Minutes & Financial Reports

Abigail Hulme Abigail Hulme

Minutes, July 16, 2019

Minutes for Clarksville CDC Monthly Meeting

July 16, 2019

6:30 p.m.

Haskell House

1703 Waterston 

Board members present: Aly Byatt, Aubrey Carter, BJ Friedman, Malcolm Greenstein, Paula Hern, Mary Reed, and Gregory Tran

Others present:  Rose Gabriel 

1.    A motion to approve the May 21, 2019 minutes was made by Paula and seconded by Aly. The May 21 minutes were approved.

A motion to approve the June 18, 2019 minutes was made by Malcolm and seconded by Aubrey. The motion was approved with corrections

a.    Item 2 – BJ was not present at the meeting, so her name should be removed from reporting on finances.

b.    Item 2 – the address of the make-ready residence should be corrected. 1007B Charlotte is the correct address.  

c.     Item 5 – The address should be corrected to 1611, not 1622 W 10th. 

2.    BJ made the finance committee report (see minutes below) and the finance report. Malcolm asked about Fun Fest expenses. A full Fun Fest report will be forthcoming listing all income and expenses. Rose provided a spreadsheet with expenses associated with the make-ready for 1007B Charlotte. It was a virtual gut.

3.    Rose made the Property management report. All tenants are currently current with rent. Tenants vacated 1720A W 11th. The house was left in good condition. Rose will install a motion detection light at the corner of the house to dissuade trespassers. The new tenants, a single mother with 3 children, will occupy the house in September.

4.    Mary spoke in lieu of Chris regarding a new appointee to the Tenant Selection Committee. Thomas Schiefer was nominated. He and his wife are the owners of the former Mary Baylor house and he is invested in the culture of Clarksville. His appointment for a 2 year term was approved unanimously.

5.    Rose updated the Board on the CCDC house to be built at 1611 W 10th. A hip roof with dormers was added to the design. We are currently waiting on the survey to be completed and then the application for the COA funding will be completed by Rose and personnel from American Youthworks, with final approval by Mary before the August deadline. Rose has asked AYW about architect fees and has yet to receive a response.

6.    Mary reported on the steps CCDC board members will take to prepare for the new land use code. She has received a map of the neighborhood that board members will use to indicate how the neighborhood has been developed and how it might be developed in the future to preserve as much single-family housing as possible. Aubrey and Brooke will develop a coding system to use in the mapping. The new code will supposedly be finalized in August, go before the planning commission and then to Council for first reading in October. Mary indicated there is the possibility of a lawsuit being filed by those opposed to the code after it is approved.

7.    Mary reminded the board of the upcoming Ice Cream Social, to be held on Sunday, August 4, 3-5 p.m., at the Haskell House. Board member assignments will be forthcoming.

8.    The meeting was adjourned at 7:14 PM.

9.    The board met in executive session.

Action taken via Electronic Vote:

On July 9, 2019, the board voted to approve an expenditure not to exceed  $4,000 to Holt Carson, Inc. for surveying services at the site of the proposed CCDC affordable housing unit to be located at 1611 W. 10th Street.

This matter was time-sensitive and could not wait until the July meeting.


Finance Committee Minutes – 7/16/19

Committee Members present: BJ Friedman, Mary Reed

Also Attending: Rose Gabriel

1.    BJ reviewed monthly bank statement and reconciled the statement with receipts.

2.    Mary and BJ reviewed financial summaries for Fun Fest and the make ready for 1007B Charlotte. In the future, Mary will ask board members to provide receipts for in-kind expenses so we can better document Fun Fest expenses.

3.    Rose will provide the finance committee with QuikBooks breakdowns of income and expenses for major financial report items.

4.    The auditor requested that we document that all properties are rented to comply with deed restrictions and other rent compliance requirements. BJ and Rose will work on this in the coming weeks.

5.    Rose will ask Greg to assist her with determining current market values for our properties to make sure we have sufficient insurance coverage.


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Abigail Hulme Abigail Hulme

Minutes, June 18, 2019

Minutes from the June 18, 2019 Clarksville CDC Monthly Meeting

Board members present: Aubrey Carter, Malcolm Greenstein, Paula Hern, Kim O’Brien, Mary Reed, and Gregory Tran

Others present:  Rose Gabriel, David Clauss (American YouthWorks/YouthBuild Austin)

1.    There was not a quorum of board members who were also present at the May meeting, so the minutes from the May 21, 2019 monthly board meeting could not be approved. This item will appear on next month’s agenda

2.    Rose presented the financial report. We showed a net loss of $6,902 in May. Expenses were high because of make-ready costs at 1007B Charlotte and A/C repairs at 1821B Waterston. As of May 31, our checking balance was $101.01, savings balance, $79,797.07. Family FunFest accounting will be available at the July meeting.

The Finance Committee did not meet.

 3.    Rose presented the property management report. All tenants are current on rent. Rent has been reduced on one unit due to a change in a tenant’s relationship status, increased on another due to an income change. The make-ready at 1007B Charlotte is complete and potential tenants are being evaluated.

4.    On a motion by Aubrey, seconded by Paula, the following reappointments were made to the Tenant Selection Committee: Chris Thomas and Malcolm Greenstein, CCDC representatives; Pamela Jackson, tenant representative. Their terms will run until May 2021.

There is one vacancy on the TSC, the term of which also will run until May 2021. The spot must be filled by a community member. This appointment will be considered at the July board meeting.

5.    The CCDC will be partnering with YouthBuild Austin, a program of American YouthWorks, to build the new CCDC house at 1611 W. 10th Street. David Claus, YouthBuild Austin, introduced himself to the Board and presented information about the organization. Students at American Youthworks spend half of their time in class, working toward their high school diploma or GED, and half of their time in 1 of 3 vocational tracks: construction, medical, or graphic design careers.  They earn professional certifications and a training stipend. With good attendance, they earn approximately $200/week. Most participants are 16-24 years old, approximately 60% male/40% female. They encourage non-traditional roles, so men and women are in all tracts.

CCDC will be working with Casa Verde Builders (CVB), YouthBuild Austin’s  construction career tract. Students will do much of the work, supervised by staff trainers. CVB have completed 94 homes in Austin. CVB homes are 4-5 star homes. Construction will take a little longer—David expects a year for completion of the project, but the benefits of the program are worth the extra time. CCDC will be saving money because we will not be paying for the labor. And an added benefit is the labor “costs” can be used as a grant match. YouthBuild has done a lot of work with Austin Housing Finance Corporation and have a good partnership. David is familiar with the AHFC application, and is confident that we will meet the August AHFC deadline. The City of Austin supports CCDC’s partnership with YouthBuild Austin.

David and Rose presented the board with design options. Of the options presented, the board preferred the one labeled “C-2.” The next step is the preparation of the geo-technical report.

6.    Mary reported on a proposed project to be located at 1400 West Lynn. The project proposes a multi-unit, 3-story structure, with parking located below ground. The units with be small, with shared common space. If approved, it will replace a duplex that is a contributing structure in the West Line National Historic Register District. The developer recently presented plans to the OWANA membership, which did not support the project and voted against  demolishing the existing duplex.

7.    The annual Ice Cream Social will be held on Sunday, August 4, 3-5 p.m., at the Haskell House.

8.    No Other Business was discussed.

9.     The board met in Executive Session to discuss tenant issues.




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Abigail Hulme Abigail Hulme

Minutes, May 21, 2019

Minutes from the May 21,2019 Clarksville CDC Monthly Meeting


Board members in attendance: Aly Byatt, BJ Friedman, Malcolm Greenstein, Kim O’Brien, Mary Reed, Chris Thomas, and Gregory Tran

1.    On a motion by Malcolm, seconded by Aly, the minutes from the April 16, 2019 annual meeting were approved. On a motion by Malcolm, seconded by BJ, the of minutes from the April 16, 2019 monthly meeting were approved.

2.    BJ presented the monthly financial reports and finance committee report. In April, we showed a net gain of $2,247.48. Our checking balance as of 4/30/19 was $7,871; savings balance was $80,937. Make-ready expenses at 1007A Charlotte are high and will likely require a budget amendment.

3.    All tenants are current on rent, save one, who is current on their payment plan. 1007A Charlotte is currently vacant. A substantial make ready is underway: bathroom demo, paint, porch modification. The until will be ready to rent in July. The only other major repair item was related to the A/C unit at 1009B Charlotte.

4.    On a motion by Malcolm, seconded by Gregory, the following officers were elected. They will serve until May 2020.

President:  Mary Reed

Vice-President:  Chris Thomas

Treasurer:  BJ Friedman

Secretary:  Kim O’Brien

5.    Appointments to the Tenant Selection Committee were postponed until the June meeting.

6.    Adam Greenfield, Streets for All, presented information regarding a new City program which allows residents to close their street to traffic for a block party. The City created a block party permit last year. Adam’s job is to spread awareness of program. He will meet with groups to help organize block parties. The process is relatively straightforward: the permit fee is $50; application must be submitted at least 10 days in advance. There is a guide for organizing. Adam recommends 2-3 months lead time. He is anticipating a high demand for National Night Out, but any occasion is good for a block party. 80% of residents of the block must agree in order for a permit to be issued. Additional information can be found at www.austintexas.gov/blockparty or by contacting Adam at austinblockparties@gmail.com or 415-731-1139.

