impression that the board continues to view the sale of the Center as a last-ditch option. Furthermore, based on developments that occurred after that meeting all of which are summarized in this report, selling the Center seems to be less pressing. 

Also, although I am fairly sure that we would be able to get RHDA $ from the City to pay for the cost of property repairs, Kim BJ, Brad and I are extremely reluctant to pursue these funds. For starters, the application process would be arduous. It’s arduous when asking for $ for just one property, but when multiple properties are involved it becomes a herculean effort. Second, RHDA $ comes with strings attached that are unattractive and long-lasting. The most significant is that we would have to limit the amount of rent we could charge at any property that was improved with RHDA $. Also, there would be regular reporting and inspections by the COA for each property.

There is good news however!

• The total cost of the repairs needed is considerably less than what we feared last year – nowhere close to $1 million. Closer to $400,000 max. This fact takes some of the pressure off.

• We received an unexpected $50,000 donation late last year and that money coupled with other generous donations will allow us to tackle the big problems at our properties without drawing down our LOC.

• We received a $10,000 grant from the Texas Affordable Housing Corporation for repairs at 1817A West 10th, the property with the greatest needs.

Also, Aubrey has reached out to Tito’s for money; Kim is already laying the groundwork for a new and more robust I Live Here I Give Here fundraising effort this year; and she and I met recently to identify the grants we will go after this year – grants from the Bank of America Foundation and the Texas Affordable Housing Corporation, for example. And, we will probably ask HEB to cover the cost of the store-bought ice cream we will serve at this year’s ice cream social as well as the cones and cups.”

5.     Report on strategic planning initiative between CCDC and SVP Austin. Mary Reed. Mary was unable to attend the meeting, but circulated an email saying she has met with Robert Dye of SVP Austin to discuss some preliminary recommendations, and plans to meet with him again, before bringing information to the board. BJ also has been meeting with SVP Austin regarding financial recommendations.

6.     Report on end-of-year fundraising and potential 2024 funding opportunities, including Amplify Austin Day. Kim O’Brien. Kim reported that two 2023 end-of-year support requests raised $1,125 in donations. She also reported that CCDC will pursue grant opportunities with the Texas State Affordable Housing Coalition and the Bank of American Foundation for rehabilitation/repair funding for existing properties. CCDC will be participating in Amplify Austin Day, March 6-7. Discussion of Amplify Austin Day will be on next month’s agenda.

7.     Reminder of upcoming Clarksville Conversation: “The Importance of African American Family History – Lost and Found,” speaker: Lydia Moore, presented in conjunction with Sweet Home MBC. Saturday, February 10, 11 a.m., at Sweet Home.

Mary will share flyers with the board.

8.     Report from OWANA Steering Committee. Paula Hern. Paula reported that Chris Hurst is the new chair of the Steering Committee. Other new members joined the Committee in January, as well. Paula shared the Steering Committee’s discussion of nuisance problems related to the pickleball courts on the garage roof at Hartland Plaza, and Hartland Plaza’s plans to add an additional story of office space on top of the current garage.

9.     Report on W. 12th/West Lynn project (Nau’s, etc.) Kim O’Brien. Zydeco Development had 2 neighborhood meeting in December, has met with the OWANA zoning committee twice, and will likely be there again before the March OWANA Membership meeting. They have submitted concept plans to the City. These are focused on the 2 underground parking levels and the first 2 stories--detailing things like sidewalks, utility easements, etc. They will not ask Miro Rivera to draw any additional plans until they know that the City will approve what's included in the concept plan. They are hoping to have this plan reviewed in time for the March OWANA membership meeting. Issues of contention, so far, have concerned their intent to ask for CS (commercial) zoning for Eason Street (a precedent) and a variance to build to 60’ rather than currently approved 40’ (also a precedent.) Regarding the CS zoning on Eason, Zydeco plans for residential only on Eason, but must have CS because the underground garage will be both commercial & residential. Regarding the extra 20’ of height, it will only be on a portion of the project, and set back from Eason.

10.  Set ice cream social date. Potential dates will be shared with the Board via email. (NOTE: date was set via email, June 2.)

11.  Recap of CCDC/OWANA Holiday party. Paula Hern. Paula reported that the Holiday party was a great success. Many families were in attendance. The kids loved the snow and crafts. We received $270 in earring sales and donations. Costs were approximately $770. OWANA provided $200. It was decided that we should request a larger amount from OWANA going forward.

12.  Other Business. In Other Business, BJ presented our recently completed external audit—which had no findings. In order to give the Board time to look over the audit, the vote to approve will be taken electronically.  

13.  Executive Session, if necessary. The board did not meet in Executive Session.

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Kim O'Brien Kim O'Brien

Minutes, November 21, 2023

Minutes from the November 21, 2023 Clarksville CDC Monthly Meeting


Board members present: Aubrey Carter, BJ Friedman, Malcolm Greenstein, Mary Reed, Thomas Schiefer

Others present: Felecia Miller

1.     Approval of minutes from the October 17, 2023 monthly meeting.

On a motion by Malcom, seconded by Thomas, the minutes were approved.

2.     Presentation of monthly financial reports. Brad Prak, Prak Property Management.

Brad was unable to attend the meeting but presented the following written report: “The biggest challenges lie in vacancy.  We have had our tenant in the office/center move out at the end of Oct.  We also have lost the residents at 1009 B and 1007 B Charlotte and are losing our residents at 1729 A W. 11th as well at the end of Nov. This is a large amount of vacancy, coming to approximately $5,120 a month. The center needs some work in order to be leased out again as an office (has no kitchen).  We would hope to get the same $1,995 a month, but that may not be practical with lots of people working from home. The houses that are empty, we would lease up once available.  The first one will be 1729 A, as it doesn’t need any foundation work.  We would expect to lease this for $1,550 a month.   The other two, would be $1,350 (1009 B Charlotte) once its leveled and $1,200 (1007 B Charlotte) once the household from 1817 A is no longer temp living there.

Minutes from the November 11, 2023 Finance & Operations Committee meeting appear at the end of these minutes.

3.     Monthly property reports:

a.     CCDC properties managed by Prak Property Management.

Brad Prak was unable to attend the meeting but presented the following written report: “We are in the process of getting 1009 Charlotte's foundation leveled.  We also are in the process of 1817 A W. 10th tenants being relocated to 1007 B Charlotte temporarily while their house has the foundation leveled and other work performed.”

b.     New construction at 1611 W. 10th Street. Kim O’Brien.

Kim was unable to attend the meeting but presented the following written report: “We continue to wait for the City of Austin to issue the ROW permit needed to pour the driveway. Until we receive that, no work can take place. Legal action against the original concrete/driveway subcontractor is proceeding.”

4.     Report on efforts to obtain needed repair funding. Mary Reed. Mary reported that all materials have been compiled to create our comprehensive funding “ask.” Aubrey will reach out to Tito’s and BSM.

5.     Report on strategic planning initiative between CCDC and SVP Austin. Mary Reed.     Mary reported that the strategic planning initiative process is underway and will continue into the early months of 2024.

6.     Discussion of CCDC fundraising on Giving Tuesday (November 28.) Kim O’Brien.

Kim was not at the meeting but had shared the following information with the Board: “Next Tuesday, November 28, is the global Day of Giving. While CCDC will focus our fundraising campaign on Amplify Austin next Spring, we are doing a "soft" reach out to our mailing list for this Giving Day. I've attached a copy of the letter Mary sent out to CCDC members and supporters. In addition to the email, we'll likely have some mentions on social media & maybe a blog post. We're not expecting great returns, but any money we raise is a good thing. If you feel inclined to do a Day of Giving reach out to folks in your network, please do.”

7.     Consideration of donations requested for Haskell House rental. Mary Reed.

The Board decided to raise the requested donation amount for renting the Haskell House to $100 for the first hour, $50 for every following hour, or portion thereof.

8.     Update on Haskell House Advisory Group. Mary Reed.

Mary reported that there has been a positive response from the people who have been approached to serve on the HH Advisory Group. Their first meeting is anticipated to take place in early 2024.  

9.     Discussion of CCDC/OWANA Holiday party.

The party will take place on Sunday, December 17 at the Haskell House, with Paula coordinating activities and food. OWANA is contributing $200, CCDC will cover the remaining costs.

10.  Reminder of meeting to discuss proposed project at W. 12th/West Lynn (Nau’s, etc.  property) to be held Wednesday, December 6, 6:30 p.m., Haskell House. Mary Reed.

Mary reported that project developer Zydeco Development will also be presenting their plans at the OWANA General Membership Meeting on December 5 at 7:00 p.m.

11.  Other Business.

No other business was discussed.

12.  The board did not meet in Executive Session.


Minutes From the November 13, 2023Finance & Operations Committee Meeting 

1.     BJ and Mary reviewed the October financials.

2.     Mary reported that the City is still slowing down the process of completing 1611 West 10th Street. Ashley with American Youth Works has sent proof of fee payment to Luis Gamez in the Development Department, but we are still waiting for him to acknowledge the payment so that the new cement company can pull a permit to pour the driveway. Kim has asked Ashley for an estimate of when the work will be done, but has not got an answer yet.

3.     Mary reported that Prak has had an initial meeting with the Rays about their move to 1009B Charlotte and will be having another one soon.

4.     Malcolm has told Tony’s attorney that the CCDC will settle its lawsuit for $8,000. He has not heard back from the attorney yet.

5.     Mary and BJ discussed the fact that the CCDC is facing a lot of vacancies: 1007B Charlotte, 1817A West 10th once the tenants there move into 1009B Charlotte, and the Center. The vacancies will put a strain on the organization. The work at 1611 West 10th needs to get completed ASAP. 1007 cannot be released until the foundation there is repaired.