7.    Mary reported that representatives with the City’s Affordable Housing Bonds program are enthusiastic about our collaboration with American YouthWorks in the planning and construction of the CCDC house to be located at 1622 W. 10th Street. We will be able to leverage our match through the participation of their student workforce. A topographic study is being done—there is at least one heritage tree on the property. Our plan is to apply for bond funds in August;

8.    The Clarksville Family Fun Fest, held May 19, 2019, was a big success. The weather was good and turnout was great. The board thanked all of our underwriters, with a particular shout-out to Cover 3 whose employees were at the fishing pond throughout the Fun Fest handing out swag. Too soon to know how much money was raised.

9.    No Other Business was discussed.

10.     The board met in Executive Session to discuss a tenant matter.

Action taken via Electronic Vote:

On April 25, 2019, the board voted to approve an expenditure of $5,000 to American YouthWorks/Austin toward the cost of architectural plans, structural plans, topographical survey, and other items needed to move forward with construction of a new CCDC affordable housing unit to be located at 1611 W. 10th Street.

This matter was time-sensitive and could not wait until the May meeting.


Finance Committee Meeting, May 20, 2019

BJ Friedman, Mary Reed, and Kim O’Brien met. Rose Gabriel was ill, but was available via telephone to answer questions.

Items discussed:

·      Make ready of 1007A Charlotte: very extensive and expensive. (complete bathroom rebuild, complete interior painting, front porch alteration.) Rose anticipates a budget amendment will be needed to cover these expenses.

·      Needed repairs to the Haskell House: Rose to contact the City because repairs should be their responsibility. The possibility of grant funds was discussed.

·      New house at 1622 W. 10th: City has approved of our collaboration with Austin Youthworks. The project may take a bit longer, but costs should be lower.

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Abigail Hulme Abigail Hulme

Minutes, Annual Meeting, April 16,2019

Minutes from the April 16, 2019 Clarksville CDC Annual Meeting

Board Members present: Aly Byatt, BJ Friedman, Malcolm Greenstein, Paula Hern, Kim O’Brien, Mary Reed, Chris Thomas

Others present: Rose Gabriel, Mollie Smith, Michael Smith  

1.             Mary Reed, CCDC President, presented the “State of the CCDC” Annual Report. It appears at the end of these minutes.

2.             BJ Friedman, CCDC Treasurer, presented a report on the CCDC’s Finances. It appears at the end of these minutes.

3.             Rose Gabriel, CCDC Property Manager, presented a report on the CCDC’s housing program. It appears at the end of these minutes.

4.             Kim O’Brien, acting as the Election Administrator, announced the results of the Board of Directors election. With 19 members voting—14 absentee, 5 in person, 17% membership turnout—Aly Byatt, Aubrey Carter, BJ Friedman, and Gregory Tran were elected to serve 2-year terms.


State of the CCDC, Mary Reed:

When I think about how to characterize the months since out last annual meeting, what comes to mind is that they were filled with some big highs and lows. I’ll start with the lows and actually I am only going to talk about two, the two that were the most significant in my opinion. One of them is – you guessed it --  the Clarksville Buaas-Martin LHD.

Our efforts to create an LHD began on a hopeful note, but things quickly became difficult, despite all of our time, energy and money. As a recap, we spent months providing property owners in the proposed LHD with the education and information that the City, the HLC and the Council expect us to provide. We had a web site designed; planned and hosted a very successful walking tour of the Buaas-Martin area; helped organize an initial City-sponsored LHD information event at St. Luke Church; participated in a LHD board training; finalized the required draft LHD documents, including the design standards; drafted and redrafted numerous informational materials that were handed out door-to-door and mailed to property owners who don’t reside in the LHD area; and we hosted 7 not-always-easy house parties. What happens next is up in the air. The issue is on today’s regular meeting agenda.

Our efforts to save 1002 Charlotte represent the other big low. As a reminder, 1002 Charlotte Street was a sweet, historically-contributing Clarksville home that needed work, but was not in terrible shape. However, the new owners -- a group of investors -- were determined to replace it with a Gothic-style house, which was completely out-of- character for Clarksville and for all of Old West Austin for that matter.  

Dealing with Priscilla Glover, who was the front person for the investors, was difficult and frustrating. She refused to even consider alternatives to a demolition; ignored the drawings Aubrey created illustrating ideas for how the house could be enlarged; refused to give the CCDC sufficient time to move the house; mostly ignored my emails; caused those of us who were trying to save the house to sit at HLC meetings until late in the evening not knowing that she hadn’t bothered to show up; and then later when she finally did attend a HLC meeting, she shocked us by referring to 1002 Charlotte as a “shack.”

Adding insult to injury, Glover also ignored all of my requests that she agree in writing to follow the EPA-recommended guidelines for demolishing an old house with lead paint and then she ignored my requests for a heads-up regarding the date of the demolition so that I could let the parents of young children in the area know because many of them wanted to help protect their kids from the toxic lead dust by taking them out of the neighborhood when it happened. In the end, the demolition took place at the worst possible time – when school was getting out.

The Charlotte Street saga illustrated the importance of a LHD by highlighting just how little power the HLC and a neighborhood have when the owner of a historically contributing house is determined to tear it down and does not care if what they plan to build in its place is in any way compatible with the historic character of that neighborhood.

On the high side, our events were terrific. For example, our FF was a big success and was much less labor-intensive than in years past because we opted for a food truck rather than selling and serving our own food and because we eliminated the big kids bounce house. We saw lots of new faces at our summer ice cream social and ate some yummy ice cream, and we injected new energy into the Christmas party we hosted with OWANA by combining old activities like visits with Santa and caroling, with new ones that appealed to young families, like fake snow and a crafts table. As a result, we had a much larger crowd that we have had in recent years. We also substituted tamales and queso for churros, which turned out to be a very popular decision because we ran out of food within the event’s first hour.

And last October, the CCDC celebrated its 40th anniversary with a super fun party at the Haskell House. The Salt Lick did a great job catering the event; we could not have asked for better music than what Leanne Atherton and her talented band members provided; and there was plenty of cake. It was definitely a feel-good party.

The fact that we finally got the go-ahead from the City to build a new affordable single family home on the vacant lot on West 10th was definitely a positive too. However, it “only” took 5 years for that to happen. So much for the City’s commitment to increasing the amount of affordable housing in Austin’s neighborhoods. But kudos to Councilmember Tovo’s staff for helping us keep the pressure on staff.

And finally, our finances remain solid as does our affordable housing program. You’ll hear more about both when BJ and Rose speak.


Treasurer’s Report, BJ Friedman

 Fiscal year is Oct-Sept

We own 9 properties, housing 16 tenant units and manage the Haskell House and Pauline Brown Community Center

We didn’t project our annual budget too well - $12,524 over budget.

            Lower rental income – renting to tenants with greater needs

            Overestimated Fun Fest income

            Insurance costs are higher than expected (new unit)

            Almost $23,000 over for repairs to properties

            Almost $3000 over for taxes (accounting issue)

            Almost $4500 over for utilities (new unit)

            Tree and landscape maintenance

Balanced out somewhat with lower costs in other areas

            No haunted house event

            Lower FF expense

            Lower maintenance/supplies for HH

            Less for pest control

            Less for printing

Compared to previous 4 years – pretty typical except 2017-18 was an anomaly

            Income is down slightly – more tenant turnover than seen in the past

            Utilities and maintenance are higher

Also our biennial audit is occurring currently, so some of these numbers may change – depreciation and payroll tax expense that should have been in 2017-18


Housing Report, Rose Gabriel

·      Building Improvements

1807 West 11th

            Did wood repair and painted exterior

 1821 A Waterston

                        New AC

1011 A Charlotte

                        New interior paint and bathroom repairs

            1009A Charlotte

                        New interior paint

            1708 B West 10th

                        New interior paint, steps painted and skid tape

·      Had four new families move during fiscal year resulting in higher than budgeted repair, supplies  and utility expenses for make ready

 ·      Financials

Net loss for the year was $-12,523

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Abigail Hulme Abigail Hulme

Minutes, Monthly Meeting, April 16,2019

Minutes from the April 16, 2019 Clarksville CDC Monthly Meeting

Board Members present: Aly Byatt, BJ Friedman, Malcolm Greenstein, Paula Hern, Kim O’Brien, Mary Reed, Chris Thomas

Others present: Rose Gabriel, Mollie Smith, Michael Smith

1.    On a motion by Malcolm, seconded by BJ, the minutes from the February 15, 2019 monthly board meeting were approved.

Note: Due to the absence of the presiding officers, no monthly board meeting was held; therefore, there are no March minutes.

2.    BJ and Rose presented the financial reports for February and March. We showed a net gain of $7,141.16. The checking balance, as of 3/31/19, was $11,528, the savings balance, $80,936. Income includes $100 in donations collected at the holiday event, and a number of t-shirts purchased by a member of the Haskell family.

3.    Rose reported that all tenants are either current on rent, or current on their payment plans. One unit is currently vacant, and the make-ready has been substantial. The vacant unit is a 3-1, expected to be available by 5/15. A couple of possible tenants have already been approved, including a Casa Marianela family.

4.    Kim reported that the annual Membership Drive netted 5 new members. Total membership is at 110.

5.    The Board discussed the Clarksville Buaas-Martin LHD effort. Proposed options for going forwarded included: assessing support by going door-to-door; holding another community meeting, to include people who live in LHDs; putting the LHD to a vote; ending the process.

After much discussion the board voted to end the process. The motion was made by Chris, seconded by BJ.

A letter will be drafted and delivered to all residents of the proposed LHD. Copies will be mailed to property owners living elsewhere. (Note: A copy of the letter appears at the end of these minutes.)