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Kim O'Brien Kim O'Brien

Minutes, October 17, 2023

Minutes from the October 17, 2023 Clarksville CDC Monthly Meeting

The meeting was held at the Haskell House.

Board members present: BJ Friedman, Paula Hern, Malcolm Greenstein, Kim O’Brien, Mary Reed, Chris Thomas, and Gregory Tran


1.     Approval of minutes from the September 19, 2023 monthly meeting.

On a motion by BJ, seconded by Chris, the minutes from September 19, 2023 were approved as corrected.

2.     Presentation of monthly financial reports. Brad Prak, Prak Property Management.

Brad was unable to attend the meeting. BJ reported that at the end of September, we had $107,724 in our money market account, and $95,546 in our checking account. The money market figure includes $10,000 received from the Texas State Affordable Housing Corporation for repairs to 1817A W. 10th Street. We ended the month $5,400 in the black.

The minutes from the October 13, 2023 Finance and Operations Committee meeting are at the end of these minutes.

3.     Monthly property reports:

a.     CCDC properties managed by Prak Property Management.

Brad Prak, PPM, was not at the meeting. Mary read Brad’s report which included the following: Major expenditures this month included an a/c replacement. Regarding repairs to 1817A W. 10th, through a grant and a donation, we have $30,000 of the approximately $55,000 needed. We will tap operating budget funds and/or our Line of Credit in order to proceed with this priority project, but plan to submit a request to the Austin Housing Finance Corporation during their next round of RHDA funding. Leases due to expire on November 1 are in the process of being renewed. We currently have 1 vacancy (tenant moved out at end of September,) and another unit coming vacant at the end of this month. Another tenant is scheduled to move out at the end of April because the children are now older than 18.

BJ noted that we will be drawing down on our Line of Credit to fund needed foundation repairs at 1007 Charlotte. The one bid we’ve received is $33,000. Brad is seeking an additional bid.

b.     New construction at 1611 W. 10th Street.

Kim reported that there was no news to report on the status of the permit needed to pour the driveway. Ashley Rodriguez, American Youthworks (AYW), was out of the office last week for training and did not respond to a request for an update. Malcom suggested an in-person meeting might break the log jam we’re experiencing with the City permitting staff. Kim will contact Ashley to set this up.

We also are awaiting information from AYW needed to settle our lawsuit with the original driveway subcontractor. Kim will follow up on this as well.

4.     Review of repair estimates.

A spreadsheet has been created detailing needed repairs on all CCDC properties. Total cost is approximately $324,000.

5.     Report on efforts to obtain needed repair funding.

A packet containing all pertinent information needed to share with potential funders is almost complete. Initial reach-outs should occur within the next month. The board was reminded that we promised to provide an update to the community the end of the year.

6.     Approval of FY 23-24 Budget.

On a motion by Chris, seconded by Paula, both the operating budget and a separate major repairs budget were unanimously approved.

7.     Discussion of postponing proposed bylaws revision. Mary Reed.

It was decided to postpone the planned bylaws revision process until we complete our strategic planning process with SVP Austin, it being likely that the process may require additional bylaw changes.

8.     Discussion of CCDC communication with members, supporters, and the neighborhood. Kim O’Brien.

Kim presented a proposed plan to improve CCDC communication and information sharing with both people already interested in the CCDC and persons with potential interest. The email will share upcoming events, news, and other information of interest. In addition to the email, we will deliver a similar bi-monthly newsletter door-to-door to all Clarksville homes. Through all of our events, and through the door-to-door flyers, we will attempt to capture additional subscribers to our email list. Providing regular communication will increase our visibility and get our story out there. Costs to cover this were included in the approved budget.

Board members suggested possible things to include: old Gold Dollar articles, “meet your neighbor” features, other neighborhood events beyond CCDC events. There was also a discussion of including paid advertising to offset costs. 

9.     Update on Haskell House Advisory Group. Mary Reed.

Mary reported that she and Stephanie Lang have identified a number of people interested in joining the 7-member Haskell House Advisory Group. It looks like it will get going this year.

10.  Report from the OWANA steering committee. Paula Hern.

Paula reported that there was discussion about continuing the practice of sharing the donated ACL passes donated to OWANA by C3 Productions with the CCDC. Ultimately, passes were shared and CCDC earned $1,250. Paula will try to find out the name of the ACL/C3 contact and see if going forward they will donate passes directly to the CCDC.

11.  Other Business.

The CCDC/OWANA holiday party was discussed. We need to pick at date.

12.  Executive Session, if necessary.

The board did not meet in Executive Session.


Minutes From F & O Committee Meeting on October 13, 2023

1.     BJ and Mary reviewed the financials.

2.     BJ and Mary reviewed the new FY budget.

3.     Mary reported that the driveway at 1611 has STILL not been poured and provided an update on the lawsuit.

4.     Mary and BJ discussed upcoming strategic planning process.

5.     Mary reported that the CCDC had made $1,250 from ACL wristband sales.

6.     Mary noted that Brad is looking for another foundation company because he wants to get a 2nd bid on fixing the foundation at 1007 Charlotte. Also, Mary and BJ discussed the need to tap the CCDC’s LOC to fund the cost.

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Kim O'Brien Kim O'Brien

Minutes, September 19, 2023


 September 19, 2023 Clarksville CDC Monthly Meeting 

6:30 p.m.

Haskell House

1703 Waterston Avenue


Board Members Attending: Aubrey Carter, BJ Friedman, Malcolm Greenstein, Paula Hern, Mary Reed, Chris Thomas

Also Attending - Felecia Miller, Brad Prak


1.     Approval of minutes from the August 15, 2023 monthly meeting.

Paula moved and Malcolm seconded approval of the minutes from the August 15, 2023 monthly meeting. The motion passed unanimously.


2.     Monthly property reports:

a. Brad presented information regarding our properties. Two residents are moving out of 1007 Charlotte, one at the end of Oct, the other no longer has a child who is younger than 18. She will be given a 6-month lease with rent at the current lease terms to end in April.

1007 has foundation issues which will need to be repaired prior to renting these units. One bid came in at $33K for repair. We need another bid.

b. Brad presented August financial reports. We had a net income of $12,800 after major expenses for stairway repairs and water heater replacement. Another unit had the HVAC repaired, but will need to be replaced in the near future.

For the year, we have positive income of about 75K, most of which come from grant money.

c. A written report was provided by Kim regarding the new construction at 1611 W. 10th Street. AYW has almost what is needed to get the permit to build the driveway, Railings will be added to the porch/steps. We are hoping to be able to rent the property by the end of the year.


3.     Report on efforts to obtain needed repair funding.

Mary reported on our efforts to obtain funding for the needed repairs for our properties. She has received estimates obtained from Paul Balmer. All of the older properties were visited and all maintenance/repairs that need to be done were identified. We now have firmer numbers than we had before. Mary will send out this information to the board on or before our November meeting. Then we will submit the cost estimates to city government officials and potential donors.


4.     By-laws revision

Our By-laws were revised in 2011; we updated them in 2020, but were never able to have a  vote on the proposed changes due to the Covid shutdown. Our management structure has been changed since then, so we now need to revisit the By-laws. 


In a proposal emailed to the board from Kim, she proposed that we look at revising By-laws  in chunks beginning in October. The goal is for the board to approve the amended By-laws in February. The proposed by-laws would be posted to the website in March to notify members, and a special meeting, held on the same date as our annual meeting in April, for members to vote on the changes.


Board members agreed with Kim’s proposal. Mary said she has been reviewing the Guadalupe Neighborhood Development Corporation, as well as those from the Blackland CDC to see how they are operating. Since we have little to no participation from CCDC members, this needs to be addressed in our by-laws review.


5.     Discussion of proposed organization and operations of a Haskell House Advisory Group.

Mary provided a proposal about how the Haskell House Advisory Group would operate. The purpose of the group is to provide Clarksville descendants and other interested individuals with the opportunity to:

·      Tell the story of the Haskell House, the neighborhood, and their Clarksville ancestors

·      Participate in media interviews about the Haskell House and Clarksville

·      Suggest ideas for Haskell House programming, including speakers for Clarksville Conversations

·      Broaden the variety of people who are aware of and visit the Haskell House

·      Serve as docents

·      Enrich the experience of visitors to the House

Mary has identified 4 core members, who hopefully will recruit other group members. The board approved the proposal after discussion.


6.     Report on Austin Museum Day at the Haskell House.

Mary reported that the event was hugely successful. There were “tons” of people who attended. Visitors included former Clarksville residents/descendants who were attending a family reunion. We made $552, mostly from sales of merchandise to the folks who were here for the reunion. We also collected 64 new email addresses.


7.     Report from the OWANA steering committee.

Paula reported that the Y wants to redevelop their property to add to their services. They  came to OWANA for support of their project. Paula also reported that Natalie George is the new director of Flower Hill. Mary reported that there is a plan to use the back building as a gift shop and café to raise money for the museum.


8.     Other Business.

We received 2 ACL wristbands for both weekends of the festival. Mary will send emails and post an announcement to FaceBook to advertise the sale. Each wristband will cost $375. BJ volunteered to create a flyer to give to Felecia and for other notifications.

The meeting was adjourned at 7:32 PM.

The board went into executive session.

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Kim O'Brien Kim O'Brien

Minutes, August 15, 2023

Minutes from the August 15, 2023 Clarksville CDC Monthly Meeting 

The meeting was held at the Haskell House.

Board Members present: Aubrey Carter, Paula Hern, Kim O’Brien, Thomas Schiefer, Chris Thomas

Others present: Felecia Miller

1.     Approval of minutes from the July 18, 2023 monthly meeting. Kim O’Brien.

On a motion by Thomas, seconded by Aubrey, the July 18, 2023 minutes were approved.

2.     Presentation of monthly financial reports. Brad Prak, Prak Property Management.

Chris reported that Brad was stuck in traffic on his way from Dallas. Brad will share his report via email.

3.     Monthly property reports:

a.     CCDC properties managed by Prak Property Management. Brad Prak.

Brad’s report will be shared via email.

b.     New construction at 1611 W. 10th Street. Kim O’Brien.

Kim reported that AYW has yet to obtain the required ROW permit, but continues to work through the system. AYW was working last week, doing some painting and installing gutters. The former concrete contractor has been served in CCDC’s claim to recover money for work not completed.

4.     Report on efforts to obtain needed repair funding. Mary Reed.

Chris reported that Mary is sick. He shared her report that all properties are being evaluated in order to get an estimate on total projected costs. This estimate is needed before we can move forward in seeking funding. More info re. this item in email from Mary Reed sent after the meeting (appended at end.)

5.     Discussion of budget development process for next fiscal year. Brad Prak, Mary Reed.

Information re. this item in email from Mary Reed sent after the meeting (appended at end.)

6. Acceptance of Texas State Affordable Housing Corporation grant toward repairs at 1807A W. 10th Street. Kim O’Brien.

Kim reported that CCDC was awarded $10,000 to go toward repairs at 1807A W. 10th Street. The money must be spent within 1 year and occupants of the property must meet TSAHC income requirements for the time period of the grant.

7. Discussion of plans for Austin Museum Day at the Haskell House, September 17, 2023. Mary Reed.

Information regarding this item in email from Mary Reed sent after the meeting (appended at end.)

Felecia asked how information on events like these are shared. Kim explained that we maintain an email list of members, supporters, and community members, but plan to move toward using the email platform provided by our web provider. We share event information via emails, door-to-door notices to neighbors, and via social media.

8. Other Business.

Under Other Business, Paula shared the following news from the OWANA Steering Committee:

Music in the Park will take place in the fall, coinciding with the It’s My Park Day.

The Y board sent representatives to share information that the Y is looking to redevelop their Town Lake property. At this point, no decisions have been made, no plans drawn up. They are contacting groups to gain input about what the community wants. They will appear at a future OWANA General Membership Meeting agenda to discuss this further.

It was decided to add Paula’s OWANA Steering Committee Report as a regular agenda


It was also decided to remove Board members’ personal emails from the website. Kim explained that the “Contact Us” feature on the website is linked to the CCDC’s gmail account (ClarksvilleCDC@gmail.com) which is checked daily.

More info re. this item in email from Mary Reed sent after the meeting (appended at end.)

9. Executive Session, if necessary.

            The Board did not meet in Executive Session.


Mary Reed

8:28 AM (8 minutes ago)

Sorry I was not at the meeting. My allergies got really bad in the afternoon and I had to go to bed. Anyway, today's another day, all is well, and here is what I would have shared with you yesterday:

Agenda Item #4. Efforts to obtain needed funding. I am working with Rene and John Henneberger to coordinate the remaining property inspections (10 units). Paul Balmuth, the contractor who is organizing various trade people to do the inspections, provided John and I with the results of the inspections in the cul de sac together with cost estimates. I've shared that info with Brad and am waiting for his response. He told me he won't be able to respond until next week. After that, I assume he will update his master repair list with the new info.

Meanwhile Kim and I have finished the pieces for the presentation package Aubrey will share with the potential underwriters he has offered to contact. The missing piece right now is the total dollar amount of the repairs. And, I am drafting a short history of the CCDC and its housing program with a pitch for $ at the end. This is something John asked for and will be part of what we share with the City when we ask it for a grant.


Agenda Item #5. Brad is pulling together numbers for our new FY budget. I have asked that new line items be added to the doc; Linda has added them, but there will be a few more. For planning purposes, we need to be able to track better what we spend on CCDC and HH marketing and on other HH-related expenses. As our Treasurer, BJ will lead the budget development process.

Do any of you have any thoughts about that process? Do any of you have things that you would like to see in the new budget?

Item #7. Austin Museum Day, 9/17 from 11-4. How do you want to handle the gift card raffle? We have been promised at least 6 cards from local restaurants.

Kim: The flier for Austin Museum Day needs to be ready by 9/8.

Set up for Austin Museum Day should begin at 9:45. Tents, chairs and fans need to be set up; tables need to be set up for the food, swag and CCDC info; picnic tables need to be put in place; refreshments need to be placed on trays; we need to be available to help the musicians set up if needed, etc.

We need everyone to participate in the Day. We need you to help with the food, make sure the musicians have water, greet visitors, answer questions, sell stuff, clean up, etc. This is our big event of the year.

Aubrey: Will you get ice for our coolers and replenish the ice throughout the day if needed?

Item #8. Other business. There will be no Clarksville Conversation this quarter. However, I have scheduled Ashante Reese, a professor at UT, to speak on 12/10 about the foodways of freedom colony residents.

 The theater performances/fundraisers that had been planned to take place every weekend at the HH in October have been cancelled because the theater group is still waiting for money from the COA. The arts group funding process has been very protracted this year. The director of the theater group hopes that the performances can happen sometime next year.

And finally, here are the questions I would have asked Brad last night:

1. Is Rene getting a second bid for 1817A? I believe I suggested he ask Paul for a bid.

2. Why is a cleanup at 1817A necessary before the interior repairs can begin? I understand why it would be necessary before the exterior work starts.

Please respond to my questions, and do you have any for me?



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Mary Reed Mary Reed

Minutes, July 18, 2023

Minutes from the July 18, 2023 Clarksville CDC Monthly Meeting              

The meeting was held at the Haskell House. Some board members joined via Zoom

Board members present: BJ Friedman, Malcolm Greenstein, Paula Hern, Kim O’Brien, Mary Reed, Thomas Schiefer, Chris Thomas, Gregory Tran

Others present: Brad Prak, Felicia Miller

1.     Approval of minutes from the June 20, 2023 monthly meeting.

On a motion by Malcolm, seconded by Paula, the minutes from the June 20, 2023 monthly meeting were approved with corrections. Corrections are noted in the official copy of the minutes (posted on the website.)


2.     Presentation of monthly financial reports. Brad Prak, Prak Property Management.

Brad reviewed the June financial reports. We ended the month $2,200 in the black. Expenses included replacement of a gas range and tree work at one property.

            The Finance and Operations Committee met on July 13, 2023. Minutes from that meeting appear at the end of these minutes.

3. Monthly property reports:

a. CCDC properties managed by Prak Property Management. Brad Prak.

Not much to report. Expenses were low in June, nothing significant. American Youthworks (AYW) is preparing a bid on some of the needed work at 1807A W. 10th Street. 

b. New construction at 1611 W. 10th Street. Kim O’Brien.

Kim reported that the permit saga continues. Ashley at AYW has now been told by a City staffer that the permit expired in 2010. At least that’s what it says on their “end.” When AYW logs into the City system, the permit is listed as open. Ashley spoke again to the staffer today and has provided him with what he says he needs to move it forward.

Regarding needed landscaping, BJ has a contact who will donate plants. Brad said he has some, too. AYW can bring in topsoil. There is no money budgeted for this.

Malcolm reported that he has sent a demand letter to the former cement subcontractor seeking repayment.

4.     Report on efforts to obtain needed repair funding. Mary Reed.

Mary reported on conversations that have taken place with John Heneberger, Karen Paup, Melissa Beeler in Council Member Qadri’s office, RHDA staff, and others. Local contractor Paul Balmer has volunteered to get contractors to go to all CCDC properties and give estimates of the work needed. Mary and Kim are putting together a packet of information to be shared with funders and potential benefactors.


5.     Consideration of rent proposal. Brad Prak, PPM.

Brad presented the board his recommendations for increased rents. His preferred option was a 10% increase on all properties effective when leases are renewed. He believes that under this recommendation, CCDC rents will continue to be on the low end of comparable programs.

In reviewing the information provided, there were questions as to whether the increased amounts would exceed 30% of any of the tenant’s total income. Brad said that could not be determined until incomes are re-verified as part of the lease renewal process. He also said that although the 30% of income standard devoted to housing is an ideal goal, it is not achievable in the current Austin housing market. And with our rents already low, we cannot meet increasing repair costs and set aside money needed for big repairs. In short, we cannot maintain sustainability.

The point was made that as housing goes up, so do all other costs, which hits low-income families the hardest. The board was reminded that the CCDC tenant manual contains information on resources for rental assistance, as well as assistance to help meet other needs.

On a motion by BJ, seconded by Chris, the board considered a motion to increase all rents by 10% upon lease renewal, with the stipulation that no rent can exceed 50% of a tenant’s income. BJ agreed to a substitute motion offered by Mary to increase rents 10% but with the stipulation that no rent can exceed 40% of a tenant’s income. The substitute motion passed unanimously.


6.     Discussion of tenant eligibility and income requirements. Brad Prak. 

Brad presented a revised tenant eligibility and income document. The document is in line with other properties that PPM manages. On a motion by Kim, seconded by BJ, the board approved the eligibility and income requirements.  


7.     Report on CCDC’s new website. Mary Reed.

Mary reported that the new website is up and looks great. The URL, www.ClarksvilleCDC.org, is the same. Response to an email she sent out to members and supporters has been positive.


8.     Discussion of creating a Haskell House advisory group. Mary Reed.

A Haskell House advisory group—sort of a “Friends of” group—is suggested as a vehicle by which to increase African American participation in the Haskell House, particularly participation by Clarksville descendants. Some current docents have expressed a discomfort with “telling others’ stories.” Mary is collecting information from other small Austin museums to learn if they have similar groups and if so, how they operate.

A suggestion was made that a Board representative be part of the group. This met with general approval. A question was asked about involving student groups at Huston-Tillotson or UT. All agreed that broadening our base will bring a richer Haskell House visitor experience.

At this point, Mary is not asking for Board approval, only wants to make the Board aware. She will come back with specifics, including the advisory group’s purpose, mission statement, etc.