6.    Mary reported that plans for the 11th Annual Clarksville Family Fun Fest, scheduled for May 19, 1-5 p.m. at the Clarksville Pauline Brown Neighborhood Center, are progressing well. Mary has secured underwriters for all of the activities except for the Photo Booth. Members of the board, along with Mollie Smith for Minor Wilson, made pledges to cover the cost of the Photo Booth. aMary reported that there will be some great items in the Silent Auction, with lots of new donors contributing goods and services.

7.    No Other Business was discussed.

8.     The board met in Executive Session to discuss a tenant matter.


Text of letter delivered to all residents and property owners of the proposed Clarksville Buaas-Martin LHD:

Dear Neighbor:

When the Clarksville Community Development Corporation (CCDC) was founded in 1978 following years of racist government efforts to destroy Clarksville and benign developer attempts to exploit it, the CCDC’s goal was not only to provide low and moderate income housing, but to maintain and preserve the character and history of the historic neighborhood. Because more of the neighborhood’s historically contributing homes were being demolished or remodeled out of character and because contributing homes in the adjacent Buaas-Martin neighborhood were also under threat, the CCDC Board decided that the best way to preserve the historic nature of these areas was to propose the creation of the Clarksville Buaas-Martin local historic district (LHD).

Prior to doing so, the CCDC met with City officials who were knowledgeable of the LHD process and spoke to numerous people whose neighborhoods had approved LHDs. Also, once the Clarksville Buaas-Martin LHD process began, the LHD was discussed at several open CCDC meetings and subsequently, at a well-publicized public meeting. In addition, several CCDC board members opened their homes to provide neighbors with opportunities to discuss the LHD and get their questions answered. It soon became clear however, that the Clarksville Buaas-Martin LHD was unpopular and divisive.

The CCDC Board continues to believe that the historic character of the Clarksville Buaas-Martin areas is worth preserving. However, in light of the fact that for the past 41 years, community-building has been a key mission of the CCDC, it is with great regret that we have decided to end our LHD initiative. We remain committed to continuing all of the CCDC’s activities -- providing affordable housing, hosting neighborhood events throughout the year, and working to preserve our neighborhood’s history.


The Clarksville Community Development Corporation Board of Directors

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Abigail Hulme Abigail Hulme

Minutes, February 19, 2019

Minutes from the February 19, 2019 Clarksville CDC Monthly Meeting

Board members present: Aly Byatt, Aubrey Carter, BJ Friedman, Malcolm Greenstein, Paula Hern, Kim O’Brien, and Chris Thomas

1.    On a motion by Aubrey, seconded by Malcolm, the minutes from the January 15, 2019 monthly board meeting were adopted with corrections. (Minutes posted at http://www.clarksvillecdc.org/ reflect corrections.)

2.    Due to Rose’s illness, BJ presented the Financial Report. We showed a net loss of $813 in January, due primarily to a SNAFU related to switching to auto-pay for utility payments. As of January 31, our checking balance was $.01, savings balance $80,772. Money ($12,000) has been transferred from savings to checking. On a motion by Malcolm, seconded by Aubrey, the Financial Report was approved.

Notes from the Finance Committee meeting are at the end of these minutes.

3.    According to Rose’s property management report, all tenants but one are current. Tenant in arrears is on a payment plan and will be current by April. One tenant is moving. A 3-1 until will be available April 1, 2019.

4.    To date, 5 of 7 Clarksville Buaas-Martin LHD informational house parties have been held. The house parties have led to much discussion of the LHD, both negative and positive. The board’s discussion centered on the best way to convey information regarding issues and questions raised at the house parties. Notes from each house party will be posted on the LHD website: https://clarksvillebuaasmartinlhd.org/notes-from-lhd-house-parties. Additionally, the board wants to create a Frequently Asked Questions document that can be distributed door-to-door, as well as mailed to property owners who do not live in the proposed LHD area.

5.    Mary Reed was unable to attend the meeting, but shared information via Chris regarding 1002 Charlotte, a Clarksville NRHD contributing house. The demo permit was released February 4, 2019. To date, the owner has not responded to emails asking for specific information regarding the timeline for demolition we need in order to notify nearby CCDC tenants so that they can minimize their children’s exposure to toxic lead dust that will be released.

6.    Kim reported that the annual membership drive will take place in mid-March. Information regarding membership will be posted on the website, neighborhood bulletin boards, and delivered door-to-door. While all CCDC activities are open to everyone, membership is required in order to vote in the Board of Directors election, as well as to serve on the Board.

The election will take place on April 16, 2019, prior to the Annual Meeting that will begin at 6:30. Four positions are up for election this year. Currently serving in those positions are Aly Byatt, Aubrey Carter, BJ Friedman, and Gregory Tran.

7.    The Clarksville Family Fun Fest will take place on May 19, 2019, 1-5 p.m., at the Pauline Brown Clarksville Neighborhood Center. The music lineup is nearly in place, including a new children’s entertainer, Mr. Will. Children’s activities will include face painting, petting zoo, climbing wall, a photo booth, and a bouncy house for the little kids. New this year: a “fishing” pond and a no-charge crafts table. Taco Flats will be selling food. And of course, a dynamite silent auction. Volunteers will be needed.

8.    Under Other Business, it was reported that there’s a new lock at the Haskell House, along with new lighting.

9.    The Board did not meet in Executive Session.

Notice of action taken by electronic vote:

On January 29 and 31, 2019, the board took action on two tenant matters: one regarding possible adjustment to a rent increase schedule; the other, waiving of late fees due to federal government shut-down.


The Finance Committee met on February 19, 2019, prior to the Board meeting.

Present: BJ Friedman, Kim O’Brien.

Rose was ill but provided answers via telephone.

January 2019 expenses were discussed, including

·      The monthly net loss of a $813.85 was due to the scheduling of Utility payments due to a switch to auto-payment, and a tenant who is behind in rent (note: tenant is on a payment schedule and will be current by April.)

·      The Income “refund” line item on the Profit & Loss statement is due to security lighting purchased for the Haskell House that was returned. (Cost is reflected in Expense HH Maintenance & Supplies.)

·      $12K has been transferred from savings to checking to increase the .01 balance

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Abigail Hulme Abigail Hulme

Minutes, January 15, 2019

Minutes from the January 15, 2019 Clarksville CDC Monthly Meeting


Board Members present: BJ Friedman, Malcolm Greenstein, Paula Hern, Kim O’Brien, Mary Reed, Chris Thomas

Others present: Rose Gabriel

1.    On a motion by Chris, seconded by Malcolm, the minutes from the November 20, 2018 monthly board meeting were approved.

2.    BJ and Rose presented the financial reports from November and December 2018. November showed a net gain of $3,907, with a checking balance on November 30 of $20,667, savings balance of $51,237; December, a net gain of $1,807, with a checking balance on December 30 of $5,762, savings balance of $76,999.  

Expenses from the holiday event were higher than in years past because we invested in some supplies/decorations that can be used multiple times. OWANA will contribute $100 toward the cost of the event. Rents were down a bit, but tenants who are behind are on payment plans and are catching up. Utilities were higher because a switch to e-billing led to a delay in billing/payment. On a motion by Malcolm, seconded by Kim, the November & December financial reports were approved.

Notes from the Finance Committee are at the end of these minutes.

3.    Rose presented the property management report. Approximately half of our  tenants are paying rent through Venmo which is improving the facility of rent collection. All but 2 tenants are up to date—payment plans are in effect. There were few repairs in November & December.

After meeting in Executive Session to discuss specific tenant matters, the board voted to instigate the eviction process for one household and agreed to extend a lease for another to coincide with the end of the 2019-2020 school year (when their child will finish at the neighborhood school.)

4.    Mary reported that the schedule for Clarksville Buaas-Martin LHD informational house parties has been set. They will run from late January through the end of February. Property owners who live in existing LHDs are scheduled to attend each one. A binder has been prepared that contains neighborhood photos of remodels/renovations/add-ons that would be allowed under draft LHD design standards. It will be at all house parties.

5.    Mary reported that the demolition of 1002 Charlotte will proceed. The homeowner is not interested in the CCDC moving the house to 1611 W. 10th (CCDC land leased from the City of Austin.) The date for releasing the demo permit is not known, but CCDC tenants who live in the cul-de-sac want to know when it will happen so that they can take necessary precautions for their children. The homeowner was agreeable to our moving the house, but set an unrealistic deadline for our making that happen. When we were unable to meet the deadline, she would not extend it.

6.    Paula reported that the CCDC/OWANA Holiday Party, held December 15, 2018, was a big success. More people attended than in the past. The kid’s crafts & snow machines changed the event from a quiet caroling event to a party. And the tamales and queso were very popular, as were Santa & Mrs. Claus. This year the caroling was limited to 2 houses—Pumpkin Brown’s and Willis Littlefield’s. Some carolers would have liked to make more stops.

7.    The first planning meeting for the 2019 Clarksville Family Fun Fest is scheduled for the end of January. Let Mary know if you have any ideas.

8.    No Other Business was discussed

9.     The board met in Executive Session to discuss two tenant-related issues.


The Finance Committee met prior to the Board meeting.

Present: BJ Friedman, Mary Reed, Kim O’Brien, Rose Gabriel.

November and December 2018 expenses were discussed, including expenses related to the Holiday Party, an LHD expense for rent (payment to St. Lukes Church for the 11/8/18 community meeting with City Historic Preservation representatives.)

Prior to the meeting, Rose and BJ met to orient BJ in her new role as CCDC Treasurer, reviewing finances, process, etc. It was a productive meeting for both of them.