9.     Report on June 25, 2023 “Clarksville Conversations: Sundays at the Haskell House” event: Rep. Gina Hinojosa. Mary Reed.

Representative Hinojosa’s legislative wrap-up was well attended, with good conversation about what happened at the Capitol, as well as discussion of potential upcoming Special Sessions. Audience questions covered a broad range of topics.

Mary reported that future events include a speaker who will discuss African American genealogy, to be co-sponsored by Sweet Home MBC. It likely will occur in February to coincide with Black History Month.


10.     Discussion of plans for Austin Museum Day at the Haskell House, September 17, 2023. Mary Reed.

The event will take place from 11 am – 4 p.m. We are working with CCDC tenant Vanessa Lively to line up musicians for the afternoon. Kim has submitted a grant request to HEB’s Community Impact Program to cover stipends for the musicians. Along with docent-led tours, we will have puzzles and Haskell House coloring sheets for the kids, and gift card raffles for the adults. Depending on the cost, we may share an Austin Chronicle ad with the Neill-Cochran House and Pioneer Farms. Lemonade and homemade cookies will be served.


11.  Other Business.

No other business was discussed.


12.  Executive Session, if necessary.

The Board did not meet in executive session.


Finance and Operation Committee Meeting Minutes,  July 13th, 2023

1.    BJ Friedman reviewed the financials.

2.    Mary reported that the driveway has STILL not been poured because our new contractor STILL does not have a permit.

3.    Mary provided committee members with an update on what has been happen to date since last month’s special meeting to figure out where the $ we need.

4.    Mary reported that she filed her final report with OWANA regarding what we did with the last of the OWANA money. YAY! The last dollars were used to help pay for work at 1720B West 11th – repair of the front door and exterior power washing, caulking and painting.

5.    Mary noted that from a strategic perspective if we want $ from the COA the CCDC may need to delay its rent increases because one of the CCDC’s selling points is its rent. Gregory suggested that if we delay, all tenants be on month-to-month leases.

6.    The CCDC’s new website is live. We’ve received many compliments on it.

7.    Mary reported that Kim wrote a grant to the Texas Affordable Housing Corporation to help fund some of the work at 1817A West 10th. We won’t know if we will get any $ until August.


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Mary Reed Mary Reed

Monthly Meeting minutes, June 20, 2023

Minutes from the June 20, 2023 Clarksville CDC Monthly Meeting


The meeting was held outside the Haskell House, upon adjournment of the Special Meeting


Board members present: Aubrey Carter, BJ Friedman, Paula Hern, Malcolm Greenstein, Kim O’Brien, Mary Reed, Thomas Schiefer, and Gregory Tran.


Others Present: Brad Prak, Katie Van Dyk, and Michael Willard.

1.     Approval of minutes from the May 16, 2023 monthly meeting.

On a motion by Malcolm, seconded by Paula, the minutes from the May 16, 2023 monthly meeting were approved with corrections. Corrections are noted in the official copy of the minutes.

2.     Presentation of monthly financial reports. Brad Prak, Prak Property Management.

The CCDC money market balance as of May 31, 2023 was $106,918; tenant security deposits, $12,799; checking, $70,441.

May expenses expenses were nothing out of the ordinary. They included the purchase of a new gas range, some flooring replacement, a new front door, and some siding replacement. He warned that expenses would be higher than usual in June. It is 3 pay period month, and there have been a/c calls. Look for these in next month’s reports. Rents are current. A separate account will likely be set up as we move forward on repairs to 1817A W. 10th.

Minutes from the June 15, 2023, Finance & Operations Committee meeting appear at the end of this agenda.

3.     Monthly property reports:

a.     CCDC properties managed by Prak Property Management. Brad Prak.

All units are occupied. They are keeping an eye on a/c units, and have temporary units if necessary. A notice was distributed to tenants reminding them that a/c only cool units to about 20 degrees under outside temperature, and to not push the systems.

Rene, PPM, met with American YouthWorks (AYW) to do a walk-through of 1817A W. 10th Street. The tenants were there and provided input. The house needs a kitchen re-do and  new floors, and there are concerns about the back porch. AYW will prepare a scope of work and provide a bid, along with giving ancillary estimates on painting and ADA adds. Aubrey offered to do any needed drawings free of charge.

b.     New construction at 1611 W. 10th Street. Kim O’Brien.

Kim reported that very little has changed since her last monthly report regarding completion of construction at 1611 W. 10th. The approach permit remains in limbo. A “letter of transfer” has been submitted by either the subcontractor or AYW. Melissa Beeler in D9 Councilmember Qadri’s office has been told that once the permit folks receive what is needed they can issue the permit in 5 business days. Candles are lit. It’s unclear whether the fault is the City’s, the new subcontractor, or some of both. When the permit is issued, American YouthWorks anticipates that work can be completed in 3 weeks. Malcolm has sent a demand letter to the previous cement sub-contractor for money he took without finishing the job. If he does not respond, he will pursue legal action.  

4.     Consideration of rent proposal. Brad Prak, PPM.

This item was postponed until the July meeting.

5.     Discussion of tenant eligibility and income requirements. Brad Prak.

This item was postponed until the July meeting.

6.     Update regarding CCDC’s new website. Mary Reed.

Mary reported that the new website is close to completion. Should be up in early July.

7.     Reminder of upcoming “Clarksville Conversations: Sundays at the Haskell House” event: Rep. Gina Hinojosa, “Legislative Wrap-Up,” June 25, 2023, 2-3 p.m.

8.     Report on fundraising. Kim O’Brien.

Myte: We were contacted by Katie Maude at Myte, a new donation mobile app, asking if we’d like to have an organization profile on the app. Myte is planning on launching this summer. They will be a one-stop platform for donors to find non-profit organizations. Their marketing demographic is Millennials to older Gen Zs (appx. 20-40.) I Zoom met with Katie this morning. Myte sounds like a painless way for us to potentially raise money with little to no effort on our part. It costs nothing to join, and there is a “free” option which is all we will need, so there will be no additional costs. Myte keeps $0.50 of each donation. Donors have the option of covering credit card fees; if they don’t, we pay these/they are deducted from the donation. 

TSAHC: application submitted in May. Notification in August. Estimated award $10-15K. Specifically for 1817A W. 10th repairs.

BJ reported that our Venmo account is frozen. She is communicating with them, but hasn’t gotten any help. We will likely have to do a business account.

9.    Discussion of plans for Austin Museum Day at the Haskell House, September 17, 2023. Mary Reed.

The board agreed to work with Vanessa Lively—musician, CCDC tenant, and founder of Home Street Music, an Austin non-profit that works with people who have experienced chronic homelessness, to provide live music throughout the event. We will serve lemonade and cookies. Board members will provide the cookies.

10.  No Other Business was discussed.

11.  The board did not meet in Executive Session.


Minutes From F & O Committee Meeting on June 15th, 2023

1.     BJ Friedman reported that she had not had time to review the May financials because Prak had not provided them in time for her to do so although she has a question about the amount of the management fee. Mary said that she did not remember if the amount of that fee is a flat fee or is based on rent collected. Mary noted that the May balance sheet reflected a balance in the OWANA fund when in fact all of that money has been spent. Linda Parsons with Prak is aware of the error and will correct.

2.     Mary reported that the concrete driveway front steps 1611 West 10th have still not been  poured because the new contractor is waiting for a permit from the City. She also said that Malcolm has written a demand letter that will be sent to the previous cement contractor who took our money and then disappeared. If after receiving the letter, the contractor does not reimburse the CCDC for the money and also pay us for three months of lost rent, we will sue him.

3.     Mary asked the committee members if they had any questions or thoughts about the upcoming special meeting. Gregory asked if CCDC members had a vote. Mary responded that only Board members have votes.

4.     Mary reported that we have finally used up all of the OWANA money. The last dollars were used to help pay for work at 1720B Waterston – repair of the front door and exterior power washing, caulking and painting.

5.     The City refused to approve the work done at 1011 Charlotte – the two new back doors, landings and stairs – because they claimed the work did not comply with code. However, it turns out that the City employee who came out to check the work looked at the front staircases, not the back. A new inspector came out and we now have our CO!

6.     The CCDC’s new website is 99.9% finished. Should go live next week.

7.     Mary reported that Kim wrote a grant to the Texas Affordable Housing Corporation to help fund some of the work at 1817A West 10th. We won’t know if we will get any $ until August. Meanwhile, Paula has generously offered to pay for some of the work. Also, Kim reached out to the VP with BAC in Austin, who is our contact for the BAC Foundation to ask if we could apply for more $ from the Foundation if we could not provide firm budget amounts. The $ would be used at 1817A as well. The VP responded and said he would get back to her. So, there is hope.

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Mary Reed Mary Reed

Special Meeting minutes, June 20, 2023

Minutes from the June 20, 2023 Special Meeting of the Clarksville CDC Board of Directors


The meeting was held outside the Haskell House.

Board members present: Aubrey Carter, BJ Friedman, Paula Hern, Malcolm Greenstein, Kim O’Brien, Mary Reed, Thomas Schiefer, and Gregory Tran.

Others Present: Mary Arnold, Hadley Hughes, Brad Prak, Katie Van Dyk, and Michael Willard.


1.     Discussion and vote on the sale of 1807 W. 11th Street.

The board made it clear that they are not taking the option of selling this property lightly. The CCDC needs a substantial amount of money to do all of the needed repairs on its aging properties, and to build a budget reserve. Until contractors can get into the properties and make assessments, the exact figure is not known, but is estimated to be as high as $1 million.

Mary reported that John Henneberger, neighborhood resident and founder of Texas Housers, responded to the Special Meeting flyer, hoping to assist in finding funding that would negate the need for selling 1807 W. 11th Street. Mary, BJ, and Kim have had two meetings with John and Karen Paup (also with Texas Housers) to discuss needs and potential funding sources. Melissa Beeler, Senior Policy Analyst in Council Member Qadri’s office attended the second meeting, and afterward toured CCDC properties. Information is being gathered to pursue these options.

Additionally, suggestions were made to pursue individual donors and to contact Congressmen Casar or Doggett to see if there was assistance they could provide.

In response to questions as to why the board would vote to sell the house when there were still options to pursue, the board responded that their intent was to not sell the property until all other options had been pursued. A motion to postpone a vote on the sale for 1 month failed 5-3.

After much discussion the board unanimously approved the following motion: Authorize CCDC President Mary Reed and her designees to explore the sale of 1807 W. 11th Street, with a decision deadline set for December 31, 2023.


2.     Discussion and vote on drawing down on the existing Line of Credit.

On a motion by Kim, seconded by BJ, the board unanimously approved drawing down on the CCDC’s existing $50,000 line of credit to cover the costs of needed repairs.


3.     Discussion and vote on securing a home equity loan.

On a motion by Gregory, seconded by Thomas, the board unanimously voted to apply for additional financing options to cover the costs of needed repairs.


4.     The Board did not meet in Executive Session.    

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Mary Reed Mary Reed

Minutes, May 16, 2023

Minutes from Clarksville CDC Monthly Meeting, May 16, 2023

The meeting was held outside the Haskell House. 

Board members present: Aubrey Carter, BJ Friedman, Malcolm Greenstein, Paula Hern, Kim O’Brien, Mary Reed, Chris Thomas, and Gregory Tran.

Others present: Brad Prak, Prak Property Management


1. On a motion by Paula, seconded by Aubrey the minutes from the April 18, 2023 Annual Meeting were approved. On a motion by Paula, seconded by Aubrey, the minutes from the April 18, 2023 monthly meeting were approved with corrections. Corrections are noted in the official copy of the minutes.    

2. Brad presented the monthly financial reports, along with a year-to-date report. The board liked having the year-to-date information.

There were no unusual expenses last month. The OWANA-funded projects have been completed with a small amount remaining. He noted that next month will be a 3-payroll month, a reminder that expenses will be higher.

3. Monthly property reports:

a. Brad reported that there were no significant issues at CCDC properties this month.

b. Kim reported that the driveway at 1611 W. 10th Street is still in permit limbo. She has reached out to Councilmember Qadri’s office to see if they can offer any help. When the permit is issued, AYW anticipates the house can be completed in 3 weeks.     

4. On a motion by Malcolm, seconded by Aubrey, the board approved the election of the following officers: Mary Reed, President; Chris Thomas, Vice-President; Kim O’Brien, Secretary; BJ Friedman, Treasurer. They will serve until May 2024.

5.  The discussion of long-term financial needs took place in Executive Session.

6. Under Other Business, the Board discussed whether to continue to replace dishwashers (in the units that have them) when they require replacement. After a spirited discussion, which including the benefits of increased cabinet space v. resource conversation, the board agreed to continue to replace them.

7. The board met in Executive Session.


Action taken via Electronic Vote:

On May 12, 2023, the board approved an income qualification for a CCDC property. This matter was time-sensitive and could not wait until the May meeting.

On May 12, 2023, the board approved the renewal of our insurance policies. This matter was time-sensitive and could not wait until the May meeting.

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Mary Reed Mary Reed

Monthly Meeting Minutes, April 18, 2023

Minutes from the April 18, 2023 Clarksville CDC Monthly Meeting

The meeting was held outside the Haskell House.

Board members present: BJ Friedman, Paula Hern, Kim O’Brien, Mary Reed, Thomas Schiefer, Chris Thomas, and Gregory Tran.


Others present: Brad Prak, Prak Property Management (PPM)

1.     On a motion by BJ, seconded by Paula, the minutes from the March 21, 2023 monthly board meeting were approved with 2 corrections. Corrections have been made.

2.     Brad Prak, Prak Property Management, presented the monthly financial report. Roofing repairs were completed at 1720 W. 11th.  This is the last of the 4 roofs for which we made an insurance claim. (Repairs/replacements were made with the insurance payment supplemented by CCDC operating funds.) Brad reported that the annual 990 has been completed. The Board appreciated the Year-to-Date Profit & Loss statement that is now being shared.

Minutes from the April 13 Finance & Operations Committee meeting appear at the end of these minutes.

3.     Monthly property reports:

a.     Brad Prak, PPM, reported on CCDC properties. Tenants are all current. 1011 B Charlotte is currently vacant—tenant moved into a Habitat for Humanity home. In response to a question, Brad stated that we are open to taking tenants with housing authority vouchers, but no one has come in with one.

b.     Kim reported that interior work at 1611 W. 10th Street is 97% complete. The only remaining interior items are counter top installations, and final work on installing the water heater. These items will be completed as soon as the front steps are complete. The driveway work is being held up due to a permit issue. A new permit can’t be issued until the previous one has been withdrawn. This is in process, but no indication on how long this will take. We hope to have the driveway complete by the end of May. We are pursuing reimbursement from the previous concrete contractor through his insurance. American YouthWorks is dealing with his insurance company.

4.     Mary reported that the first “Clarksville Conversations: Sundays at the Haskell House” event went over well. Jessica Gilzow, from Austin Parks & Recreation, shared information on planting pollinator gardens. Two dozen people were in attendance. The next Clarksville Conversation will take place on June 25, with Representative Gina Hinojosa giving a wrap-up of the current legislative session.

5.     Mary reminded the board that the Ice Cream Social will take place on April 30, 1-3 p.m. at the Haskell House. There will be a competition, with a new (unannounced) twist.

6.     Mary reported that work on the new and improved CCDC website continues. She and Kim are meeting this week to discuss final tweaks. Afterward, they will meet with web designer Abigail to review the final project. Hope is that it will be up and running by the end of the month. Brad asked for a link to PPM’s website for CCDC housing information. He will send the link to Mary.

7.     No Other Business was discussed.

8.     The board did not meet in Executive Session.

Action taken via Electronic Vote:

On March 24, 2023, the board voted to support the proposed plans for 1812 11th Street. Mary will send a letter to the Historic Landmark Commission at the appropriate time. The matter was time-sensitive and could not wait until the April meeting.

Minutes From Finance & Operations Committee Meeting on April 13, 2023

1. BJ Friedman reported that there was nothing of note in the March financials other than the fact that the CCDC ended the month in the black because of the Amplify Austin donations and the fact that there were not a lot of repair expenses that month.

2. Mary reported that the concrete driveway and front steps 1611 West 10th was still not poured and that to date, American Youth Works has gotten one bid for the concrete work. They have decided to handle the steps themselves but the driveway is too big a job for them to tackle. Now we are looking at a May move in date. Sigh.

3. Mary broached the idea of engaging a facilitator to help the board decide how it will raise the money the CCDC needs should the board be unable to reach a decision at its May meeting. Mark Rogers might be a good option if we decide we need one.

4. Work continues on the CCDC’s new website. Hopefully it will be finished by the end of the month.

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Mary Reed Mary Reed

Annual Meeting Minutes, April 18, 2023

Minutes from the April 18, 2023 Clarksville CDC Annual Meeting

The meeting was held outside the Haskell House.

Board members present: BJ Friedman, Paula Hern, Kim O’Brien, Mary Reed, Thomas Schiefer, and Chris Thomas

Others present: Brad Prak, Prak Property Management (PPM)


1.              Mary Reed, CCDC Board President, presented the annual “State of the CCDC” Annual Report.

Note: Mary’s report is not included here, but will be added to the website copy.

2.              BJ Friedman, CCDC Board Treasurer, presented the annual financial report.

Note: BJ’s report is not included here, but will be added to the website copy.

3.              Brad Prak, Prak Property Management, presented the annual housing report. Rents were reviewed and rent increases were instituted where appropriate, bringing in approximately $5,000 more in income each month. All but two tenants are paying their rent through PPM’s portal. PPM is staying on track for all general services calls. There is still catching up to do on bigger maintenance. Great progress has been made on CCDC’s accounting system. There was some turn-over this year, but not much.

4.              Kim O’Brien, acting as Election Administrator, announced the Board of Directors elections results. Aubrey Carter, BJ Friedman, Thomas Schiefer, and Gregory Tran were elected to serve 2-year terms on the CCDC Board of Directors. 17 Members voted (compared to 18 last year,) a 17% voter turnout.


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Mary Reed Mary Reed

Minutes, March 21, 2023

Minutes from the March 21, 2023 Clarksville CDC Monthly Meeting

The meeting took place at the Haskell House.

Board Members Present: BJ Friedman, Malcom Greenstein (via Zoom,) Paula Hern, Kim O’Brien, Mary Reed, Thomas Schiefer

1. On a motion by Paula, seconded by BJ, the minutes from the January 17, 2023 monthly board meeting were approved with the correction that the roofing price quoted included gutters and downspouts. (Note: the Board did not meet in February.)

2. Brad Prak, Prak Property Management, was on a well-deserved vacation. In his absence, BJ presented the monthly financial reports. The big news was the receipt of an anonymous $50,000 donation. Driveway and sidewalk repairs were done at 1729 W. 11th, using the remaining OWANA funds. Other repairs included siding repair at 1807 W. 11th and stair replacement at 1729B W. 11th.

The minutes from the March 16, 2023 Finance and Operations Committee meeting appear at the end of these minutes. Since the Board did not meet in February, the minutes from the February 16, 2023 Finance and Operations Committee meeting are also at the end of these minutes.