Rose reported the following:

·      She is beginning to store financial documents on Google docs

·      She is planning to will purchase a fireproof box to store our deeds

·      It’s time to start the process for our bi-annual audit

·      We will be building a new house at 1611 W. 10th Street. We need to start plans, surveys, architect fees, etc. She asked for $10,000 to be set aside in order to get started. The money will eventually be reimbursed—either through funds from the Austin Housing Finance Corporation (City’s affordable housing bonds) if we are successful in receiving funds, or from HomeBase (funds remaining from OWANA’s affordable housing money.) AHFC previously funded 80% of costs, but now only will fund up to 50%--although this may change as they develop new processes. May 1st is the first funding period we will be able to apply for.

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Abigail Hulme Abigail Hulme

Minutes, November 20, 2018

Minutes from the November 20, 2018 Clarksville CDC Monthly Meeting

Board members present: Aly Byatt, BJ Friedman, Malcolm Greenstein, Kim O’Brien, Mary Reed, Chris Thomas

Others present: Rose Gabriel

1.    On a motion by Malcolm, seconded by BJ, the minutes from the October 16, 2018 monthly board meeting were approved with changes. These changes are reflected in the official copy, as well as the copy posted on the CCDC website.

2.    We showed a net financial gain of $3,190 in October. As of the end of that month, the CCDC had $14,904 available in our checking account, and $51,237 in savings.

3.    All tenants but 1 are current on rent. The one who is not is on a payment plan to get current. After meeting in Executive Session the board decided on a rent increase for a tenant whose income verification warranted it. Said tenant’s lease was renewed for six-months. Any lease extension will require income verification.  

4.    The Board welcomed Aly Byatt to the CCDC Board of Directors. Aly was appointed in October to fill the vacancy left by Teri Taylor’s resignation. Her term will run until April 2019. Aly has hit the ground running—already having attended 2 public meetings and the CCDC’s 40th Birthday Party.

5.    The Board discussed the recent COA-sponsored Local Historic District information session for property owners, held November 8 at St. Luke Church, and discussed next steps. Mary reported that she has had some meetings with some of the people who raised questions at the meeting to share information. The meetings have been productive and polite. As a result of the information session, Mary is drafting some fact sheets to included information on what an LHD is and isn’t, what it does and doesn’t do. And she’s taken photos of houses in the area—new construction—that would be allowable, to provide concrete examples. These will be shared at the house parties that will be held in 2019.

6.    The board discussed 1002 Charlotte, a contributing property. The new owner is seeking approval from the Historic Landmark Commission to demolish the house. As a possibility for saving the house, Mary and Rose are in the process of determining if the structure can be moved to the City property on W. 10th slated for construction of a CCDC home.

7.    The CCDC 40th Birthday Party, held October 28 at the Haskell House, was a huge success, a fantastic celebration. Everyone enjoyed the fellowship, the BBQ, and Leanne Atherton’s music. And sponsorships covered the cost of the party.

8.    The CCDC/OWANA Holiday Party will be held on Saturday, December 15. There will be crafts for kids, beginning at 5. Santa & Mrs. Claus are scheduled to arrive at 5:30. Neighborhood caroling, led by Francis Barton, will start at 6. Food this year will be tamales and hot chocolate from Zocolo and sweets from Nightcap.

9.    Other Business: There will be no board meeting in December. Next meeting: Tuesday, January 15, 2019.

10.   The Board met in Executive Session to discuss a tenant issue.


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Abigail Hulme Abigail Hulme

Minutes, October 16, 2018

Minutes from the October 16, 2018 CCDC Monthly Board Meeting

Board Members Present: Aubrey Carter, BJ Friedman, Malcolm Greenstein, Paula Hern, Mary Reed, Kim O’Brien, Chris Thomas, Gregory Tran

Others Present: Aly Byatt, Tracey Rose

1.    On a motion by BJ, seconded by Chris, the minutes from the August 21, 2018 monthly board meeting (recorded by Chris) were approved.  On a motion by Aubrey, seconded by Paula, the minutes from the September 18, 2018 monthly board meeting (recorded by Paula) were approved. 

2.    As of September 30, 2018, we had $9200 in our checking balance, $51,000 in saving. Donations are coming in for the 40th birthday party which should cover the costs. Also, we raised $1000 on the “auction” of 4 ACL 3-day passes, donated to the CCDC by C3 Productions, via OWANA. Monthly expenses included picnic table repairs at the Haskell House. HH. The City had planned to either replace the Haskell House roof, or replace shingles prior to the 40th Birthday Party, but rain is causing a delay.

3.    Per the property management report, two tenants are behind on rent, but are on payment plans to bring them up to date.

4.    There currently is a vacancy on the CCDC Board of Directors due to Teri Taylor’s resignation. Mary reported that an email was sent to all current members regarding the vacancy. Although a number of people expressed some interest, only one followed through and will be interviewed tonight in Executive Session.  

Following the Executive Session, on a motion by Gregory, seconded by Chris, the Board unanimously approved the appointment of Aly Byatt to fill the vacancy on the Board. Aly will serve until April 2019.

5.    Mary reminded the Board of the City staff briefing on the Local Historic District process to be held October 17, 6:30 p.m.at the Haskell House.

6.    Mary reminded the Board about the COA-sponsored LHD information session for property owners to be held on November 8, 7 p.m., at St. Luke Church. 

7.    Mary gave a report on plans for the CCDC’s 40th Birthday Party, to be held October 28, 3-5 p.m. at the Haskell House. BJ has created an evite, sent to special friends of the CCDC. Flyers inviting all neighbors have been delivered door-to-door, along with emails sent to the neighborhood, OWANA, and others. Tents will be set up for the band and the catering. Lee Ann Atherton will play. There will be cake, decorations, and (short) speeches—Mary, Malcolm, and John Henneberger.  

8.    Mary gave an update on 1002 Charlotte. For the second time, the owner didn’t show at the Historic Landmark Commission hearing regarding demolition of the structure, a contributing structure to the Clarksville NHRD, but not historic on its own merits, so it has no protection from demolition. Another hearing will take place. An issue of concern regarding the house: lead dust that will occur with demolition—there are 10 young children living in the cul-de-sac. Will the owner take this into account should the house be demolished?

Mary has reached out to the owner to discuss options—so far, without success. One option the CCDC would like to discuss: should the demolition permit be approved, can the house be moved and serve as CCDC housing? Rose Gabriel, CCDC property manager, will conduct research to see if this is a viable option.

9.    Other Business: 

Paula reported that she has turned in an application to the community parks program for improvements to the Mary Baylor Clarksville Park. She included an arbor by the splashpad, repainting of the basketball lines, and planting a tree by the bathhouse, assuming it won’t interfere with the pipes.

Mary shared information from NextDoor about a 30-year old aggressive husky, white male, with possible mental health issues who’s reported to have confronted women at 9th and Blanco, 12th and Lorraine, other places in neighborhood, and at CVS (according to one or our tenants.) Police advise to call 911 if seen or threatened.

10.    The board met in Executive Session to discuss filling the vacancy on the Board created by Teri Taylor’s resignation.


Action taken via Electronic Vote:

Due to a lack of quorum at the September meeting, electronic votes were taken on the following items. These matters were time-sensitive and could not be postponed until the October meeting.


·      On September 21, 2018, the board voted unanimously to approve the proposed FY 2018-19 Budget.

·      On September 22, 2018, on a motion by BJ Friedman, seconded by Paula Hern, Gregory Tran was unanimously appointed to a vacancy on the Tenant Selection Committee. He fills a board member slot on the TSC vacated by the resignation of Teri Taylor from the CCDC Board. His term runs through May 2020.

·      On September 23, 2018, on a motion by Kim O’Brien, seconded by Aubrey Carter, BJ Friedman was unanimously elected to fill the vacant Treasurer position vote. She replaces Teri Taylor. Her term runs through May 2019.

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Abigail Hulme Abigail Hulme

Minutes, September 18, 2018

Minutes for CCDC Board Meeting, September 18, 2018, Haskell House, 6:30 pm


Board Members Present:  Aubrey Carter, Mary Reed, Paula Hern

Others Present: Rose Gabriel


1. Minutes from last month’s meeting were not approved as there was not a quorum.

2. Financial report from Rose Gabriel. August shows a net gain of $2,275. The checking balance on 8/30/2018 was $6,184 and savings was $51,237. The financial report is attached. There was a finance committee meeting with treasurer elect, BJ Friedman on September 11. The budget for 2018-2019 was reviewed. It will be sent to the board for an electronic vote September 20.

3. Rose presented the property management report. Two tenants are struggling with payments. One is three months behind; a payment plan was negotiated and rent will be up to date by the end of the year. The other is also on a payment plan. All other tenants are current on rent.

4. Due to the lack of quorum, no action taken on election of a new treasurer. An electronic vote will be taken later in the week.

5. Due to the lack of quorum, no action taken on the appointment to the Tenant Selection Committee. An electronic vote will be taken later in the week.

6. Mary briefly discussed the current vacancy on the CCDC Board. Mary made contact with those individuals suggested, but no one was able to commit to being a board member. Mary will do outreach to the CCDC mailing list detailing the obligations and qualifications to see if anyone is interested. 

7. There was a reminder for Board members to have the training for Local Historic Districts, October 17, 6:30 pm, on their calendars. It will be held at Haskell House.

8. There was also a reminder for the COA-sponsored LHD information session for property owners that will be held November 8, 7pm, at St. Luke’s Church. 