3. Monthly property reports.

a. CCDC properties managed by Prak Property Management. Brad submitted the following report: A new family has moved in into 1720B W. 11th. We expect 1011B Charlotte to be vacant in the coming months (current tenant is moving to a Habitat for Humanity home.) A tenant is lined up to occupy 1611 W. 10th when it is complete. The City is doing their RHDA review on 1817B W. 10th. A new 6-month lease renewal, with an accompanying increase in rent, has been issued for the Neighborhood Center.

b. New construction at 1611 W. 10th Street. Kim submitted the following report: The following work occurred in February 2023: Showers grouted, retaining wall construction begun; flooring installation begun; door knobs installed. This past week was AYW Spring Break so they were off. AYW is on schedule to finish the majority of the interior work this month. Exterior work is another story. After myriad problems and multiple delays with our previous concrete subcontractor, we’ve cut ties and are now securing bids for another. Until this work is done (driveway, front steps, and porch) remaining interior and exterior work (primarily landscaping) cannot be completed. Once we have a sub in place, we will be able to predict the completion date. Brad already has a tenant lined up. Regarding the previous concrete subcontractor, he was paid in advance for permits and some materials. We are pursuing avenues to recoup this money.

c. Renovation projects funded by OWANA funds. With the repairs to the driveway and sidewalks at 1729 W. 11th Street, the funds have been expended on major property repairs.

4. On a motion by Paula, seconded by Thomas, the 2022 Audited Financial Statement was approved. The audit contained only 1 minor finding: the security deposits cash account is $588 less than the balance of money owed.

5. Kim reported that a newsletter, containing the Notice of the Annual Meeting, along with information on upcoming board elections and membership information has been delivered to every house in the CCDC boundaries and to Sweet Home. Rather than the previous multiple flyers, information was consolidated into a 2-sided newsletter which also included articles about the new house at 1611 W. 10th and the Haskell House reopening as a museum, along with photographs.

Kim reminded the board that 4 board positions are up for election in April—the positions currently held by Aubrey Carter, BJ Friedman, Thomas Schiefer, and Gregory Tran. The deadline for getting on the ballot is March 28. Absentee balloting will begin April 7 (approximate.) All voting will be online. 

The Annual Meeting will take place April 18, 2023, at 6:30 p.m. at the Haskell House. The April Monthly Meeting will begin up on adjournment.

6. Kim gave the following report on CCDC’s successful Amplify Austin campaign, held March 1-2, 2023: We raised $9,122, reaching 91% of our goal. We had 54 unique donors, with donations ranging from $25 to $1000. All but 10 donors chose to cover the associated donation fees. Those fees, $132, have been subtracted from our total, leaving us with $8,990. In past years, Amplify has used “Amplify Fund” donations to reimburse organizations for these. No word if that will happen this year.

Matches will be divvied up by the end of next month. Two of our matches—$10,000 from the Shields-Ayers Foundation and $20,000 from Lee & Roger Kintzel—will be split with the 32 Housing, Shelter, & Homelessness organizations, based on how much money each raised. Kim does not anticipate these amounts to be significant. The remaining match, $25,000 from the Reissa Foundation, will be split evenly between a smaller group of housing organizations. We’ve been told we’ll receive “around $1,500.” When this happens, this will put us over our goal.

Here is where we stood on the various Amplify Austin leaderboards:

·      We ranked #14 of the 32 Housing, Shelter, Homelessness organizations. The first 13 organizations were “large-sized” nonprofits (budgets more than $500,000.)

·      We ranked #45 of 189 of “medium-sized “nonprofits (budgets $100,000-$500,000.)

·      We ranked #196 of 701 participating organizations.

7. The inaugural “Clarksville Conversations: Sundays at the Haskell House” event--Jessica Gilzow, Austin Parks & Recreation, “Planting a Pollinator Garden”—will take place on Sunday, March 26, 2-3 p.m.

“Clarksville Conversations: Sundays at the Haskell House” is a new speaker series sponsored by the CCDC, in conjunction with the Parks & Recreation Department and the City of Austin. It will take place quarterly, coinciding with when the Haskell House Museum is open to visitors. (2nd & 4th Sundays of each month, January-November.) Conversations will run the gamut, but our focus will be on topics which link to the history and legacy of the original Clarksville community and its descendants, the Haskell House Community Garden, and current issues of interest to our neighborhood and neighbors.

The next Clarksville Conversation is scheduled for Sunday, June 25, with State Representative Gina Hinojosa giving a wrap-up of the current Legislative Session.

8. The Ice Cream Social will be held on Sunday, April 30, 1-3 p.m. at the Haskell House. As in years past, there will be an ice cream-making competition. Store-bought ice cream will also be served.

9. Mary reported that work on the new and improved CCDC website is progressing. We hope to have it up by end of April

10. Mary shared plans for a renovation and additional new construction at 1812 West 11th (incorrect address was on the agenda.) The owners intend to move the contributing home toward the street and construct a new home at the back of the property, and would like the CCDC’s support when they go before the Historic Landmark Commission. Board members had questions as to how the contributing structure will be used, expressing concerns about having another short-term rental in the neighborhood. Mary will contact the owners for additional information. When that information is available, the board will take an electronic vote on whether to support or not.      

11. Under Other Business, Kim shared a Texas Historical Commission tourism brochure on African-American heritage sites, which includes a write-up on Clarksville and a picture of Sweet Home. The brochure will be available at the Haskell House.

12. The Board did not meet in Executive Session.


Minutes From F & O Committee Meeting on February 16th, 2023

1.     BJ Friedman reviewed January’s financials, but said she had not had time to study them in detail. Mary had not either.

2.     BJ reported that the audit was moving along and so far, the process has been much easier than when we worked with our previous auditor.

3.     Mary said that given delays associated with pouring concrete for the driveway and steps at 1611, completion has been pushed back another month. Kim now anticipates that all interior work will be done by March but the exterior work won’t be finished until April.

She also reported that a short driveway and stairs were concreted at 1729B West 11th using some of the remaining OWANA funds. We were going to use the money to address the staircase issue at 1708 West 10th,  but the tenant at 1729B broke her leg and will be using crutches for some time so concreting the driveway and stairs became a priority from a safety perspective. Mary is waiting to find out how much OWANA money remains.

4.     Mary shared with the committee members a document she had prepared, and that Brad reviewed for accuracy. It details the repairs that need to be done at each of our properties and the estimated cost for each repair, when known. There are a number of significant repairs for which we don’t have prices thus far. Also, she noted that Brad pointed out that some of the repairs for which we have estimates may turn out to be more expensive because you never know when working on old structures what new problems may be discovered once work begins. Brad continues to believe that the CCDC needs at least $300,000 for repairs and would like for the organization to have an additional $200,000 in its bank account for future needs and to stabilize the CCDC financially.

5.     Mary reported that Kim has done a lot of work to get the CCDC ready for its participation in Amplify Austin’s “I live Here, I Give Here” campaign. For example, we now have wonderful testimonials from current and past tenants and Kim and her son Jake created a video that features some of our tenants. An email will be going out to people Kim has dubbed “Big Friends” asking them to donate early to the CCDC in order to help us secure some of the matches we are eligible for. Also, Kim will be putting “I live Here, I Give Here” yard signs with a donation QR code in front of the Center, the Haskell House, on West Lynn and at another location. Board members will be asked to spread the word via email and social media. Kim will provide them with the information they need to do so.

6.     Finally, Mary indicated that progress is being made on the design on a new website for the CCDC. It will be much less history-focused and will focus instead on what the CCDC does and will provide numerous opportunities for people to support us financially. The website colors will be vibrant and the design will be engaging and dynamic.


Minutes From F & O Committee Meeting on March 16th, 2023

1. BJ Friedman reported that there was nothing of note in the February financials other than the fact that the CCDC had received a $50,000 donation.

2. BJ reported that the audit was complete, but she had not had an opportunity to review all of the audit documents yet.

3. Mary said that the concrete company that was supposed to pour the driveway and front steps at 1611 West 10th was MIA and so we were getting bids from other concrete companies. Meanwhile, work on the inside of the house is moving forward and should be completed by the end of the month. The countertops are in town, but can't be installed until there are steps &/or a driveway. Also, before Ashley Rodriguez left for Spring break, she told Kim that she'd received an email from someone regarding the owner of the non-performing concrete company—probably the licensing or bonding people--but Ashley didn't forward it to her before she left town. Kim should know more by Tuesday.

Mary also reported that all of the OWANA money has been used up. 

4. Mary told the committee members that because it had been so difficult to find a Sunday when all of the board could meet to discuss where the repair money the CCDC needs will come from, she’s recommending that they keep the May board meeting agenda as short as possible and spend most of their meeting time in Executive Session discussing options.

5. Mary reported that Kim told her that the CCDC had received $9,122 in donations as a result of the Amplify campaign. Most donation-related fees were covered by donors, but not all so we netted $8,990.52 (and this money has been transferred to us).  Kim also said that we won’t know what match funds we will receive until late April, but we've been told we'll be getting about" $1200 from the Reissa Foundation. We will receive money from two other matches as well, but the amounts probably won’t be much because they're divided proportionately among all the Housing, Shelter, Homelessness non-profits and most of the money will go to the big boys.

6. Progress on the new website continues Mary stated. Her goal is to send all of the new and revised copy plus links and photos to the web designer the following week. Right now, Kim is reviewing everything Mary has prepared.

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Mary Reed Mary Reed

Minutes, January 17, 2023

Minutes from the January 17, 2023 Clarksville CDC Monthly Meeting

The meeting was held outside the Haskell House

Board members in attendance: Aubrey Carter, BJ Friedman, Malcolm Greenstein, Paula Hern, Kim O’Brien, Mary Reed, Thomas Scheifer, Chris Thomas, Gregory Tran.

Others in attendance: Brad Prak, Prak Property Management

1. On a motion by BJ, seconded by Aubrey, the minutes from the November 15, 2022 monthly board meeting were approved.

2. Brad discussed the month financial reports. Highlights included that revenue from rental leases is just under $15,000. One tenant who was behind is not caught up. He reported that the Prak monthly management fee is higher than usual this month due to staff work associated with an eviction. An expense of $24,970 was for a roof replacement. We have 1 roof remaining that needs to be replaced. Expenditure exceeded income, primarily due to the roof replacement.

Brad reported that the annual audit is underway.

Minutes from the January 12, 2023, Finance & Operations Committee meeting appear at the end of these minutes.

3. Monthly property reports.

a. Brad reported that work is underway in the recently vacated unit. There is old termite damage that is being repaired, and new flooring might be needed. He anticipated it will be ready to re-release in February. Monthly rent will be $1150. 1011B Charlotte will be vacant sometime this quarter—current tenant is moving into a Habitat home! The unit will need some work before it can be rented again, but the work will not be extensive. All leases have been renewed.

b. Kim reported on progress at 1611 W. 10th Street. The kitchen & bath cabinets have been installed and all interior doors have been hung. There have been a string of delays with pouring concrete for the driveway/porch/steps. American YouthWorks anticipates the interior will be complete by March, but the concrete work will delay exterior work. Kim reported that Sherry Cardino, our Austin Housing Finance Corporation contact, retired at the end of 2022. Gabrielle Restivo will be taking on our project. Brad stated that it will not take much time to move tenants into the unit once it is completed.

c. We have approximately $16,000 remaining from the housing money donated by OWANA which we would like to use toward replacing the remaining roof that needs attention. Mary will share this information with OWANA’s Marissa Latta

4. Brad reported that Prak Property Management has been struggling staff-wise, but that he wants to keep working with us. Our bookkeeping needs have been greater than anticipated so PPM will need an increase going forward. The Board discussed ways that we can help to lighten the load, and looks forward to continuing to work with PPM.

5. Mary presented a list of possible events for 2023 CCDC events. After a discussion, the Board agreed to rank their interest. She will compile the results and report back.

6. Kim reported that the CCDC will be participating in this year’s I Live Here I Give Here/Amplify Austin campaign (March 1-2.) Our fundraising goal is $10,000. Based on what other non-profits earned last year, this is optimistic, but it will give us something to work toward. We will be using Instagram and Facebook to spread word, along with emails to our members and supporters. Board participation in spreading the word will be appreciated.  

7. Mary reported that an overhaul of our website is underway. The goal is to have the new one up by mid-March.

8. Mary requested approval for CCDC to join the Austin Affordable Housing Coalition. Annual cost is $150. Kathy Tyler and Mark Rogers suggested we join. The board approved the expenditure.

9. Paula reported that despite some food issues (cold tamales, late cookies) the Caroling event was a success. The kids loved the snow machine and the crafts. Although the crowd was smaller than in the past, everyone had a great time. While OWANA didn’t provide funding this year, Paula has insured that funds are included in the budget for next year. A huge shoutout to Sheila Lyons for her generous donation to the event.

10. In Other Business, Kim asked if our tenant handbook includes information on the City of Austin's Customer Assistance Programs (CAP) utility discounts. Mary said that she believed it was included, but the board agreed it would be a good idea to send out a reminder.

11. The board did not meet in Executive Session.

Action taken via Electronic Vote:

On November 29, 2022, the board authorized Mary Reed to send a letter to the City Council stating the CCDC’s opposition to the proposed Tax Increment Reinvestment Zone proposed for the Statesman PUD. Opposition was based on the board’s belief that not enough consideration was being given to affordable housing. The matter was time-sensitive and could not wait until the January meeting.


Minutes From F & O Committee Meeting on January 12th, 2023

1. BJ Friedman reviewed December’s financials.

2. Mary reported that Kim anticipates work at 1611 will be completed in March. Cabinets have been installed and tile work has begun. Concrete will be poured for driveway and front steps once a permit has been issued.

Mary also reported that all of the work at 1011 Charlotte that was funded with OWANA $ has been completed and that $16K plus remains of that money. Brad is getting a bid to address the staircase at 1708 West 10th using the remaining funds. However, that project is likely to cost more than what remains. 

3. At Kim’s request, the committee discussed what the CCDC’s fundraising goal should be for the “I Live Here, I Give Here” campaign. Kim had suggested $5,000, but the committee members felt that our goal should be $10,000. Mary said she would let Kim know.

4. Paula has resigned from the F & O Committee because she is now the CCDC’s representative on the OWANA steering committee. Mary proposed asking Gregory to join the Committee and both BJ and Chris thought that was a good idea.

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Abigail Hulme Abigail Hulme

Minutes, November 15, 2022

Minutes from the November 15, 2022 Clarksville CDC Monthly Meeting

The meeting was held via Zoom.

Board members in attendance: BJ Friedman, Malcolm Greenstein, Paula Hern, Kim O’Brien, Chris Thomas.

1.     On a motion by BJ, seconded by Paula, the minutes from the September 20 and October 18, 2022 monthly meetings were approved.

2.     Brad Prak, Prak Property Management was ill. BJ presented the monthly financial reports in his absence. As of 10/31/22, there was $120,640 in our Money Market account (allocated as follows: $29,180 in CCDC unallocated savings; $21,414 allocated to OWANA-funded projects; and $70,046 allocated to 1611 W. 10th Street construction, which includes $30,000 in grant funds received in October from the Bank of American Foundation.) There was $45,243 in our checking account. October showed a large net profit, due to the BOA grant. Other than 1611 W. 10th expenses, there were no large expenditures.

Minutes from the November 10, 2022 Finance & Operations Committee meeting appear at the end of these minutes.                   

3. Monthly property reports

a. CCDC properties managed by Prak Property Management. Brad submitted the following written report: “We are continuing to sign lease renewals with the updated rents.  One resident will be moving to a Habitat Home sometime in the first quarter, so we have told them they can break their lease without penalty.  We have eviction court tomorrow (manager will be attending) for the resident we have discussed previously.”

b. New construction at 1611 W. 10th Street. Kim gave the following report:

o   Concrete pour of driveway, front steps, and front porch scheduled for this week, weather permitting.

o   Inside painting is complete.

o   Work remaining: flooring, tile installation, installation of countertops and cabinets, bathroom fixtures, fixtures, landscaping.

o   AYW will be on a reduced schedule for parts of the next 3 months (work trip to Big Bend in November, winter break in December & January.) Work will take place, but will be slow. They’ll be back on a normal schedule mid-January. Completion expected in mid-March.

o   Mary Reed & Kim met with David Clauss, Rob Winchester, Ruby Toolin, & Ashley Rodriguez at the house to discuss everything that remains to be done. Ruby is leaving AYW at the end of this week. Ashley will be taking over as our project manager.

o   We received $30,000 from Bank of American Foundation. As soon as driveway and front steps are poured, BOA reps will visit to tour house and likely the Haskell house as well.

c. Renovation projects funded by OWANA funds. Brad’s report stated that the stair work at 1011 Charlotte is progressing.

4. Last Sunday’s Haskell House re-opening celebration was a great success. There was a good size crowd of all ages. A huge thanks to Aubrey Carter who arranged for the band—Soul Man Sam really made the day. Representatives of the City Parks department were in attendance and very impressed with what we are doing at the Haskell House.

5. Paula reported that the CCDC/OWANA Christmas party will take place on December 18. Due to COVID and other concerns, the event will be a bit more scaled back than past events—no Santa this year—but there will still be caroling, food and wine, and crafts for the kids. Rick and Phyllis Patrick will lead the caroling. Paula and Mary are reaching out to Galaxy and Nightcap to see if they will provide food.

6. OWANA officials approached CCDC asking us to take a more active role in OWANA activities. Paula will serve on the steering committee and Kim will attend zoning committee meetings.

7. No Other Business was discussed.

8. The board met in Executive Session.


Action taken via Electronic Vote:

On November 7, 2022, the board authorized Mary Reed to send a letter to the City Council stating the CCDC’s opposition to weakening current compatibility standards, and asking for a postponement of discussion since the hearing is scheduled for Election Day. The matter was time-sensitive and could not wait until the November meeting.


Minutes From F & O Committee Meeting on November 10th, 2022

BJ Friedman reviewed September’s financials.

Mary reported that work at 1611 is moving along with a finish date estimated to be sometime in the first quarter of 2023. Kim, Mary and American Youth Works staff did a walk through earlier in the week and everything looked great. AYW has taken ownership of the project and it shows. 

Work continues on the construction of new egresses at 1011 Charlotte. Brad Prak has gotten a bid from the contractor who is building the egresses for making the front staircases at this address safer.

Mary provided a short overview of Mark Roger’s (GNDC) advice regarding how to raise the $ the CCDC needs to repair its properties and what to do with the Neighborhood Center property. More information to come. Mark also had advice for how the CCDC should go about getting more money from the AHFC to fund completion of 1611. 


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Abigail Hulme Abigail Hulme

Minutes, October 18, 2022

Minutes for Clarksville CDC Monthly Meeting

October 18, 2022

6:30 p.m.


Board Members Present:

BJ Friedman

Paula Hern

Malcolm Greenstein

Aubrey Carter

Chris Thomas


Others Present:

Brad Prak-Property Manager

Lauren Lischka-neighbor




1. There were no September minutes to approve. They will be ready at the next board meeting.


2. Financial Statements

    Statements are attached. Brad went over the statements for the members. CCDC received about $13,000 in rent checks. There was one late fee and a donation to Haskell House of $30.

    Aubrey said he gave $500 for permits on the Charlotte house. Brad said Prak gave $1000. Brad will check on the balance. Brad clarified a non-profit still has to pay for city building permits.