9. Mary reviewed the plans for the CCDC 40th Birthday Party, October 28, Haskell House. BJ has come up with the graphics for the invitation for the party. Mary will be sending separate invitations to special people like former board members and Pastor Manning. There will also be a flier and email invitation to get the word out about the party. Carrot cake is being provided by Food Food in Tarrytown. BJ is getting the cake. Leigh Ann Atherton will be providing the music and Johnny is doing the sound system. Salt Lick may be providing the food but Freedman’s is also putting out a bid for the catering as well. There will be tents up for the music and food as it is a possible rain day. If it is hot, misters will be out. Mary will be soliciting sponsors this week. Teri is doing a sign thanking all sponsors and that will be up and visible at the party. Teri is also doing the fliers. The t-shirts Aubrey designed will be for sale. Malcolm and Mary chose a photo of Pumpkin and Ruth Ann that will be framed and hung in the neighborhood center next to Pauline’s. It will be the same size as Pauline’s as well. The party starts at 3 and food available at 3:30. The city proclamation of CCDC’s birthday will be on October 4, 5:30 at city hall. Everyone who can attend is asked to be there.

10. Mary gave an update on negotiations with the owner of 1002 Charlotte to avoid demolition and maintain it as a contributing house. Mary and Malcolm with one other went to the historic landmark meeting at city hall on 9/10. The owner did not show and so the demolition request was postponed until next Monday, September 24. The owner then told Mary she was not going to demolish the house but only renovate. She sent drawings of her plans to Mary which Mary passed on to the neighborhood preservation office. The feedback Mary received from the preservation office was that the house would no longer be a contributing house if the plans were approved. Mary forwarded the comments to the owner and has since not heard back from the owner. Anyone who can attend the 9/24 meeting, please do so. An argument offered to help stop demolition was to ask that the owner follow requirements for a house with lead based paint and possibly asbestos.

11. Report on the ice cream social was all positive. The event was successful and had a happy energy with parents congregating in front  of Haskell House and socializing.

12. Under other business, Paula discussed the Community Activated Project process through the city parks department to get projects approved. The plan is to use the money left over from the shade structure project, $1000, to build a simple pergola by the splash pad, plant a tree at the northwest corner of the bathroom building and re-paint the basketball court. The cost of these will be more than $1000, but the plan itself has to be approved first and funding can be solicited to complete the project. Or at least that is the hope. The next deadline is October 1, so Paula will attempt to complete and turn in the request by then.

13. There was no Executive Session.

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Abigail Hulme Abigail Hulme

Minutes, August 21, 2018

Minutes from the August 21st, 2018 Clarksville CDC Monthly Meeting


Board members in attendance: Chris Thomas, Mary Reed, BJ Friedman, Paula Hern, Aubrey Carter, Gregory Tran

Others in attendance: Rose Gabriel

1.       We approved minutes from the July meeting. Aubrey made the motion. Paula second. One correction was requested: BJ’s name does not have periods in it. [Secretary’s. note: this correction has been made and is reflected in the minutes posted on the CCDC website.]

2.       We reviewed the financial report. We had a loss of $6,022 in July. Current checking balance is $10,632.

3.       We reviewed the property management report. All but two tenants are current on their rent. One is on a payment plan and on schedule to be caught up by October 15; the other is currently 1 month behind. 

4.      Because of a scheduling conflict with CCDC board meeting, Teri Taylor has resigned her position on the board. Several potential options for board members were discussed. Mary suggested all members should give some thought to anyone they know that might be interested. We will discuss further via email.

5.       The Local Historic District training will be on October 17th at 7:30pm at the Haskell House. Mary will see if we can move it to 7:00pm. Mary suggested everyone review the material on the LHD website beforehand. There will be a neighborhood-wide session sometime after that, with the potential of  having house parties afterwards to inform/educate the neighborhood.

6.       The Ice Cream Social will be this Sunday from 3-5. Mary instructed the volunteers to show up no later than 2:15 for prep work. We need someone to go to the grocery store beforehand for supplies; BJ volunteered. Rose will turn the A/C in the HH on Sunday morning

7.       We discussed the city-owned lot at 1611 West 10th. Mary heard back from the city. The lot is being turned over to AHFC on August 30th. AHFC will ground lease the property to the CCDC for construction of a new house. Rose will be meeting with ACDDC next Wednesday to determine the lot size house size and site plan. There was discussion about whether it should be 1 story or 2. We will investigate the possibility of excavating the lot and building 2 stories. 

8.       We discussed the housing initiative proposal. Mary submitted the proposal Austin Community Foundation, but found out later that they have a maximum word count requirement. Mary might revise, but has concerns that we will not properly get our point across with fewer words.

9.       No other business was discussed.

10. The Board did not meet in Executive Session. The meeting adjourned around 7:10.

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Abigail Hulme Abigail Hulme

Minutes, July 17, 2018

Minutes from the July 17, 2018 Clarksville CDC Monthly Meeting

Board members present: BJ Friedman, Mary Reed, Chris Thomas, Gregory Tran, Aubrey Carter, Malcolm Greenstein,

Others present: Rose Gabriel

1.    Financial and property reports were presented first because the meeting was started with insufficient members to vote on passing previous minutes. As of 6/30/2018, the checking account had balance of $0.01 due to a June expense of $6,974.00 on make-ready preparations for properties. The saving balance is $57,328.

2.    One tenant is one month behind in rent; lease will not be renewed until tenant is current on rent. Another tenant is one month behind and has submitted a plan to catch up. The plan was accepted and they are living up to plan. 

3.        Upon Malcolm's arrival, and on a motion by Chris, seconded by B.J., the minutes were reviewed and passed unanimously.

4.    A discussion was held about the adoption of a new Tenant Selection Policy. The move to approve was made by Chris and seconded by Aubrey. The vote was unanimous.

5.    The website for the Clarksville Buass Martin Local Historic District is up at www.clarksvillebuassmartinlhd.org  Fliers will be distributed when school returns to session. There was a discussion of the LHD and how to proceed. Mary said that she believes that the first step will be for the City to hold a meeting in the LHD area to educate people about the LHD process. There will also be training for board members about the LHD details as we'll as house parties to help property owners understand LHDs and to get their questions answered. 

6.    A date of August 26th was set for the Ice Cream Social. A time of 3-5pm was suggested. The social will be at the Haskell House this year and we will rent a drip/swamp fan.

7.    The meeting adjourned at 7:03pm.



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Abigail Hulme Abigail Hulme

Minutes, June 19, 2018

Minutes from June 19, 2018 Clarksville CDC Monthly Meeting

Board Members in Attendance: Aubrey Carter, BJ Friedman, Paula Hern, Mary Reed, Chris Thomas, Gregory Tran

1.     The minutes from the May 15, 2018 monthly board meeting were approved with corrections. Greg made the motion and Paula seconded.

2.     The Financial Report was given by Mary as Rose was not able to attend. We had a net loss of $10,256.02 for the past month due to expenses related to repair and painting of the Neighborhood Center, a new AC unit at 1812A Waterson, and tree trimming in the cul de sac. Our checking balance is $5716, savings balance $68,020.31. Aubrey moved approval of the Financial Report, and Paula seconded.

3.     The Property Management Report was submitted by Rose. One tenant is behind one month on rent; another tenant who has been behind has had a payment plan established to become current by 10/15/18. One unit is vacant with new tenant selection underway. One tenant is providing income verification in order to renew lease. BJ moved to approve the Property Management Report; Aubrey seconded.

4.     Chris reported on the appointments to the Tenant Selection Committee. Chris moved and Aubrey seconded the motion for the new appointments. Current committee members whose terms have expired agreed to continue and be reappointed. BJ will be the new board member and Pamela Jackson will be the new tenant member. The current makeup of the Tenant Selection, and their term of service, is as follows:

Term ends

Chris Thomas, CCDC                            May 2019

Teri Taylor, CCDC                                May 2020

BJ Friedman, CCDC                             May 2020

Malcolm Greenstein, CCDC                May 2019

Bob Bauer, at-large                            May 2019

Chris Crane, at-large                           May 2020

Pamela Jackson, tenant                      May 2019

5.     The revised Tenant Selection Committee policy was discussed. Minor edits were suggested. The revised policy will be brought back for approval at the June board meeting after revisions are made, including how expired terms will be handled and to include staggered terms for committee members.

6.     Mary provided an update on the Local Historic District (LHD) proposal. Allison submitted the proposal to the city staff who suggested changes. Allison made changes appropriate for our proposal. Mary and Kim read the edited proposal and made additional changes. In the meantime, the neighborhood maps had to be redrawn. As soon as the maps are available, the proposal will be uploaded to the LHD website for neighborhood residents to read.

7.     Mary provided a report on the Clarksville Family Fun Fest 2018, held June 10, 2018. Board members expressed satisfaction for the event. The music was uniformly great; the clown’s performance was a big draw for families. The food provided by Mission Dogs was not child friendly and not as appealing as we would have liked. The climbing wall was also very successful. Rose will provide a comparison chart of profit/loss for the Fest over the past several years.

8.     Other business: Paula mentioned a neighbor suggested that we should charge a membership fee. The board discussed the idea and decided that since members of CCDC are shareholders in the organization, charging a membership fee would be inappropriate. It was also mentioned that interested neighbors are welcome to make donations to the CCDC.

The board also discussed potential opportunities for expanding our rental property inventory.

9.     The Board did not meet in Executive Session.

10.  The meeting was adjourned at 7:05 PM.

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Abigail Hulme Abigail Hulme

Minutes, May 15, 2018

Minutes from May 15, 2018 Clarksville CDC Monthly Meeting

Board members in attendance: Aubrey Carter, Malcolm Greenstein, Paula Hern, Kim Kronzer O’Brien, Mary Reed, Gregory Tran

Others in attendance:  Rose Gabriel

1.    On a motion by Malcolm, seconded by Paula, the annual meeting minutes were approved. And on a motion by Malcolm, seconded by Aubrey, the monthly minutes were approved with corrections. (corrections noted on this copy.)

2.    Rose reported that we showed a net gain of $4,753 for the past month. Our checking balance as of the end of April is $14,624, savings balance $66,020. Rose warned the board to expect an increase in expenses in the upcoming month due to exterior work being done at the Neighborhood Center and the installation of a new a/c unit at 1821A Waterston.

3.    Rose’s property management report showed that all units are occupied and all tenants are current on rent. Regarding leases that are expiring this summer, everyone will renew except for 1011A Charlotte and 1009B Charlotte. These tenants are moving on of their own accord to pursue other housing opportunities, including this success story: one tenant will be buying a home!

4.    APD Officer Ryan Tedford attended the meeting to introduce himself and to see what if any safety concerns we have in Clarksville. Officer Tedford, along with 9 others, works the nightshift in the Baker sector (that stretches from IH35 to 360, Colorado River to 183.) Clarksville is in Baker 2. He reported that there is not much crime in historic Clarksville. Statistics for this year show that the biggest problems are crashing into vehicles and leaving (6) and car burglaries (3). There are more burglaries of vehicles in “greater” Clarksville, as well as DWIs because of our proximity to W 6th Street.

In response to Officer Tedford, Mary reported that our biggest issue is public safety. Our neighborhood has become a shortcut for people who don’t want to be caught in traffic. She told him that it was only a matter of time before someone is injured or worse, and asked what could be done? Officer Tedford said that policing in Austin is more reactive than proactive, but there are things that could be done, for example: officers could spend their “down” time in the neighborhood looking for parking/traffic violations. Another possibility is for him to contact the District Representative—it is their job to watch for these kinds of things. With that being said, though, he noted that when APD starts writing tickets, it’s often the people who live in the neighborhood get ticketed and they might get irritated. Our District Representative is Officer Harvey, 512-974-8123. Ryan will write up what we’ve talked about and pass it on to Officer Harvey. Neighborhood residents may contact Officer Harvey as well.

5.    On a motion by Malcolm, seconded by Aubrey, the current officers were reelected to another one-year term. Mary Reed, president; Chris Thomas, vice-president, Kim Kronzer O’Brien, secretary; Teri Taylor, treasurer.

6.    New appointments are needed to the Tenant Selection Committee. RuthAnn Brown, was serving in a seat designated for board members, the tenant representative has left CCDC housing, and many serving have terms that have expired. Chris, chair of the TSC, will check with current TSC members to insure they want to continue to serve and will make recommendation to fill the two current vacancies.  

Rose will review the duties of TSC to make sure that current policies are up-to-date.

7.    The Clarksville Family Fun Fest is set for May 20, 2018, 1-5 p.m. Mary reminded the board that set up will begin at 10 a.m. and everyone needs to be there.

8.    Mary reported a good turnout for the Buaas-Martin walking tour, probably 25-30 people. Participants enjoyed themselves and learned a lot about the neighborhood. We will offer the tour again in the fall, for those who couldn’t make it that day. People learned a lot about the neighborhood. People who couldn’t come that day asked if we could do it again.

The John Warfield Center for African and African American Studies sponsored a walking tour of Clarksville on May 1, led by their students. It was well attended and attracted a good deal of media attention. They will be leading two more tours on May 19, these in conjunction with The Contemporary.

9.    In Other Business, Aubrey announced that we will have RuthAnn’s Clarksville t-shirts available for sale at the Fun Fest.

10.                  The Board did not meet in Executive Session.  




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Abigail Hulme Abigail Hulme

Minutes, April 17, 2018 CCDC Monthly Meeting

Minutes from the April 17, 2018 Clarksville CDC Monthly Meeting

Members present: Mary Reed, Malcolm Greenstein, Teri Taylor, Chris Thomas, BJ Friedman, Paula Hern

Others present: Rose Gabriel

1.    Approval of minutes from the March 20, 2018 monthly board meeting. Kim O’Brien.

The minutes were approved with the following correction: On item 9, the third line, was corrected to read “to hear back from them.” BJ moves to approve and Chris seconds.

2.    Financial report and finance committee report. Rose Gabriel, Teri Taylor.

The negative utility number was due to a check being over drawn that was repaid. Rose said everyone is current on their rent. There was no financial committee report.

3.    Property management report. Rose Gabriel.

Property management report. There is someone new in 1007 A Charlotte-a single mom with a 10-year-old daughter. They were referred through St. Louise house. They came with furniture donated through that program.

4.    Report on CCDC Membership Drive. Mary Reed.

In May 2017, the board decided to no longer require CCDC membership to be renewed annually. The transition from annual to permanent membership went smoothly. Using electronic membership lists that dated back to 2014, an email was sent to 96 previous members notifying them of their permanent membership status. One person asked to be removed from the list. Some members responded that they were pleased with the change. No negative comments were received. Additionally, 8 people new to CCDC submitted applications in response to our March Membership Drive. We now have 103 current members, almost twice as many as we have had in each of the previous 4 years.

5.    Report on efforts to obtain grant funding for Clarksville NHRD street sign toppers and expanded promotion of the Walking Tour. Mary Reed.

We were awarded $1240 from Preservation Austin, one-half the cost of 15 street sign toppers to mark the boundaries of the Clarksville NHRD, and to create and print an 11 x 16 poster promoting the Clarksville Walking Tour. The total cost of project is $2380. Our request to Visit Austin’s Heritage Grant program for the 15 sign toppers was rejected because they were told by the City Neighborhood Preservation Office that street sign toppers should mark Local Historic District only. This is not what we were told when we contacted the NPO. Mary and Kim will work to find a solution to this conflicting information and move forward as we are able. Until we know for certain that the signs can be installed, we will hold off on looking for the additional money needed to match the Preservation Austin grant.

6.    Discussion of Local Historic District (LHD) next steps. Mary Reed.

Mary stated staff at the neighborhood preservation office are short staffed and working overtime which is why it has taken a couple months for them to review the LHD materials Alyson McGee drafted. Allyson has the edited materials now and is revising them. She will send them to Mary who will review them. Then they can be added to our LHD website and the site can go live.

7.    Update on FunFest 2018 (May 20, 2018, 1-5 p.m). Mary Reed.

All underwriters (except two) have paid. The fest is fully funded. There will be one food truck (Taco Flats), climbing wall instead of bouncy house for older kids, and a train instead of a pony. We will have ice cream and popcorn. The yard signs will go up in the Clarksville area to try and increase attendance. We are still waiting on the poster designs from ACC. Teri has agreed to put the past 10 poster designs together for this year’s poster if needed. The music is in place. There are new items for the silent auction. Mary to put out a volunteer schedule closer to the fest’s time.

8.    Other Business

Mary reported on the status of the Buaas-Martin walking tour on April 29. Announcements have gone out and there will be fliers delivered in neighborhood. Everyone will meet at the corner of Augusta and the grassy area at W. 6th

Other walking tours are two Clarksville walking tours sponsored by the John Warfield Center for African and African American Studies.  One on May 1 and the other to be announced.

Other business-BJ contacted the Shade Project and they are donating sunscreen for the Fun Fest. BJ got the name of the supplier of the previous shade structure and their low-end structures are $7-9 thousand dollars. Rose offered some screens she had, but they will need the metal supports. BJ and Rose to explore possibilities.

9.     Executive Session (if necessary)

The board did not meet in Executive Session.

Action taken via Electronic Vote:

On April 26, 2018, the board agreed to adjust the monthly rent of a tenant based on tenant’s current income. The change will be in effect for six months.

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Abigail Hulme Abigail Hulme

Minutes, April 17, 2018, Annual Meeting

Minutes from the April 17, 2018 Clarksville CDC Annual Meeting

Members present: Mary Reed, Malcolm Greenstein, Teri Taylor, Chris Thomas, BJ Friedman, Paula Hern

Others present: Rose Gabriel

1.             Presentation of the “State of the CCDC” Annual Report, Mary Reed, President.

The text of Mary’s State of the CCDC Annual Report:

When I was thinking about what to say about the CCDC’s past year, the following words immediately came to mind: “tragedy,” “weather” and “public affairs.”

I thought of the word “tragedy” because RuthAnn Brown died suddenly last October and her death was a huge loss for Clarksville and the CCDC because in many ways RuthAnn was Clarksville. She was also a reminder of how things used to be in Clarksville and of the importance of trying to preserve the neighborhood’s history and traditional sense of community. Clarksville will never be quite the same now that she is no longer barreling down the streets in her big old car, making us laugh with her crazy sense of humor, serving up plates of barbecue at the Fun Fest, or loudly speaking out about the things she disagreed with, especially when those things involved the Republicans. 

The word “weather” popped into my mind because last year it disrupted our plans like no other time in my memory. Specifically, we had to cancel our ice cream social because of Hurricane Harvey; heavy rain and thunderstorms forced us to cancel the Haunted House; and this year, we cancelled our January board meeting because of snow and ice. 

And I thought of the words “public affairs” because of several initiatives the CCDC undertook in an effort to not only educate area residents about some important issues that will affect them, but also to help the CCDC become more of a leader in addressing those issues. Specifically, we wrote a very comprehensive position paper on CodeNEXT that was highly praised and shared, and we began our Community Conversation series. As a reminder, between July of last year and January of this year, we hosted three Community Conversations, each of which tackled a different timely issue and featured expert speakers. The first one educated people about CodeNEXT; the second focused on whether affordable housing, density and diversity were mutually exclusive; and the third addressed LHDs -- what they do and don’t do -- and introduced the Clarksville Buass-Martin local historic district to attendees. And since then we’ve developed a website for the LHD, submitted our draft design standards and draft LHD application to the city’s Office of Historic Preservation for its feedback, and began work on a guided walking tour for the Buass-Martin area.