3. Property Report

    a. Brad said only one tenant is behind on rent and is behind several months. There is a $3500 balance.The tenant agreed to sign a recession of the lease but then did not move out. The issue will be turned over to an attorney to start the eviction process. Brad said the first round of re-leasing has happened, and no one is moving out even with the rent increases.

    b. Progress on 1611 W. 10th was talked about although neither Mary or Kim were present to give more details. As of the meeting, there was no forthcoming Bank of America grant. Kim and Mary will be meeting with Mark Rogers at the Guadalupe Neighborhood Development Corporation to explore options for more funding to complete the 1611 project. Completion date is extended to February, 2023, due to sub-contractor issues.


4. Everyone was reminded of the official opening of Haskell House and party on November 13, 1-3pm. Aubrey said he had secured a musical act, an east side music group, for the event.


5. The question of whether to coordinate and plan a Christmas caroling event with OWANA was brought up and got support from everyone. Paula will start coordinating.


6. In other business, BJ reported that the bi-monthly openings of Haskell have been successful. Mary’s interviews and articles written about Haskell House have helped its visibility. BJ also reported on the ACL ticket sales. The first weekend sold for full price and the second set was discounted. BJ also noted Mary has been recognized by Preservation Austin for her community contributions and will receive a Merit Award at  their next awards ceremony December 1.


The board met in Executive Session following the Board Meeting.




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Abigail Hulme Abigail Hulme

Minutes, September 20, 2022

Minutes from the September 20, 2022 Clarksville CDC Monthly Meeting


The meeting was held virtually via Zoom

Board members in attendance: Malcolm Greenstein, Paula Hern, Kim O’Brien, Mary Reed, Gregory Tran

Others in attendance: Brak Prak, Thomas Schiefer


1. On motions by Malcolm, seconded by Paula, the minutes from the April 19, 2022 Annual and Monthly Meetings were approved with corrections.

Paula noted an omission in the August 18, 2022 minutes concerning the board’s action regarding rent increases. Kim will make the needed corrections and submit the revised minutes to the board for electronic vote approval.

2. Brad Prak presented the monthly financial reports. The end of month reports show a loss of $22,406, but this is due to roof repairs done this month that were funded with $35,000 in insurance proceeds received in a previous month.

Going forward, Brad will continue to present the monthly financial reports. Since the reports are prepared by Prak Property Management staff, he is in the best position to answer questions that may arise. Mary (CCDC President) and BJ (CCDC Treasurer) will review the reports prior to the board meetings.

The Finance & Operations committee met on September 15, 2022. Minutes from that meeting appear at the end of these minutes.

3. Monthly property reports.

a. CCDC properties managed by Prak Property Management: Brad reported that tenants were notified of rent increases. Lease renewals will be staggered over the next 3 months. One-third of tenants are using the online payment portal.

b. New construction at 1611 W. 10th Street. Kim reported that insulation, sheetrock, and weatherization work was completed in preparation for inspections. The project passed inspections for framing, electrical, plumbing, and the water yard line.

c. Renovation projects funded by OWANA funds: We’ve received the permit to begin construction of the back stairs at 1011 Charlotte. PPM has paid the contractor for additional needed permits.

4. Thomas Schiefer was unanimously approved to fill the Board vacancy left by Aly Byatt’s resignation. Thomas has been an active supporter of the CCDC since he and his wife moved into Mary Baylor’s former home on W. 10th Street, serving both on the Tenant Selection Committee and as a Haskell House docent.

5. The working group reviewing options to meet the CCDC’s financial needs reported that they are continuing to gather information. A comprehensive work session will be held to discuss their findings, likely in December or January.

6. The proposed FY 2022-23 budget was presented. The budget includes all expenses on the horizon, including 2 new roofs and approximately $300,000 in property improvements and repairs. These costs exceed expected revenue by approximately $387,000. Recognizing that all of these improvements and repairs cannot take place without additional revenue sources (discussed in agenda item #5) the budget was adopted with the understanding that this it will be amended as necessary as the year progresses.

7. The discussion of Haskell House activities, including the November 13, 2022 Haskell House re-opening celebration was postponed.     

8. No Other Business was discussed.

9. The board did not meet in Executive Session.


Clarksville Community Development Corporation

Finance and Operations Committee Meeting

Minutes - Sept 15, 2022


1.     Review of August Financials

BJ provided the committee with the monthly Balance Sheet and PnL. Total August income was $13,389.28. Expenses were 35,795.59. The bulk of expenses were for the repair of roofs for 2 of our properties ($27,900.00), for which we have received payment from our insurance company. Expenses for the 1611 W 10th construction project were only $2,127.81 this month. Our checking account has a balance of $43,896.654 and our Money Market account has a balance of $121,098.97, of which $50,849 is reserved for OWANA funded projects and $40,046.26 is for completion of 1611.

2.     Status report on projects -- 1611 West 10th Street, and 1011 Charlotte (Mary)

Mary was not able to attend the meeting, so BJ provided the limited information she has. 1611 has passed the most recent inspections and Kim will provide details at the Board meeting. 1011 Charlotte has finally received permits and will need to be bid again due to the amount of time since the initial bid. Aubrey will report details at the Board Meeting.

3.     Report on effort to determine best way to finance all of the property repairs needed. (Mary & BJ)

Mary will provide the Board with details regarding the work of the committee looking at ways to raise money for repairs at the Board meeting. BJ reported that her contact with ACF referred her to the city, which has funds but we would be restricted on how much rent we could charge on units where this money would be used for repairs.

4.     Review of draft FY22-23 operating budget (BJ)

BJ shared the draft budget with the committee. It is a negative budget due to the extensive repairs needed for our units. Paula asked if we could approve a negative budget. BJ said that would be a question for Kim since budget approval would most likely be in the by-laws.

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Abigail Hulme Abigail Hulme

Minutes, August 16, 2022

Minutes from the August 16, 2022 Clarksville CDC Monthly Meeting


The meeting was held virtually via Zoom.


Board members in attendance: Aubrey Carter, BJ Friedman, Paula Hern, Kim O’Brien, Mary Reed, Chris Thomas, Gregory Tran

Others in attendance: Brad Prak, Prak Property Management


1. On a motion by Chris, seconded by Paula, the June 21, 2022 minutes were approved. On a motion by BJ, seconded by Chris, the July 19, 2022 minutes were approved. The April 19, 2022 Annual Meeting and monthly minutes were not available. They will be on next month’s agenda for approval.

2. BJ presented the monthly financial report. As of the end of July, we had $80,310 in our checking account, $121,048 in our money market account. Most expenditures for the month were related to construction at 1611 W. 10th Street. We ended the month $1400 in the black. A question was posed about late fees collected. Brad reminded the board that fees were now being charged for late rents.

3. On a motion by BJ, seconded by Gregory, the board approved renewing our line of credit with Frost Bank.

4. Monthly property reports:

a.     Brad reported that 2 roofs (approved at the June meeting) have been installed. Approximately $7000 of the insurance claim funds remains. This will be allocated toward additional needed roof work. One tenant has not responded to 8 requests for income verification. As a result, tenant has been served with a notice of non-renewal. Brad will keep the board informed as to this situation.

b. Kim reported progress on construction at 1611 W. 10th Street. Due to American YouthWorks summer break, and shortened work days due to the extreme heat, progress was slow in July, but house is almost 60% complete. Exterior siding is complete and painting has begun. A draw request for reimbursement in the amount of $15,016 was submitted this month to the Austin Housing Finance Corporation. This will expend all but the required 1% retainage ($779) of our grant.

c. Aubrey reported that we are still waiting on the permit to construct the stairs to be funded by by OWANA funds.

5. A working group comprised of board members BJ Friedman, Gregory Tran, Mary Reed, and Malcolm Greenstein, and Brad Prak presented a variety of options developed to address inequities and fiscal inadequacies of the CCDC’s current rent structure. It has been many years since the board reviewed our rent structure, or raised any rents. The current rent structure does not bring in enough income to adequately maintain our properties. The working group took into consideration the age of each property as well as the current income of each tenant. After much discussion the Board, on a motion by Aubrey, seconded by Gregory, a majority of the board voted to adopt a rent increase model which takes into account the tenants’ income and the percentage of income that they pay in rent. As part of the motion to approve, the board agreed that any future rent adjustments must be reviewed and approved by the board.

6. Mary reported that the working group is continuing to gather information regarding ways to meet the CCDC’s projected financial needs. This item will be discussed at next month’s meeting.

7. The board approved the CCDC Applicant and Resident Eligibility Policy document. A copy of this document can be provided by CCDC Secretary Kim O’Brien.

8. As a result of higher-than-expected audit fees this past year, BJ contacted other auditors who work with affordable housing providers. She recommended that the board engage the services of Bryan Beal, with Maddox and Associates, whose projected costs of service for preparing our annual audit and 990 is less than half of what we paid previously. On a motion by Paula, seconded by Gregory, the board approved hiring Bryan Beale.

9. The board discussed setting a new date for the Haskell House re-opening celebration (postponed due to extreme heat on the originally scheduled June date.) Early November was suggested. Mary will find out if the petting zoo can be available.

10. The board discussed holding the CCDC/OWANA Christmas party at the Haskell House. While there is an interest in reviving the popular event, it was decided due to continuing COVID concerns to delay a decision until later in the year.         

11. Under Other Business, Mary reported that two Haskell House docent training session will take place over the next few weeks. She also reported that she is preparing paperwork to nominate the City Parks Department for a Preservation Merit Award for the Haskell House renovation. Merit Awards are given to the property owner (City of Austin) but CCDC will be recognized for our part in the collaborative project.

12. The board did not meet in Executive Session.

Action taken via Electronic Vote:

On July 20, 2022, the board voted to take appropriate actions to object to the proposed name of “Clarksvillage” for a new development on W. 6th Street between Baylor and Blanco. This item was on the July 19, 2022 board agenda for action, but could not be voted on due to the lack of a quorum. The matter was time-sensitive and could not wait until the August meeting.


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