As a result of Community Conversation #2 at which John Henneberger suggested that individual neighborhoods take on the challenge of increasing affordability and diversity within their boundaries in accordance with their own values and priorities, the CCDC began work on an ambitious proposal to do just that in all of Old West Austin. The proposal was shared with a wide variety of people in order to get their feedback and buy-in and it was generally met with enthusiasm. I will provide an update on this project during today’s regular board meeting.

2.             Presentation regarding the CCDC’s Financial Status, Teri Taylor, Treasurer. (report to be attached)

3.             Presentation regarding the CCDC’s housing program, Rose Gabriel, Property Manager.      (report to be attached)

4.             Announcement of Election Results, BJ Friedman, Election Administrator

BJ Friedman, Election Administrator, announced the election results. Current board members, Malcolm Greenstein, Paula Hern, Kim Kronzer O’Brien, Mary Reed, and Chris Thomas were reelected to another 2-year term.


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Abigail Hulme Abigail Hulme

Minutes, March 20, 2018

Minutes from the March 20, 2018 Board Meeting

Board members in attendance: Aubrey Carter, BJ Friedman, Paula Hern, Kim O’Brien, Chris Thomas, and Gregory Tran

1.    Approval of minutes from the February 20, 2018 monthly board meeting. Kim O’Brien, 5 minutes.

On a motion by Aubrey, seconded by Chris, the February 20, 2018 minutes were approved.

2.    Financial report and finance committee report. Rose Gabriel, Teri Taylor, 5 minutes.

Rose Gabriel was ill. Chris presented the financial reports. Our balances are healthy: $16,417 in checking, $43,020 in savings. We finished February with a net balance of $3,198.

The Finance Committee did not meet this month.

3.    Property management report. Rose Gabriel, 5 minutes.

All tenants are current on rent, and new tenants scheduled to move into 1011B Charlotte at the end of the month.

4.    Report on CCDC Membership Drive. Kim O’Brien, 5 minutes.

Kim reported that door-to-door flyers with membership information and notice of the April 17, 2018 Annual Meeting and upcoming board election were delivered last weekend. Also, information is posted on bulletin boards & the website. Last April, the board instituted the change that membership is now permanent—anyone who has been a member since 2014 is now a permanent member. Anyone who submits an application from this point forward will be a permanent member. The membership list form 2014-2017 is about 100 members. Kim also noted that she coordinated delivery of information to Sweet Home with Pastor Manning.

5.    Report on upcoming Board of Directors election (5 positions up for election; voting to take place April 17, 2018, prior to the Annual Meeting.) Kim O’Brien, 5 minutes.

Five positions are up for election: currently filled by Malcolm Greenstein, Paula Hern, Kim O’Brien, Mary Reed, and Chris Thomas. All have indicated their intent to run for another term. Anyone else who is interested in serving on the board needs to notify Kim by March 25 (this information is included on the Annual Meeting flyer delivered door-to-door and posted on bulletin boards and the website.)

6.    Report on efforts to obtain grant funding for Clarksville NHRD street sign toppers and expanded promotion of the Walking Tour. Kim O’Brien, 5 minutes.

Kim reported that we have submitted a grant application to Preservation Austin requesting funding to install 15 street sign toppers for the Clarksville NHRD, and $ to create and print an 11 x 16 poster promoting the Walking Tour. The total cost of project is $2380. Since Preservation Austin requires a 50% match, our request was for $1240

Additionally, an application was submitted to Visit Austin’s Heritage Grant program for the 15 sign toppers. No match was required so we requested the total cost of project, $2,250.

7.    Discussion of Local Historic District (LHD) next steps. Kim O’Brien, 2 minutes.

Kim presented the following report from Mary Reed, who was out of town: We’re still waiting for the COA to provide feedback to Alyson re draft design standards and application and then for Alyson to revise accordingly. Unfortunately, the Neighborhood Preservation Office is swamped and so the review and feedback process is very delayed. Other than that, the LHD website is ready to go.

8.    Update on FunFest 2018. Kim O’Brien, 2 minutes.

Kim presented the following report from Mary Reed: We have all Fun Fest activities underwritten and the checks are coming in. BJ arranged for Taco Flats to sell food at the event and the food truck is not requiring that it make at least X amt. of $ at the event so that's a really good thing.

Next big task will be to line up volunteers, but we are not going to need as many as in year's past because there will be no big kids bouncy house and we will not be selling food ourselves.

Aubrey stated that he would like for us to sell the RuthAnn Brown’s t-shirt at the FunFest. (This was the shirt RuthAnn had planned to unveil at her Block Party in November 2018.) There was some discussion regarding the best use of proceeds from the sales, a way to honor RuthAnn’s legacy. No final decision was made.

9.    Other Business

BJ reported that she contacted the Shade Project to inquire about financial assistance for additional shade structures at Mary Baylor Clarksville Park, but has yet to hear back from them. She will contact them again. Paula spoke with Tree Folks about more trees for the park. We will need to show approval from the City and a watering plan before they can assist.

10.     Executive Session (if necessary)

The Board did not meet in Executive Session

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Abigail Hulme Abigail Hulme

Minutes, February 20, 2018

Minutes from the February 20, 2018 CCDC Board Meeting

Board members in attendance: Aubrey Carter, BJ Friedman, Malcolm Greenstein, Paula Hern, Kim O’Brien, Mary Reed, and Chris Thomas.

Others in attendance: Rose Gabriel

1.    On a motion by Aubrey, seconded by BJ, the minutes from the November 21, 2017 monthly board meeting were approved.

2.    Rose and Teri reported that there is nothing significant to note on the monthly financials. With the 4 make-readys of late 2017 behind us, we are back to a monthly net profit, and will be able to start putting money back into savings. As of the end of January, we had $12,862 in checking and $43,020 in savings.

Rose reported that we returned the remaining $50,000 HomeBase loan to them in December. We are now making quarterly payments on the first loan. (note: we still will be able to access the HomeBase money when we need it for new construction.) A bank service charge on the December profit & loss statement was for a wire fee associated with this transfer.  

The Finance Committee met earlier in the day. Teri reported that she could not find any options for a better return on our investments, at least not one that wouldn’t require a long-term investment, than the 3% we are currently making. Rose will ask our accountant questions the finance committee have about the “depreciation” item on our balance sheet.

3.    Rose presented the property management report. All tenants are current on rent. We currently have one vacant unit. Rose is working to find a tenant.

4.    Officer Ryan Tedford, APD, was unable to attend the meeting. Mary said that if we have any questions about neighborhood safety, let her know and she will pass them on to Officer Tedford. Speeding cut-through traffic, on all streets but the east-west streets in particular, was discussed. Mary will talk to him about increased patrols and enforcement of the no right turns onto W. 10th. W. 11th, and Waterston from Newfield.  

5.    Rose presented a request received from St. Phillip’s Anglican Church to use the Haskell House 2 Sundays a month for services until they can find a permanent location for their congregation. After much discussion, the board, on a motion by Aubrey, seconded by Malcolm, voted not to enter into a long-term obligation of the Haskell House.

6.    Regarding Community Conversation #3, The Local Historic District as a Neighborhood Preservation Tool, held January 23 (Presenters: Cara Burtron, COA Deputy Historic Preservation Officer, and Alyson McGee, historic preservation consultant), Mary reported that the meeting went well. It was well attended and many people signed a list requesting more information.

7.    Mary reported that work on the Local Historic District (LHD) website is continuing and should be complete soon. She and Alyson McGee have suggested changes to the City’s LHD FAQ, which will appear on the website. Once the website is up and people have had a chance to look at it, we can begin scheduling house parties &/or meetings.

8.    Mary reported on work that she and John O’Brien have been doing toward the undertaking of a project to survey housing in Clarksville and the rest of Old West Austin. They have prepared a grant proposal and will be seeking funding through the Austin Community Foundation. OWANA will be a part of this effort.

9.    The 10th Annual FunFest will take place on Sunday, May 20, 2018. Plans are moving forward. We’ve hit a snag on underwriting—Grande has decided not to support the FunFest this year—but Mary believes that other local businesses will come through. Malcolm suggested contacting the new owners of the Tavern. Instead of the pony ride, we will have a trackless train, and only one bouncy house, for younger kids only. A climbing wall will replace the second bouncy house. Instead of handling the food in-house, we are looking at a food truck or 2. And we are soliciting ACC graphic art students to participate in a poster design contest (a $150 prize to the winner.)

10.Under Other Business: Paula reported that there is $1000 left over from shade structure project at Mary Baylor Clarksville Park. We talked about seating by the basketball court, or more seating near the playground/splash pad. Also about more trees, possibly through Tree Folks (although watering was a concern.) BJ will contact the Shade Project to see if they might be able to help us somehow.

11. The board did not meet in Executive Session. 



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Abigail Hulme Abigail Hulme

Minutes, November 21, 2017

Minutes from Clarksville CDC Monthly Meeting, November 21, 2017

Board members in attendance: Aubrey Carter, BJ Friedman, Kim O’Brien, Mary Reed, Teri Taylor, Chris Thomas

Others present: Emily Price (lives on 13th street; wants to get involved with CCDC); Kendall Collier

1.    On a motion by BJ, seconded by Aubrey, the minutes from the October 17, 2017 monthly board meeting were approved with corrections to Items 2, 3, 4, and 6. These changes have been made to the official copy of the minutes (which has been posted on the website.)

2.    Teri reported that our balance sheet shows a negative this month. Expenses were high in the past month due to unit make-readys (1007B Charlotte and 1708B W. 10th.) The good news is that we have now completed the last of the big projects (e.g., bathrooms) in our units and future make-readys will be far less expensive. Despite the negative balance, our situation is far from dire. Our savings balance is healthy, and anticipated future receipts will replenish the checking balance.

Rose mentioned in the November 20, 2017 Finance Committee meeting that one reason that led to us showing a deficit is our Depreciation line item. We are required to “budget” for this figure, but it is she was going to ask our accountant about our depreciation. This is something that we are required to include in our monthly expenditures, but it does not represent money that we actually expend. Teri reported that she and Rose will talk to our accountant to see if there is a recommendation for how we handled our depreciation requirements without it affecting our monthly Profit and Loss statements.

Teri reported that she will be looking into the best way to handle the additional $50,000 loan money that we’ve received from HomeBase. We cannot expend this money at this time, so we need to decide if we want to return it to them until we can use it, or do we want to research methods by which we can earn interest on the balance.

Teri also reported that she is setting up either a Google Doc (or Dropbox) for the Board in order to share all of our important documents, including property list, current rents, rent determination formula, financial statements, bylaws, etc.

Additionally, the Finance Committee discussed end of year gifts for our tenants. It was decided to patronize local businesses and purchase gift cards from Zocolo/Galaxy.

3.    This month’s property report: All units are currently leased. There were 3 move-ins this month, 3 new families in CCDC housing.

4.    Mary reported that at the Community Conversation #2, featured John Henneberger proposed that neighborhoods should create their own plans to address affordable housing and other issues that affect them. A follow-up meeting was held to include those who expressed an interest at that meeting to be involved in this process. In that and subsequent meetings, John Henneberger proposed that a neighborhood planner be hired to do a granular assessment of housing that currently exists in Old West Austin—what type of housing exists, owner occupied/rental, etc., and to hire a community organizer who would go door to door to collect information on people who live in the housing now and what their needs might be. John feels that grant money could be obtained to cover these costs, possibly from the Austin Community Foundation or the Dell Foundation. Mary and John O’Brien will work with John Henneberger to better define the project and seek required funds. BJ offered to help with the grant writing. At this time, the funding needs are estimated to be approximately $100K, and could be accomplished in 9 months. John Henneberger will stay involved for the duration of the project.

This is a way through which to be proactive in asserting control for what happens to our neighborhood. Mary will meet with OWANA representatives to let them know what we are doing, and to gain their support.

5.    The Board discussed the next steps for the Local Historic District planning. They include:

·      The next Community Conversation (#3) to discuss Local Historic Districts as Neighborhood Preservation Tools. Speakers will be Alyson McGee and Cara Burtron (city deputy historic preservation officer.)

·      Next, a LHD workshop for area/block captains. There will be handouts --  an LHD brochure from the COA, articles that counter some of the common fallacies about LHDs -- that they drive up property taxes, for example. 

·      Block captains will hold small group events to share information, and will follow up with people after their block parties to find out if they have any questions or concerns. Need to keep the lines of communication open at all times. Alyson and Cara will be available to help with answers as needed.

·      The CCDC will send a letter to absentee property owners about the LHD, the design standards, etc.

·      A general neighborhood meeting about the LHD and the design standards will take place.

·      When it comes time to vote on the design standards, the COA will mail information and ballots to every property owner along with a letter from the CCDC. Block captains will also hand out ballots door-to-door

·      Information on the proposed LHD will be included on the CCDC website.

A question was raised as to how CodeNext handles LHDs. This is unknown at this time. Originally, it looked like LHDs would override, but target seems to be shifting.

6.    The Haunted House at the Haskell House was cancelled due to inclement weather. In order to find a use for all the mini-pumpkins that didn’t get decorated on Halloween, we hosted a potluck at the Haskell House a week later. It was a nice event, even though it sprinkled on us and we had to move inside the Haskell House. The food was delicious, and the kids (and some adults) in attendance enjoyed the Thanksgiving-themed pumpkin decorating crafts.

7.    The Clarksville Caroling Party, jointly sponsored by the CCDC and OWANA will be held on December 23, time to be decided. Santa will be there, and Frances Barton will be leading the caroling. Mary will contact Zocolo about food. Paula will talk to Nightcap, along with supplying the wine.

8.    Other Business

Kendall Collier, 1701 W. 11th, presented details of her home renovation project. She intends to retain the home’s architectural details, The front, which faces the sidewalk connecting the two portions of Charlotte, will stay the same, an addition will be added in the back. She’s working with  Richard Hughes. Siding will be replaced, but will match what’s there now. The additions will be board & batten. She is not asking for any variances.

Kendall’s plan call for a one car garage, which led Mary to point out that neighborhood designs guidelines do onot include garages. Kendall wants the garage for security and storage; Aubrey suggested changing windows on the garage door so that they more mimic the windows in the house—Kendall is amendable to this. Permitting process to begin soon, which will lead for the project to come before the Historic Landmark Commission. She would like a letter of support for the project for when she goes before the HLC. Mary wants to see a revised plan first. Kendall will talk to Richard re. garage door options and we will take this up again as the changes are made and when it is set for HLC hearing.

Malcolm paid for RuthAnn Brown’s obituary. The CCDC agreed to reimburse him.

9.     The Board met in Executive Session



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Abigail Hulme Abigail Hulme

Minutes, October 17, 2017

Minutes from the October 17, 2017 Monthly Clarksville CDC Board Meeting

Board Members present: Aubrey Carter, BJ Friedman, Malcolm Greenstein, Paula Hern, Kim O’Brien, Mary Reed, and Chris Thomas

Others present: Rose Gabriel

1.    On a motion by Malcolm, seconded by BJ, the September 19, 2017 monthly board meeting minutes were approved with the corrected spelling of David Gottfried’s name.

2.    Rose presented the monthly financial report. The report shows a net income loss of $2,377. The loss is due to unprecedented turnover which led to both a loss in rental income (due to vacant units) and make-ready expenses on vacated units. The checking account shows a negative balance, but this has been rectified. Savings balances are very healthy.

We are beginning a new fiscal year. The fiscal year just ended shows a loss due to the Alley Flat construction.

Rose presented the 2017-2018 CCDC Operating Budget. It shows an anticipated income of $169,500 and anticipated expenses of $167,450. The expenses include $36,000 in depreciation. Rose pointed out that this is not an actual expense, but a line item that has to show for accounting purposes. Rose pointed out that there is an error regarding “Bank Service Charges/bounced checks”—it should be $100, not $1000. A question was raised regarding that line item. Rose explained that this is not technically an expense—any charged fees are reimbursed to us by tenants—but line item is needed for QuickBook purposes. She will talk to the accountant to see if there is a way for this to show differently. Rose will adjust the Income to add an additional $1000 (money raised by donated ACL tickets.)

On a motion by BJ, seconded by Chris, the budget was approved with the above noted amendments.

3.    Rose presented the property management report. CCDC will soon be welcoming 3 new families—a refugee family from Burundi, referred to us by Casa Marianela, a Mathews teacher with 2 children at O.Henry, a woman with 1 son at Austin High.

A question was raised about the Tenant Selection Committee. Rose reported that she has been forwarding info on prospective tenants to Chris, but did not share the information with the entire committee. From now on, all information will be shared with the entire committee.

4.    Mary reported that Community Conversation #2: “Preserving Neighborhood Character, Adding Diversity, Managing Density” (held October 3, 2017.) John Henenberger’s talk was both inspiring and thought-provoking. His articles are posted on the CCDC website (see CC #2 web post.) What was discussed was not directly related to CodeNext, but a way to address affordability, diversity, etc. by individual neighborhoods working to develop their own plans. Idea of being proactive in the face of CodeNext is appealing. A number of folks—not just Clarksville residents, but Old West Austin residents, too—expressed an interest in forming a working group.

Community Conversation #3 will probably occur in January, the likely topic being Local Historic Districts.

5.    Mary reminded the board of a meeting to be held to follow up on ideas presented at Community Conversation #2 and determine next steps. The meeting will be held on Tuesday, October 24, 7 p.m. at St. Luke Methodist Church, downstairs meeting room.

6.    Mary reported that she and Aubrey have a meeting scheduled with Kim in Parks & Rec historic preservation person and a City architect to discuss railing at back of Haskell House which is not ADA compliant.

7.    Mary reminded the board of the Haunted House scheduled for October 31, 2017, 6-8 p.m. at the Haskell House.

8.    The board was scheduled to discuss the upcoming block party planned by RuthAnn Brown. Instead, Mary reported that RuthAnn Brown was in the hospital, in ICU. Sadly, RuthAnn passed away a few days later.

9.    Under Other Business:

Preservation Austin has a presentation on CodeNext and historic preservation scheduled for October 18, at their office.

Longtime Clarksville resident Margaret Keyes will be honored by Sweet Home MBC on November 5. CCDC will be represented at the event by either Aubrey or BJ.

An upcoming program of interest: “Austin's Black Westside: A Look at The Clarksville, Kincheonville, And Wheatville Communities.” The program will include Latoya Devezin, African American Community Archivist at the Austin History Center. The event takes place on December 5, 5:30 p.m. at the Gordon White Building (GWB) 2.206, 210 West 24th Street.

Mary reminded the board of the Barbara Harlow events/tribute on October 27-28. Friday is all about Barbara, tributes and a reception; Saturday is a conference that Barbara was planning before she died. 

10.  The board met in Executive Session to discuss a tenant issue.

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